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Things are changing & I feel like I'm being tested by god or something?

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It's weird that things have changed so suddenly in my life all in a couple of weeks. I feel like I'm being tested by god or something! I mean negative & positive things have been thrown at me.For one, I was working at Walmart a couple of days ago & I helped a lady with her groceries. This same woman thanked me & she instantly said that there's something different about me.She said I have this humble & gracious aura that's hard to come by.She asked me if I knew god & if I was connected to him. I told her that I've sorta grown away from him. She smiled & she gave me a tiny booklet on the steps to getting closer with god. She told me that if you just believe in him & SPEND time with him, everything will fall into place & everything will make sense.She said that I won't feel as lost as I do now! It's almost like she read me like a book because I've been seriously feeling lost for the longest time. She was a very nice & pleasant lady, but she disappeared as soon as she got into her car. I'm going to get back on track with god. I don't really know what religion to believe in, but I'll just pray & ask god to send me on the right path.


The following day, I was approached by a very rough scary looking guy who was offering me drugs. He was offering me weed & he was basically telling me how it seemed to him that I was very stressed, which ironically I was that day. I must admit I was sorta tempted to try this but I thought back to the lady from the following day. I'm not going to screw up my life!! I told him I'd pass & he walked away. I just find it so funny that I was approached by what it seemed like an angel one day & a demon the next day lol.He was just somebody to drag me down to an even rougher spot that I am in.


I work at Walmart as a cart pusher & the job can be very hectic & aggravating at times. You have to deal with rude customers & negative,moody co-workers but I understand that it's apart of my job & that you basically get that everywhere. Some of the co-workers seem to act funny around me. Like they think maybe perhaps I'm stupid or maybe they don't like me for whatever reason. At first it bothered me but I realise that not everyone is going to like me. I've noticed that I've become stronger & I got a sense of who's really my friends & who's not! Some people are just so fake. Sometimes the co-workers there talk about other co-workers & all of that negative energy I get there just bothers me. It sorta makes me dread going to work with all of that crap. I try to avoid most of them though & I hardly let anyone in my business what so ever there.


I've made two new friends already who I've actually hung out with, outside of work. One guy, he seems pretty cool but he seems to try to change me.Not to the point where he's telling me to change,he just points out things about me that irks him I guess. He's not being mean though. He claims that I'm too soft of a guy & that I need to grow a backbone & he claims that he's going to help me become a more stronger & more confident type guy.Which in a way is good, because I do let people run over me & he's examined this by being at work with me. He basically is telling me to not take any mess from anybody & to stand your ground.


I've also made friends with a female lady who is very religious & everytime I get around her, I feel so at peace! It's weird, she's just like a breath of fresh air. Nothing bothers her & she's just so happy & she's always glowing! I like that & it makes me feel good. She's always there to listen to me & she actually took me out to dinner one day & I enjoyed that, because all we did was talk about things & laugh! It was so fun to have a DECENT conversation with someone.What makes it so funny, we agree on alot of things. We both are homebodies & we're not into the clubbing,partying,drugs or sex.


Today I went out with old friends & we went to a clothing store. I've been trying to change my look & style for awhile now but I haven't found that look until NOW! It's completely different. One of the ladies in the store pulled me to the side & she showed me some clothes that would look nice on me. So I went into the changing room & I tried on the different styles & everyone was going crazy over the dramatic change & I liked it too! It made me feel more confident & relaxed. When I get my next paycheck, I might go back to that store & just change my overall wardrobe up!


It seems like my life is doing a 180 & I'm sorta nervous about it! It's almost like I'm going on a journey to find myself. Do you think things happen for a reason?? Do you think there are people that come into your life to make things better & to change you? It just perplexes me how it seems like I'm being tested or something. Everything has just been thrown at me lately...

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In my little, empty, head I bristle at anyone who tries to change me. Contradiction, condencending speech etc. Just responding to part of your post here, but that guy who is pointing out how you're soft, need a backbone and such. The guy whos saying outright hes going to 'make' you a stronger person. That guy gives me red flags all over.

However, as stated thats how i would react.

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Tha Kid,


You're one of my favorite writers here. You describe your journey with such eloquence and grace I often sit quietly after reading and just wonder where you got this gift. You're far ahead of me at that age, with a self-awareness that'll guide you for life.

All those experiences and people are life lessons you can't find in school.


I'm a fan.

