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34 and feel like i'm too old.

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dude, you're totally hot! And you can't be old because that would mean that I am too, and I am NOT.


That chic was prolly not 23. She was probably lying 'bout her age. Don't worry about one rude girl anyway. I know it's a total cliche, but there are soooo many others out there.


You could easily score a girl of any (legal) age!


Back on the dating scene huh?? Have fun. I think you'll have tremendous luck.

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Oh please....this girl might say she's 23 but has the maturity of a 3 year old and i'm being generous.


You're not old at all and never let anyone put you down like that. If you were old then that makes my bf old!! I'm 26 and he's 35. He's not old at all to me.


My grandmother is almost 100, NOW, that's OLD! And she earned it!! =)

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You're not old dude! I know how you feel though, and I've developed a theory on that...


I'm 30, but people say I look 25. I figure if I act like I'm 20, that brings my effective age down to say 23 or so...


The only problem I see with this theory is that as I age, I must digress in maturity to compensate. I wonder how low I can go with that? I wonder how many cartoons I can watch in a day?


Yeah whatever, the point is you're not old and I bet in a few months, a year or so, you'll browse through these posts with your lovely lady and laugh!


You'll be fine dude...

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BetterKarma -


Where did you get the Avatar picture - is that your cat? It's soooo adorable!


RayKay metioned speed dating - I've tried it and it wasn't bad. It's the only time I've met so many potential "dates" in one night. They were all professional, attractive men and the women that went were also just as professional and serious about it. Nothing came of it for me (because of my state of mind at the time) but I would do it again.

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Orlander don't let her bother you... Her answer show how immature and shallow she is.. WOuld youwant to date someone like her even if she is hot???


I am in the same boat as you except I am 39 and am told l look anywhere from mid/late 20's to early 30's... I don't have a myspace page because it is mostly for younger people to hook up, no one wants a 39 year old male sending them a message...They judge you on your age alone...


I have been dating women anywhere from 22 to 50...Still I find nothing...


I wish people were more open minded...Makes you not want to even try and date with all the bull you have to go through...


Keep your head up....

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Orlander, someone as nice as you certainly doesn't need myspace to get back into dating. People often lie about their age on myspace to lock/unlock certain security features, and you don't want to get mixed up in that world.


As I and everyone else has said previously, you will do fine...

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If someone sent me a "pithy" message i'd be pretty pissed off, what are you some kind of wacko?

Well, it was a very short email that was to the point, but also had a degree of humor. I don't think what I wrote would have pissed her off. I could be wrong though. No, I'm not a wacko, but maybe she thought I was.


Thanks again everyone. For some reason I was pretty excited that this particular girl wrote me back. It's just the first time anyone ever responded like that to one of my emails. Oh well.


friscodi, I love your post. I hope you dont regress too much.


BetterKarma, I want a frog hat for my pug!!



In truth, its been a very short while now since I started to feel that I may be ready to move on. I know I may not be there yet, but at least if someone very nice came into my life I think I would be ready to love again...it just may take some more time to actually take the initiative to find love. I have friends who tell me to just stay active and social but not actively seek anyone...that when i am ready, she will appear. (not sure I believe that one though)


Thanks again everyone. I am in a much better mood now (I dont feel like I need that walker afterall)




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personally, i would have been surprised if a 23 yr old would have known the definition of pithy....


my opinion, it that people should stay w/in their own age group respectively.... this is especially true if you're over 30 and wanting to date women or men in their late teens early twenties...


the point i'm trying to make here (and don't shot me anyone) is that young adults at that time are just discovering who they are by definition of their own experiences, values, morals and convictions. intelligence not only is inherent or learned by academia but wisdom comes from life experiences.


i'm not at all surprised at her response... keep in mind she is in her early twenties - let's be pragmatic about this --- what were you really expecting ?!?! maturity, a certain degree of tact, or perhaps for her to see you on a playing field or common ground similiar to her peers...


c'mon now, don't buy too quickly into the whole age doesn't matter thing unless you can honestly say that you're willing to date someone your grandparents age and actually do it! sorry to be so honest about this one ~


in any event, you seem like a nice guy and not an eye sore by any means i'm sure if you look in the right places the opportunities will be there

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what's "pithy" ???


I'm checkin' link removed right now....


OK found it.... it says...


Precisely meaningful; forceful and brief


So what made JJ say, "If someone sent me a "pithy" message i'd be pretty pissed off, what are you some kind of wacko?" I thought it was gonna mean like, dirty or perverted or something....what's wrong with brevity?

