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I have yet another question for the men!

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It seems complicated to me, maybe not? Do all guys cheat? I mean...really...I don't think my fiance could ever do that to me. I have friends (male and female) who say that guys will cheat regardless.


Another thing I'm curious about. I know there are women out there who would try to snatch a man just because he's taken! The thrill of it...sick people! Anyways, is it possible that a woman can get so far as so seduce a man that it's almost impossible for him to stop what could potentially happen? Once she has him in that powerful grasp of her evil witch rays? No matter how much he loves the person he's with...is it possible?


Riien says that he'd never let a woman get that close to him to even put him in that spot. I believe him completely and I trust him 100%, so this isn't a question about my own insecurities. I was just curious.

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No, all guys do not cheat.


I know there are women out there who would try to snatch a man just because he's taken!


I am pretty sure that there are both men and women who have a bent toward attaining the illicit. Don't no how common it would be.


Anyways, is it possible that a woman can get so far as so seduce a man that it's almost impossible for him to stop what could potentially happen?


I'm thinking that there would be plenty of men and women that could resist temptation. It really goes to the persons value system/beliefs.

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Anyways, is it possible that a woman can get so far as so seduce a man that it's almost impossible for him to stop what could potentially happen? Once she has him in that powerful grasp of her evil witch rays? No matter how much he loves the person he's with...is it possible?

if he's really in love he won't cheat. it's virtually impossible to be under the spell of more than one evil witch ray at a time.
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MY BF was burned big time by his previous GF. He took her back TWICE after she cheated. He knows what it feels like and I know with 100% certainty he will NEVER cheat on me. And I have been in the same boat and I know I will never cheat on him. If it came down to choosing between two people - I would have the respect to end things first BEFORE cheating on him. I doubt that would happen though cause I see myself being happy for quite a while with my BF

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No not all men cheat, and not all women cheat. There are those that do of both sexes and those that do not.


If they love you and have the commitment and desire to be with one and only one person , then in my opinion they will not cheat regardless of the situation at hand.


I was with one man for nearly a total of 30 years and he never cheated once and neither did I . We had a love and a respect for each other that was beyond words. Sadly to say I lost him when he died not quite three years ago.


Then later on I was involved with a guy that seemed to be a good guy at first, but after a period of time he proved to be nothing but a lying cheating deceptive person. I was with him for 18 months.


I have had both ends of the spectrum, with having had the most devoted, loving man the world could ask for, to having the sickest, most evil , conniving, cheating person I have ever encountered.


I guess that answers your question about if ALL men cheat. NO they don't.

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no not all guys will cheat..theres some guys out there who are perfect gentlemen and will never ever cheat on their lovers...but there are some men who will string women along and play with them...they would actually make excellent actors..they make things sound so convining but the real key is the eyes..well thats what i think...the eyes is like the keys to the soul...well at least thats what i experianced

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if he's really in love he won't cheat. it's virtually impossible to be under the spell of more than one evil witch ray at a time.


Originally Posted by randiandriien

lol I don't have evil witch rays! I was just curious. Thanks for the imput though!

i was just using "evil witch ray" as a metaphor for love. probably not my most brilliant post ever.


Dude, DO NOT even take that one back, that was your most brilliant post ever, LOL!


On a more serious note, no. All guys do not cheat, but all relationships are not perfect. If you are not getting everything you need out of it, your attention will wander. Personally it would go against my nature to cheat on someone I was in a serious relationship with, I would really have to break it off with the person I was with if I started wondering if there was someone better out there.

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Do not underestimate the power of the subconscious mind.


If you believe that all guys cheat, then the guys you enter into relationships with may cheat, because you already have some sort of built in self-fullfilling prophecy or expectation that they will cheat.


If you believe that no guy will cheat that comes into your life, then bingo, nobody is going to cheat, because you dont have that expectation. Read up books on the subconscious mind and positive thinking, and you'll see that what you think and believe is sometimes what you get.

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Another thing I'm curious about. I know there are women out there who would try to snatch a man just because he's taken! The thrill of it...sick people!


My dad cheated on my mom two years ago, and the woman he cheated with met him through work and pursued him because he was a married man. Married with five kids and an awesome job - a real catch - she just didn't care that he was already caught.