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Actually I didn't mean to come accross as being self indulgent but I guess I did anyway. With these type of posts, I just write what I'm feeling at the moment & I'm basically just trying to figure out what is going on & it helps me get a sense of where I'm going right now. It's sorta like writing in a journal, only I'm writing it here. I think about other people's issues alot & I do realise that there are people out there that are going through things so much worse.


This is not a pity post or me trying to gain sympathy or anything. I'm just pondering how life can be such a mystery to me sometimes. Forgive me if I come off wrong, I'm just curious as to what people are thinking at the moment.

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ThaKid, your post wasn't self indulgent. You are finding yourself and expressing it, which is great. I am happy for you.


However, I would be aware of people like the guy who wants to "Make you stronger" and the very Religious woman...


Believe me, there will be PLENTY of events where you will be FORCED to be strong and not back down. I am a laid back individual myself; however, I am not afraid to stand up for myself when I absolutely have to.

Look for friends who are just going to love you for you...Not people who want to change you. You are find just the way you are.


As for the religious lady, I would tread lightly. She maybe fine now, but just make sure she isn't one of those, "Oh I love you...But I hate the fact that you are gay. Your sexuality is an abomination" types...


Just coming from my own experience I refuse to be around people who are that condescending. If you are going to accept me accept all of me...and if you don't like my "lifestyle" then don't talk to me about it, because it is your problem.


Right now, I am sorta inbetween religion. Honestly, I don't really know what I believe right now. But it's all good. Because I too am finding my own path...Maybe it will lead me back to religion and maybe it won't.


right now, don't try and fit in. Just give being THE KID a chance...You are a great person, and you deserve to get to know who YOU are and what YOU want.

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Hey Foxlocke! Once again you've given me good advice! As for the religious lady, she's nice to talk to but I don't think I'll ever tell her about my sexuality! That's a big no right there. She seems like a good person but I HIGHLY doubt she'll understand.What she doesn't know won't hurt her. The other guy seems really cool & we've become good friends. I think he has good intentions, but he's just going the wrong way about it.He was just explaining to me that sometimes I have to grow a backbone or I'll let people walk all over me.It seems like he's looking out for me, but that fact that he says that he going to help me become a stronger person bothers me.I don't need anyone programming me like I'm some sort of machine.I'm a human being! Like you said though, I must tread lightly.. I haven't known these two for very long, so I will be very cautious with them. I think I've just have gotten too overly excited over making new friends! I mean it's so hard for me to get new ones seriously!


I agree about finding people that are going to love you for you! But it seems hard to find people like that. You're either too lame,gay or some other issue where people won't like you & I've experienced that alot.I really would like to find people who will love me for who I am but I think it's hard to come by. That's why in a way, I'm sorta in this place where I'm fine & content with being by myself for awhile.


Foxlocke I hope all is well with you! I hope you get over your fear of vomiting in public. I know you will though because you seem like a very strong guy! Just realise that the odds of you throwing up in public is very rare. I mean how often does that happen to anyone?? Just giving you something to think about, maybe it'll help!


Thanks Dako & Foxlocke as always! You two are really cool! If there's anything you guys want or advice, just pm me & feel free to talk to me because I'm here too!

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While reading your post I was deeply touched because something similar is happening in my life. In grade 12 I had this weird sort of energy around me. I am a firm believer in God and I went to a catholic school. Although I am not catholic I loved hearing them preach because it gave me a peace somewhere within me.


Days in grade 12 were rough because the pressure of getting into university was there and because I had so many issues in my life people didnt think I could make it. I actually didn't but I dont know what happened to me when all of a sudden I started just concentrating.


I had a group of friends who didnt appreciate my emotions and sensitivity towards things. They wanted me to be like them (cold hearted and superficial) and I finally got the courage to just leave them and walk alone. I tried going through the easy paths but those doors were closed. It was like some power pushing me to take extra measures, walk the extra mile.


Those months I spent all my time at the chapel (in between classes, before classes and after classes). I became really good friends with my philosophy teacher and we would talk for hours.


Bottom line...things became better...with every bad a good happened and i lived with those thoughts till the end of the year. I ended up graduating with great marks plus entrance to all universities.


I lost all that when i got myself into an abusive relationship which lasted 2 years. Now I feel like I am back to square one but what keeps me going is the thoughts of good and bad. I believe that I have suffered and now its time for me to get some good in my life and it will happen if I just openly embrace whatever is coming.


Sorry for the long reply, your story made me want to tell you mine.

