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How old were you when you first fell in love?

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I am just a little curious here. I am almost 24 years old and have never came close to being in love. I have had 2 girlfriends in the past but never even came close to loving either one of them. I feel a bit odd about this, as it seems that most people find there first love around 14-16, and I have never came close. So I am just wondering if there is anyone else out there that took a long time to love someone?

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You know, I think people vary tremendously in how they view "love". Some people are just, we are dating it's good "I love you" Others want something groundbreaking. A lot (NOT ALL) of the "love" 14 year olds feel is a puppy love or crushes or hormones pumping way too fast. (Yes I am being simplistic here) Is that real true love? Although I know of people who have been with people they've known forever.

I had relationships, dating, etc, but I didn't really fall in love until I was 25!!! He had two really serious relationships before me and he said he thought he had loved them but after meeting me he realized he hadn't loved them at all. It's subjective I think. Some people feel in their gut, others with their mind.

I wouldn't worry about it.

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when i was 14 i thought i was in love. after i got over the guy i was like "what the hell was i thinking". now i do believe i am in love and think i fell in love when i was 17. however, perhaps if we break up and once i move on i will feel differently. honestly i dont see it happening. i think some people dont experience true love until they are much much older. i think people's views on love is distorted.

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there ws a time when i would do anything for my ex-GF and really had no reason why, she was a B!@#$ who never opened up to me, stayed distant in our whole relationship and randomly forgets things in order for reality to fit her view of it. but none the less, i couldnt rationally explain why i would do anythiong for this girl. THIS IS NOT LOVE.



my current GF i would do anything for as well. the big difference is that i do them because she never lies to me, she opens up to me, she is never distant, almost always nice and is everything i could ever want in a girl. i can ratioanlly figure out why i would do anything for her. THIS IS LOVE.

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there ws a time when i would do anything for my ex-GF and really had no reason why, she was a B!@#$ who never opened up to me, stayed distant in our whole relationship and randomly forgets things in order for reality to fit her view of it. but none the less, i couldnt rationally explain why i would do anythiong for this girl. THIS IS NOT LOVE.


heh. That sounds familiar. Been there before. Its really too bad that you sometimes have to go thru a breakup in order to find out the way someone really is.


As for the original question, I suppose I've never been there. Thought so a few times but as it turns out I haven't felt what I view "love" as being. As far as being 24 and never been in love, don't worry. I'm 25 (26 very soon) and pretty sure I've never gone beyond infatuation, and I have zero problem with it.

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I thought I was in love when I was 21, then again at 24, 26, and 29. In hindsight, I believe those experiences were more largely one-sided infatuations, attachments, and obsessions than love...


So with that said, I don't think I've ever been in true love...and not sure if I ever will or even figure out what real love is...8-[

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I am just a little curious here. I am almost 24 years old and have never came close to being in love. I have had 2 girlfriends in the past but never even came close to loving either one of them. I feel a bit odd about this, as it seems that most people find there first love around 14-16, and I have never came close. So I am just wondering if there is anyone else out there that took a long time to love someone?



I think I was in love when I was 20. However, I'm not really sure about that one, as we never got into a relationship, I was way too dumb back then. And thinking about it, being objective about that relationship, I don't think it could have worked.



By now, I'm 27, and I can tell you I'm in love. This is after coming out of a 4 year relationship, then I met this girl...


I never thought I could love someone as I love her. I can't think of my life without her, I want her to be in my life, with me, forever.

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i guess i'll actually answer the question now.



you know that girl you stared at in high school. that one that you knew you could never have(remember that feeling you got from imagining being with her, but believing you would never actually get her). i got to be with that girl. even though the best part of the whole 3 month relationship was the first day, i still got to be with that girl. it changed my entire perspective on life. without her i would have never gained the confidence to go after my true love.



i was 18, she broke my heart.

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When I was 15 I met *Jon* We were together for 3 years, and it was nice for the most part. He was a true gentlemen. Someone I could trust, and confide in. He knew my secrets, and knew my heart.


But we grew apart, we both wanted different things. He was on the college track, I was on the I have no clue what in the world I am doing track LOL


So we went our separate ways

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Yea, same here. I never really came close to falling in love. Off course when I was way younger, prollie somewhere b/w 12-14 I had confuse love with infatuation. Had a b/f, lol, only for a week, then dump him, never really fell in love. But oh well, guess it'll happen one day.

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I think I was about 17 or 18 when I first fell in love. It was with a younger girl I worked with. She was striking, but I never could bring myself to tell her how I felt. I think she may have had some feelings for me as well, but I chose to discount any possibility of that. I was preparing to leave town to go to college anyway, so why get involved? It worked out for the best. I met my wife in college and experienced feelings way stronger for her than my first love. Sometimes you have to save the best for last.

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I would love to be in love some day even if it did not last long, I would just love to know what it feels like. I have heard sex is 100x better when its with someone you love, I find myself thinking of that a lot. I guess I am a hopeless romantic lol.


I feel the same way brother. How cool would it be to spend even just one full morning, afternoon, and evening with a woman and share true love together? How amazing would that be...

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first love - 17, timing was bad we both went off to college. 1.5 years


second love - 21, 3 years, got out of college, realized that we were not meant to be (the whole 3 year itch thing)


latest love - 25 (which I am now)


my current bf's first love? - me (he's 26)......he said he has dated people before throughout high school and college and hung out with girls but it was different....


how did I know? butterflies in my stomach even after the honeymoon stage is over...wanting to do anything for him in the less glamorous times AND wanting to do anything for the people that he cares about (helping his grandmother with grocercies or cooking when I haven't a clue, rubbing his friend's back after a loooong night of drinking/getting sick and the bf is flagging down a cab)....anyway you get the picture....

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I'm just recently going through some soul-searching and eye opening experiences to put it at best...I've read some of your posts friscodj ...and it reassures me that there are still some men out there my age that have the capacity and appreciation for the feelings and emotions of the opposite sex. Apparently, not all guys are self-centered jerks ! LOL

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