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A Question on Vaginas

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A Question on vaginas,


I am assuming, as all penises(pl?) are surely different, that also so too must be vaginas. For those experienced men,(and lesbians) out there, is each vagina that you come in contact with distinctly different than another? I know it's kind of random, but I'm just curious.

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Wetness definitely...some women seem to produce more fluid than others. I never really paid attention to size...i guess when im in the moment i am not concerned.


I have been with women who had babies...so i don't believe that made a difference. Of ciurse this is many years later as well.


Scent is different than others. And taste as well.

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I recently posted a hymen line up!


oh yeah, lots of variety out there.


and apparently, even some clitorises that look like penises! The clitoris is so large and elongated, it looks like a penis!


The link is to a xxx site, so I won't post it here, but if you are interested, PM me and I can PM you the link.


No, that's not my porn fetish. I'm an avid reader of Savage Love, a love/sex advice column by Dan Savage. (link removed) Big Clits were a recent topic of some of the columns.

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I learned in my developmental psych. class that structurally, the female's clitoris is analogous to the male's penis, and that the female's labia are analogous to the male's testes. I think it is in week six of development,that depending on the hormones of the fetus, the gonads will change either into male or female counterparts.

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I learned in my developmental psych. class that structurally, the female's clitoris is analogous to the male's penis, and that the female's labia are analogous to the male's testes. I think it is in week six of development,that depending on the hormones of the fetus, the gonads will change either into male or female counterparts.


Correct except that a fetus has no hormones and gender is detemined by chromosomes. See: link removed


As to your questions.


External dimensions vary in obvious ways. Size of clitoris and labias vary a lot. One observation here: The clitoris of women of ridgid cultures with prevalence of lack of sexual satisfaction of females seems to be smaller. Makes sense - evolves backwards. The same may be said for penises there too...


Internal dimensions - in practice, as the vagina is a large muscle it is generally able to accommodate any size penis without discomfort. It seems to learn and remember for some time - when no contact for a week it is tight again, but after a day it is back to normal.


Wetness: When aroused and ready it is wet enough. Some more wet with thicker mucus, some less wet with thinner mucus. Effect is same.


One more opinion on wetness - not sure. Women which do not orgasm enough, vagina may be wet often throughout the day. After a great orgasm (Clit+G-spot) vagina can get dry very fast.


Taste: Varies throughout the cycle. A bit bitter over sour to sweet to bitter again and a bit of iron when aunt flo is about to arrive. After great orgasm taste fairly sour or alkaline - makes girl or boy.


Smell: Aphrodesiac, so good.


Smile: An aroused vagina opens up a bit. Gorgeous

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and apparently, even some clitorises that look like penises! The clitoris is so large and elongated, it looks like a penis!


The link is to a xxx site

You can't believe all you see it may be fake or it may not be natural.


Penises can be made large by "arab yelking excercise". It is rather painful and may cause damage. Want 15x3" ?


In Nepal is a tribe which elongates penises to more than 3 ft, it can be used as a belt, but not as a penis though.


"Irian Jaya's Yali" Produces 18" and longer also with stretching. Seems still functional. Google will produce a link with pix.


The Caramoja tribe of northern Uganda still elongate their penises by tying a circular stone disk from the tip of the penis


About clit's I dunno, never seen anything huge. Perhaps a transvestite.

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You can't believe all you see it may be fake or it may not be natural.


You do need to be cautious, however there are indeed people (although rare) who may not fit into the physical mold of "male" or "female" from birth. Perhaps that's what you meant by "transvesitite". Though I see the term transvestite referring to people who dress/act like the opposite sex (behavior), and not necessarily dependent on what's under their clothes (physical characteristics)


There are also what are commonly referred to as "hemaphrodites": An individual having the reproductive organs and many of the secondary sex characteristics of both sexes. (The more proper/polite term to use is "intersex individual") There are many variations of this, and one of the more common forms of this is to have a baby born with XX(female) chromosomes, but who has "masculinzed" external genitals which can include an enlarged clitoris that resembles a penis.


In most cases, parents of intersex babies are pressured into starting surgery on the newborn to correct this "problem". They must "decide" on a sex for the baby, and this often causes huge difficulties once the intersex person goes through puberty. (Even though their sex has been "corrected" to fit into one sex: male OR female -their body develops as it wants to, regardless. For instance, if there was a "female" born with a very enlarged clitoris, and had corrective surgery to be raised as a little girl, that might work just fine until she hits puberty- but then her development during puberty may still give her more masculine characteristics, despite the sugery. Even if parents and doctors choose a sex, based on what the chromosomes of the person are XX or XY, it doesn't guarentee "normal" sexual development of the intersex individual.


Many intersex individuals who have undergone surgery from childhood are conflicted in many ways and the majority state that they wish they would have been left to decide on their own what to do, instead of being operated on as a small child.


Society has a very hard time accepting intersex babies, though in some cultures they are considered to be very special gifts and they are adored.


One book that can offer a good foundation to understand this topic is: Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality by Anne Fausto- Sterling.


Chapter 3 is called "Of Gender and Genitals: The Use and Abuse of the Modern Intersexual."


I guess when the original question of this thread is considered- there ARE indeed variations in vaginas (and penises), and some of these variations are more easily accepted by our society than others.




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Yes, like belladonna said, clits come in huge range of shapes and sizes. However, some are not as easily accepted as by others. Very often, doctors will cut the clitoris to make it look more "normal", but this may lead to a loss of sexual sensation, as cutting off the most sensitive part of your anatomy can do that.


Here is the original letter to Dan Savage, a sex advice columnist. link removed May 31, 2006

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I would say that all vaginas are different. Some definitely have similarities to others. My limited experience has taught me that vaginas do feel different during intercourse (internal structure, wetness). I've only been with 5 different women, so my opinion should be taken with a grain of salt.

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A Question on vaginas,


I am assuming, as all penises(pl?) are surely different, that also so too must be vaginas. For those expereinced men,(and lesbians) out there, is each vagina that you come in contact with distinctly different than another? I know it's kind of random, but I'm just curious.


Yes. They look different, definitely feel different, pubes or no pubes, coloring, labia sizes, clit sizes, odors etc etc.


I know the width and depth varies a lot too. I remember one female who was very loose in there. I know it was mean but I honestly felt I could put my leg in there. And she gave me mono lol.

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  • 5 months later...
A Question on vaginas,


I am assuming, as all penises(pl?) are surely different, that also so too must be vaginas. For those experienced men,(and lesbians) out there, is each vagina that you come in contact with distinctly different than another? I know it's kind of random, but I'm just curious.





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I never really found it that interesting. I just kind of expected it to be that way. I guess it had something to do with everyone being different... well except for identical twins.


I find twins interesting.

You're right, we are all genetically different, except for those who happen to be identical twins.


twins are interesting, and apparently, so are you.

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