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hey TK,


first of all i want to say that i agree with every letter of every word that Dako posted in this thread. there's something likeable about you that comes through very strongly in your posts.


as far as whether or not things happen for a reason, everyone has an opinion on that but nobody really knows for sure. one way to look at it is if a lady handing you a religious tract SEEMED like it meant something to you, then you may find exploring your spiritual self worthwhile.




you are, at the end of the day, your own man. you can be anything you want to be. be careful not to let people influence you without mulling things over for yourself. you may find that you are exactly how you want to be right now, or you may decide that you should stand up more for yourself/go to church/whatever. just whatever you do, let it come from your own heart and your own mind.


oh, and one more thing... did you run a Walmart cart into my car the other day? i got a ding about a foot long, and i'm looking for revenge.



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Hello Thakid001,


I like your Avatar, I loved watching Daria. My parents are from the Atlanta area, and I enjoyed visiting Stone Mountain and riding on the sky trolley. The view from up there is beautiful! It is amazing to see all of the creatures that habitat in those rock pools.


I think you meet that woman for a special reason because God works in mysterious ways. God knew you when you were in your mother's womb and he called you for a great purpose in life. God has given us all gifts and your gift's seem to bring joy and kindness into people lives.



I am a Christian and I know the peace that you are seeking comes from building a relationship with God. Do not feel that you can't build a relationship with God just because you are gay. God loves everyone and most of all he loves you! It is evident that God loves you because he took time out of his busy day to reach out to you. It appears that you have a loving heart and a receptive spirit.


According to the Bible we have all fallen short of meeting the expectations of God. Everyone has broken as least one of the Ten Commandments. Since we all are sinners and have broken the law of God, we are destined to spend all eternity without God. However, God's love for us was so great, that he sent his Son Jesus Christ to the world to die for our sins. Jesus was crucified over 2,000 years ago and he was resurrected from the dead. Jesus took the punishment that we deserve on himself, so he could set us free!


We are like criminals being tried for our crimes. But Jesus paid the fine for you and me. He saved us from an eternity without God. You just have to believe that God loves you and that he sent his son Jesus to die for your sins. If you pray to God tell him that you repent of your sins and that you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you will be saved and be a son of God! You will spend eternity in heaven with God after you die.


I think that God has a purpose for your life, and everything happens for a reason. The Bible says that God orders our steps. At that very moment God ordered your steps to meet that woman at work, and he ordered your steps to meet your Christian friend!



You are right about feeling that you were being tested by an evil entity when that man offered you drugs. Ephesians 6:12 says: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood (humans), but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.


This means that there is a spiritual realm where wicked demonic beings are out to deceive people and cause them to fall by the way side. The Bible says that Satan roams around like a lion looking for people to destroy. This man that offered you drugs was just trying to destroy any positive progress that you have made in your life. In the spiritual realm, he also was trying to divert your attention away from seeking God.


Just know that anytime God sends his messengers, angels, and good hearted people into you life to promote good things, there will always be a counter action from the realm of darkness. Satan gets scared when he sees someone becoming closer to God, so he tries to destroy the postive progress that was made.


When I gave my life to Christ I was the happiest person in the world, but then the enemy (Satan) did every thing in his power to make me fall by the way side. Read Matthew 13. The parable of the sower. So don't give up on building a relationship with God.


The enemy will try to fill your mind with all sorts of fears and guilt to keep you from the presense of God. Do not let anything stop you from building a relationship with Jesus Christ. Nothing can keep God's love away from you, not your sexuality, or anything else. God opens his arms out to everyone. The only thing that keeps people from God is the fear that they create.


I would recommend that you pray to God and accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your Savior. One of the best Bibles on the market is the Life Applications Study Bible. The great thing is that you can buy it at Wal Mart for about 25$.


Just remember that God is real, and that you can do all things through Christ!


Good Luck and God Bless.

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You sound like a good kid. Keep the faith and really- you will get what you ask Him for. As a point in that respect, I'm starting my dream job in a week and.. and getting 100K/yr for it. All I did was pray, apply for 2 weeks and bam. Hired on the spot with one phone interview.


I don't pray for anything unless it's necessary and beyond my control. That's where God and his mediators(saints/virgin mary/etc) come in. I am very careful to never ask for what I can do on my own. And I pray every night, just because I can. The jist is that it works and it works like a .50 caliber sniper bullet. My plea's have never been not solved at that instant.


You are working at walmart now. But with your attitude and faith, you will be running it at corporate headquarters before long. I'm very proud of you. Don't lose sight of who you are, where you came from, and what you want to become. Faith, hope, and love can break through all barriers. All the best.