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I think JJ was joking...at least that was my take. My mom was an english teacher, so a bit of her knowledge rubbed off on me...thus the use of the word "pithy".


Mba1, I don't really ever expect anything when I send out an email to someone I don't know. As a rule, I guess a good age range would be 25 to 35. There have to be, what, at least a couple dozen single women out there in the world that are in that age range??



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As a rule, I guess a good age range would be 25 to 35. There have to be, what, at least a couple dozen single women out there in the world that are in that age range??




there you go ..... 25-35 sounds to me (granted this is only my opinion) like a good idea !!!


it kills me when the whole age topic comes into the picture.... for instance, i have had the oppoturunity to date men anywhere from the age of 18-60.... do i do this, you ask??? NO


Why??? b/c i would like to have a partner in life, someone to go through life's adventures and experiences together, not someone who is going to teach me or show me things they have already done... conversely, i am not interested in being someone's teacher as well.


in the end, to each to own... but my personal experience age does matter on certain levels and definitely relative to certain degrees. if you pay attention closely the indicators and subtlies of age differences are quite transparent and influence the dynamics in age difference relationships to the point where in most cases, things are not equal or balanced in terms of respect, autonmy, intelligence, etc.


i like you and many others who have posted in this site look younger than i am (30) and don't get me wrong it is quite flattering when a youngster in his early twenties tries to pick up but in my eyes i see them like a little brother or the kid down the street who grew up... does this mean they are not attractive ? No, but not in a sexual way.


i could go on and on b/c this topic is mutlifaceted but i won't. it's my opinion that people who feverishly try to defend age differences as being of little to no consequence are the ones who perpetuate going after younger - naive or as they are termed (fun) girls. givemee a break !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Ha, 34 old? well then my boyfriend must be super old ... he's 39


But yeah, no worries. yeah you gotta start looking somewhere! at least you got a reponse from someone, though rude. people suck online sometimes.


anywho, yeah, i say drop a line/email to whoever you are attracted to or like. the worst that could happen is they say "no" like that one girl said. you seem like a nice guy and i'm sure you'll totally find a girl who totally enjoys your company and doens't think you're old


Plus you look pretty hot from that pic in your avatar!


so date whoever you like. whether she's 23 or 33, just make sure she likes you for who you are and if she thinks you're old, dump her!


good luck and let us know how it goes!

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I'm 42, 43 in a few days and my wife is 31 and we have a great relationship. Don't limit your choices by age groups. Funny so many women will say "I'm 24 and I would never date someone more than 10 years older than me." Well guess what? Katie Holmes probably said the same thing before Tom Cruise came along! I know many women in their 20's-30's that would go out with Brad Pitt or other Hollywood Hunk types. Age sometimes only matters when other attributes are not present. Works both ways too, Ashton hit the jackpot with Demi. Let's be honest, it's a matter of desire and circumstance.



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I'm 42, 43 in a few days and my wife is 31 and we have a great relationship. Don't limit your choices by age groups


Oh, yeah...that reminds me...I never mentioned on this thread that my husband is 11 years younger than me, too. I almost blew him off at first because I thought he was "too young." Fortunately, he was persistent and I was wrong.


Funny so many women will say "I'm 24 and I would never date someone more than 10 years older than me." Well guess what? Katie Holmes probably said the same thing before Tom Cruise came along!


Katie, Katie, Katie. We're from the same hometown. What strikes me as odd about that relationship is not the age difference, but the fact that she was apparently a big fan of his/had a crush on him when she was growing up....years later she manages to get herself in a spot where she's in a relationship with him.


Think about that for a moment...how weird would that be? One minute you're a pre-teen or teen age girl who's crushing on some cute movie star and bang...a few years later......

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Good luck with the pilot, RC. Will it be taping in NV? My dad lives in Vegas.


By the way, Marryanne is my favorite too. Feel free to highjack this thread all you guys want.


I really didnt think asking a 23 year old out was a big deal for someone my age. It does depend on maturity of course, which this girl didnt have a lot of apparently. I've matured a lot in the last 5 years, hell, a lot in the last year. I've never been married, dont have children and feel like I am nearing, finally, being ready to start a family.


I just sometimes, ok...often times, feel like I am where I should have been 10 years ago. Regret sucks and hearing someone call me old just adds fuel to that fire.




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