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Here's an update on my situation. I was hoping some one could decode it for me. Here's the background info on the situation:



So finals came around and she started talking to me more an more, asking to hang out, even slept over one night (nothing happened). We had a talk about what was going on and I basically told her how I felt. I told her I still have feelings for her and I liked that we were getting back into the swing of things and was curious to see where the summer could take us if given the chance. She said she liked it too, but (of course) she tells me she doesn't know what she is looking for in a guy right now and can't make a commitment to me because she's not sure if it's 100% what she wants. She went on to say she wants to take the time to find her heart about me and wouldn't want to jump into something on an impulse and realize later that she'd made a mistake and go through a break up again. She said she's not going to ask me to wait and that it was my option to see if things would work. Granted this isn't what I wanted to hear but I saw her point and respected it. The next few days after things went on as usual with the "hey, how was your day?" phone call or going to grab some lunch or something. The last time I saw her, a week or so ago, we had gone out to dinner with some friends and had a good time. Nothing bad occurred. No argument. Nothing. Just an enjoyable time. That's when things take a weird turn.


Since that day we haven't really talked. I called her a couple of days after we had last hung out and invited her to a friend of ours get together. She couldn't make up her mind and said she thought it might be uncomfortable since we weren't dating anymore. I finally just said fine if you're not comfortable than it's no big deal. Couple days go by with no contact and I text her just saying hi. She calls me back and starts ranting about how someone at work pissed her off. I listen to her vent and she asks what I wanted. I said nothing really just to say hi, nothing out of the norm. I get this lukewarm response and she's like I'm gonna go. I was like whatever long night no big deal. Now more time is passing and I haven't heard from her.


I try to chalk this up to her confusion and being a bit busy, but inside it's getting to me for some reason. I'm busy too. I've started my intership, been catching up with friends, doing any little thing to keep me busy and my mind off of it. I dont know why I'm so angered about it. Any words of wisdom to get me through this? Don't break the silence and let her come to me? Or maybe just phase her out until she knows what she wants?

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Your blowing it, stop right now. Stay AWAY!!!!!!!



Don't text her, call her, respond to chain texts or anything. You have got to get your OWN life. If you have one, then you will have a carefree attitude towards her. You have shown her that your interest in her is a very easy thing to get back and it is boring her.


Learn to have fun on your own, and try to keep chats with her very small. Don't let her know what your up to, and stop jumping when she wants to hang out with you. Say your busy, don't get emotional.


You have some learning to do, and you need to keep away from her to do somethinking. You have got to be smart about it or she is just going to be gone. You have to accept the fact that it probably will never work and learn to live without her. So she gets the idea she isnt worth your time, then you can get respect from her.


Dude seriously just ignore her, or you will look back and feel like your emotions ruined everything. Come on man, time to start getting smart about it, it's a game. Learn how to play it, don't throw her the ball everytime she wants it.

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Oh man, situations like this really suck. You really dig this girl yet she is "unsure" about things. It's this unsurety that challenges you and gives you something to hold onto, that it might just be that she is busy, etc. and then suddenly she will come around and fall for you.


I've been in too many of these situations and have seen too many of my friends in them. The fact is she probably isn't interested in you but there are many reasons why she should be interested in you, and this causes confusion because ultimately she wants what's best for her. You've probably treated her really well and have a lot of the qualities she wants in a guy but "it" just isn't there for her. That's why it seems she can't make up her mind, because she doesn't want to let a good thing go even though she isn't into it.


So what are you to do? It's obvious to me that you should cut ties with this self-serving nut job ASAP. But I also know how hard it is to do that when you really like someone. So this one might not be something you can really learn from advice from a bunch of Internet strangers. You might have to run yourself into the ground emotionally and get played and ravaged by this woman to really see what's going on.

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