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tha kid,


It took me so many years to finally understand the higher importance of spirituality over religion. Perhaps that is a key element missing in your life. Try not to get to confused with the religion aspect. You can be spiritual without religion.


Your post was not self indulging. I have read some of your earlier posts, and i think it is giving of you to share your experiences on these boards, it may inspire others as well. No self indulgence here.


Perhaps your new journey has begun, and God, a higher power, or a God of your own understanding is looking out for you, and instilling within you to believe in yourself.


Stay strong, and be well,


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I agree with Brando.


Don't confuse being apart of a religion with spirituality.


The spiritual is your inate and true self. Once you nuture and love that(which is god within you...because we are all pieces of the greater spirit) everything else falls into place.


Just remember that your belief and relationship with a higher force is your's and your's alone...No church or religion can validate that for you.

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I agree with you both Brando & Foxlocke! I've been focused too much on the religion aspect! I think all that really matters is that I know that there is a god or a higher power & basically the only thing that they want from me is to believe in them.


hazeleyed - I think sometimes we have to go through trials & tribulations to make us a stronger person & it helps revamp us into better people.All I can say is remain strong & believe in yourself because it will take you far!


slightlybent - I agree with you about not letting people influence me. I think one of my main problems is getting a new idea from somebody & running away with it. I'm very cautious about these type of things but for the past couple of weeks, it just seems strange that things are sorta falling into place now. I'm not out of being lost, but I'm doing so much better than what I did weeks ago.


lonestar_80 - That is so cool that you've been to Stone Mountain!! The last time I've walked up the moutain was when I was on my 6th grade field trip lol!I know, it's been a LONG time! I agree that it is very beautiful riding on the sky trolley from what I remember! My house is not far from Stone Mountain.. It's a good 3 to 4 miles away. Now I want to go to Stone Mountain one weekend & just walk to the top! I think that would be so much fun! I like Daria & it's one of my favorite cartoons! I'm still mad that it got cancelled on MTV years ago. I'm alot like a male version of her, just that I'm alot more cheery & I'm not as sarcastic & negative as her. Maybe that's why I can relate to her so much LOL. I agree that god sends messangers & I think it makes sense about what happened the past couple of days, it really made me think about life more I suppose.


JustNormal - Thank you! I won't lost sight of who I am & I'll try my best to remain grounded & know that life will get better with prayer & with time.



I'm trying my best to get back into writing again but I'm really not feeling it anymore. When I was young, I would write comic books & I would look in the dictionary for new words to expand my vocabulary.That's basically all I ever did when I wasn't outside playing. My parents were usually too busy or gone to really spend time with me so I made the best of what I had & I wrote stories.I really feel like writing & art is really my passion. But for the longest time, I just don't do it anymore. It's almost like my creativity is gone. I wonder if maybe writing wasn't meant for me or will my passion come back one day. I really hope that it does. I tried last night but I didn't have a clue what to write about or to think about. I just sat there with a new journal & a pen that wasn't writing. I basically just gave up & listened to music. I'm trying to get a sense of what I like in the world & what I want to do is pursue my goal as being someone successful in life!

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Hi, I love Stone Mountain, it is a great place to just sit and look at all of God’s creations. I wish you all the best in your search for God. There is only ONE true God, the creator of all things. God wants us all to get to know him and he has given us insight about himself through the scriptures of the Bible.


Do not be fooled into thinking that you can create your own god, or create your gods beliefs. That is called idolatry. Many people create their own gods because they do not want to appreciate what the ONE true God has said about himself.


It would be just like me trying to tell you who you are, without asking you who you are. God said: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts-Isaiah 55:8.” You can't understand God unless you ask God who is he. God lets us know him through his words in the Bible. Seek to find the ONE true God. There are many gods of this world but they only lead to death (hell). Seek life and seek the ONE true God who is searching for YOU!!


Here are a couple of my favorite scriptures, it explains why it is so important to seek the Lord Jesus Christ. Every path is not right or will lead you in the right direction.



John 3:16-21

16 ["For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[f] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.18Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son.[g]


19This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. 21But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God.



Matthew 7:13-14

13"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.


Good Luck and God Bless.