But he made his own decision. Even in cases where the woman is an "evil witch" pursuing someone who's taken, the guy KNOWS he's taken, and nobody can FORCE him to have an affair.

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It seems complicated to me, maybe not? Do all guys cheat? I mean...really...I don't think my fiance could ever do that to me. I have friends (male and female) who say that guys will cheat regardless.


No, not all men cheat. Nor are all women faithful. I know plenty of people of either sex whom have never cheated despite very long relationships, and some whom have. I sure would not want to be dating any of those friends of yours though!


I think if you believe all men cheat though, you may be less selective about the partners you choose, and thereforeeee end up with men whom do cheat...


Another thing I'm curious about. I know there are women out there who would try to snatch a man just because he's taken! The thrill of it...sick people! Anyways, is it possible that a woman can get so far as so seduce a man that it's almost impossible for him to stop what could potentially happen? Once she has him in that powerful grasp of her evil witch rays? No matter how much he loves the person he's with...is it possible?


There are men whom do the same. For some, it's not the thrill, but also their own personal issues.They get power out of knowing they distracted someone from their "love", they feel they are "better". It's really a self esteem issue.


No, I think you ALWAYS have the ability to say no and prevent such a situation. It depends on the individual. If you truly love and respect your partner, temptation does not have much strength or power.


Riien says that he'd never let a woman get that close to him to even put him in that spot. I believe him completely and I trust him 100%, so this isn't a question about my own insecurities. I was just curious.


Cheating starts long before the actual event, it is about what you choose to do, what you expose yourself too, what risks you take. I find it odd when people say they could not help it, when they could of by making better choices in the first place.


It's all about the individuals personal beliefs, values and choices. One always has the ability to say no. If they want to, that is.

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It seems complicated to me, maybe not? Do all guys cheat?


Anyways, is it possible that a woman can get so far as so seduce a man that it's almost impossible for him to stop what could potentially happen? Once she has him in that powerful grasp of her evil witch rays? No matter how much he loves the person he's with...is it possible?


To answer the first question, nope not all men cheat as well as not all women cheat either.


As for the second statement, if he cares about you and loves you as he says, then he wouldn't put himself in the cheating position in the first place. That overuse statement "One thing led to another, ect." is total BS, nope, one thing did NOT led to another, it was the person's conscious decision to proceed with the act of betrayal and go further, carring less about what the SO would think if this were found out, thus not caring about their partner as they should be. They may come to an extend of loving their partner as a person after cheating, but definitely not loving them as a whole, definitely NOT unconditional love.


Second, getting drunk till you get so wasted and didn't knew what you were doing isn't an excuse either. Whenever you reach a limit in where you are starting to feel the effects, then your body is letting you know how much it can tolerate in the system and a rational person who knows very well that he/she's not gonna feel great after another drink, would simply stop drinking more. Yes, you could drink, only not to get drunk, but to chill and talk to with friends on occasions. Now if you cna't even control yourself with few drinks and your firends, family have noticed your behavior, simply don't put yourself into that position, don't drink then.


Third, if that person's on your mind, even if someone beautiful approaches, you wouldn't even dare, not even if given the chance. Instead you woudl be thinking of finding ways to survice on the island until rescue comes along and you also try contacting your spouse.

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I've been friends with some pretty sleazy fellows over the years, but many of those sleazy fellows would not cheat on someone they were in a committed relationship with.


The reason they didn't? What's the point of being in a relationship if you are going to cheat? Might as well be single and save yourself the grief.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Very true, he may be remorseful about it, but it doens't matter once he cheated. Next thing is the excuses one makes up after cheating, but there're just that, plain justtifiable statements you make to cover up your mistake instead of saying "Maybe I don't really love you, I'm only infatuated with you and like the idea of a relation", but most come with the same BS "But I love him/her" after cheating.

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as a guy, I would never cheat on a woman unless she cheated on me.


If I found out my girl cheated on me I would cheat on her 100 times over with all of her best friends. and would probably make her life hell as much as I can without breaking any laws

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as a guy, I would never cheat on a woman unless she cheated on me.


Why bother behaving in the same level of immaturity like them, it'll worsten things!!!!! If you're finding yourself unable to forgive them nor throwing it in their face, then break up!!!!! Not only is revenge childish, but it's so difficult to carry out with the plan and takes more time than simply dumping the person.


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