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I really felt that another topic wasn't needed for me so I'll just put it on here.Today I found out a WHOLE lot more about the guy friend who wants to fix me as I would put it. He seems to be wrapped up in the wrong things.We talked for about an hour & he was telling me how often he used to fight people. He claimed it was because people tested him & he has this anger thing going on,which disturbs me alot.He was telling me about these people he know that he's real close with, they'll help him fight people in case things go bad. Now I may be jumping to conclusions but it sounds almost like maybe he's in a gang or something? He was talking about his "CREW" as he'd put it, & how they help one another out. He was telling me how they hook him up with girls,alcohol & what not. Doesn't sound very good to me...


Maybe I'm thinking TOO much ahead but it's ringing to me that he's going to try to roughen me up so I can join his crew & be apart of his family as he puts it.This can explain why he's so concerned about me coming off as a soft individual to him. I'm a good, gulliable kid & I try to get myself out of trouble. We talk alot & we have alot of fun together but I can already tell we live in two different worlds. I don't know if he's in a gang but it sounds like it. It's really not like I can avoid him because I work with him & I see him almost everyday..


Should I really be worried or am I making something out of nothing?

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No, this guy does not sound very good to me. If he has anger issues he will only give them to you. The bible says that "bad company corrupts good character". He is using women, fighting, and on drugs, then maybe you should find a new friend. I know how the people in ATL can be. Don't too be desperate for friends. My cousin hangs out with some wild girls in ATL. She moved there from Alabama, and she wanted friends so bad. But her new friends are just using her and teaching her things that are not good. I think that you are wise for questioning this guy. Most people would not even do that!





Don't join his crew. It sounds like he is thuggin. You can find better friends than that. Don't fall into the traps of the enemy. Try to find friends by volunteering, going to a church youth group or something like that. You can keep things cordial with him, but you don't have to hangout with him after work. He may want you to sell drugs or something. Are you in school? Do you have any opportunities to go to college or a trade school? You can find friends there by joining organizations. Also you can check out financial aide, grants, or scholarships that may help pay for school. When I went to school I was shy and afraid I would not meet any friends, but once I joined a few clubs I meet a lot of people. I would recommend it because it looks like you are a very expressive writer. Most college professors are looking for students like you. In addition, having good writing skills can get you jobs in many fields. You are so lucky! If you are interested, I can ask my step sister about colleges in your area, she is an assistant principal at one of the High Schools in ATL. They have career prep for kids interested in going to college and trade school.

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Do not be fooled into thinking that you can create your own god, or create your gods beliefs. That is called idolatry. Many people create their own gods because they do not want to appreciate what the ONE true God has said about himself.




Finding god within yourself is not Idolatry. We all have the power to make things better by believing in ourselves. No one knows(no matter how much they think they know)who GOD really is. It is by faith that we trust. And the first place to have faith is to trust one's own self. No need for a love bombing. I just needed to express that.


I really felt that another topic wasn't needed for me so I'll just put it on here.Today I found out a WHOLE lot more about the guy friend who wants to fix me as I would put it. He seems to be wrapped up in the wrong things.We talked for about an hour & he was telling me how often he used to fight people. He claimed it was because people tested him & he has this anger thing going on,which disturbs me alot.He was telling me about these people he know that he's real close with, they'll help him fight people in case things go bad. Now I may be jumping to conclusions but it sounds almost like maybe he's in a gang or something? He was talking about his "CREW" as he'd put it, & how they help one another out. He was telling me how they hook him up with girls,alcohol & what not. Doesn't sound very good to me...


Maybe I'm thinking TOO much ahead but it's ringing to me that he's going to try to roughen me up so I can join his crew & be apart of his family as he puts it.This can explain why he's so concerned about me coming off as a soft individual to him. I'm a good, gulliable kid & I try to get myself out of trouble. We talk alot & we have alot of fun together but I can already tell we live in two different worlds. I don't know if he's in a gang but it sounds like it. It's really not like I can avoid him because I work with him & I see him almost everyday..


Should I really be worried or am I making something out of nothing?


If the warning bells are going off then vacate the premesis my friend...


A friend is someone that will accept you the way that you are. From what you have written before it seems like you have little to nothing in common with him anyway, KIDD.


Anyway, the only place you have to see him is on the job. I know cats like him, and I don't get involved with them unless I have to.

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Do not be fooled into thinking that you can create your own god, or create your gods beliefs. That is called idolatry. Many people create their own gods because they do not want to appreciate what the ONE true God has said about himself.




Finding god within yourself is not Idolatry. We all have the power to make things better by believing in ourselves. No one knows(no matter how much they think they know)who GOD really is. It is by faith that we trust. And the first place to have faith is to trust one's own self. No need for a love bombing. I just needed to express that.



What is your faith background centered on?


I guess I should have been clearer in my description. If you have been baptized with the Holy Spirit then, yes, you have God within you. Building a relationship with Jesus the Son means you also development a close relationship with God the Father. A person cannot know God the Father unless they accept and know his Son Jesus Christ.


What we know about God is the descriptions of his character and beliefs that he gave to us in the Holy Bible. We can be assured of the Bible's validity based on all of the prophecies that have been fulfilled and are being fulfilled to this day. So, one can rest assure that if they are following God in their heart, their ideology must be in line with what the Heavenly Father says.


So, what I see today in so many of my friends is a false sense of spiritually or sense of God. They create the beliefs of a "god" that they want to serve rather than serve the God who already told us who he is. Creating this type of "god" IS idolatary b/c they are following an idol "god" that does not exsist. For example, if the God of the Bible says it is a sin to fornicate, then regardless of the situation at hand it still is a sin. So, we have to ask for forgiveness and repent of our sins.


But if another person says Oh MY god says it is cool to fornicate and cheat on you spouse, then they are worshipping and conforming to a made up god and not the ONE true God. I have heard some people say that God tested them by sending another person into their life so they could cheat on their spouse. But that is a lie. The Bible says that God does not tempt mankind, and that temptation only comes from the evil lusts of our own hearts. We sin b/c we want to, and we should not blame God for when we sin. He did not tempt us with sin.


So the bottom line is that I want people to know the one true God, and cultivate a more intimate relationship with Him through self improvement and the Holy Spirit. Rather than serving a god that only abides to rules that one makes up themselves. It is good only to trust yourself if you have the backing of the Holy Spirit to guide you. People are not perfect and they make mistakes, and sometimes there intuition, personal opinions, and beliefs are wrong. That’s why a pencil has an eraser on it, because people make mistakes. However, when you can't trust your own self it is best to look to God for advice. If we can't find an answer for our problems in the Bible, then maybe we are choosing the wrong answer, or following the wrong path.


Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;6 in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

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Finding god within yourself is not Idolatry. We all have the power to make things better by believing in ourselves. No one knows(no matter how much they think they know)who GOD really is. It is by faith that we trust. And the first place to have faith is to trust one's own self. No need for a love bombing. I just needed to express that.




If the warning bells are going off then vacate the premesis my friend...


A friend is someone that will accept you the way that you are. From what you have written before it seems like you have little to nothing in common with him anyway, KIDD.


Anyway, the only place you have to see him is on the job. I know cats like him, and I don't get involved with them unless I have to.


This frustrates me all of the time! All of the wrong people come into my life. It's really like I can't find a decent friend or is there really such a thing as a decent friend at all? I'm not going to be answering his phone calls, he should eventually get the hint & he'll leave me alone. I also don't want tension at work either though...

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Mr. KIDD: I think this individual has a good message, but a bad way of delivering it. I know what it's like to be gullable and a pushover. Stand up for yourself and tell him you don't need his help to be a better person. It would be pretty ironic that you are standing up to the person who tells you to stand up for yourself. It doesn't sound like this guy is a great role model, so I would tell him. It sounds like he is blowing smoke about all his fights and all his friends. If he were stripped of his "crew" he would be nothing. He has to validate his actions and his self worth by having other addicts and abusers surround him.


Lonestar_80, I agree that God can be a wonderful part of someone's life. However, someone has to ultimately find God on their own. You can be the messenger or a guide, but he has to make the first step on his own. Your posts come accross as a little bit defensive and "this is the right way." You can't expect someone to understand Scripture is they haven't read it before. The only way to understand it is through prayer and then study and then practice, and that's not something you can instruct.


Proverbs 11:2

When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.

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Lonestar_80, I agree that God can be a wonderful part of someone's life. However, someone has to ultimately find God on their own. You can be the messenger or a guide, but he has to make the first step on his own. Your posts come accross as a little bit defensive and "this is the right way." You can't expect someone to understand Scripture is they haven't read it before. The only way to understand it is through prayer and then study and then practice, and that's not something you can instruct.


I don't think that there is anything wrong with giving my opinion. A person will never know anything if people are too afraid to speak what they believe in.


A person can accept or reject anything that they want to. Jesus is the way the truth and the light and we will all realize that one day for the better or for the worse. This is a forum where everyone's opinions are welcomed. People have the right to agree to disagree.


How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? Romans 10:14

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