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Suggestions on how to do it?

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So I'v been planning my death for a while now and I'm pretty sure how I want to go but I'm always open to suggestion. I don't want to die too quickly, I want to feel it if theres anything interesting during the dying process. The key is to loose consciousness slowly so I can be as aware as possible when the moment comes when I go under. So my guess is that I have to bleed for a while...


I apologize if this post seems extreme for those of you that aren't ready. If anything, use it as a contrast to how different your situation is from mine. I would estimate that 99% of people that post on these websites are looking for help. I'm posting this because I realize that there are smarter people than me out there that may have some medical or philisophical insight to enhance my exiting experience.


Please let go of any superficial responses telling me about how I can improve my life or why I should live. None of you know me or could possibly have any serious interest in me that's not tied to some ridiculous common good philosophy. Please be respectfull and answer the question or go post somewhere else. I'm a mean * * * * * and you don't owe me anything.


So... What is the best way to die?



Here is what I have...


*Guns are no good: too hard to control, damage is either too fast or not good enough. I don't want to die instantly and I don't want to be on life support because I missed...


* Fire sucks too: big a risk of surviving. I doubt I could resist the urge to put it out with so much pain. Plus if you use too much you just pass out.


* jumping: Not sure. Probably the most fun, but the end is too fast and if it's a long fall there's too much time and pressure to regret your decision.


* Poison: I guess it depends on the poison... but the the pain would be unusual enough to distract you from reality. Plus, who the hell knows the dosage.


*drowning: Too fast. Plus there's no imagination in that. Then again there's something primordial about returning to the sea.


*freezing: Just go out or travel to the cold. I'v always hated the cold but it's an option.


*Electrocution: who the hell know how to do that.


*bleeding: So far the best option. You can control it, you learn the right spots, and you can drift away.

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C'mon man, wake up, there's no time to die.... so many gorgeous females out there. Just go love em all if you cant have sex with em all. It is only one life man, climb the everest or dive the rivers lakes sea, puddle, anythin at all or just muffdive.... just dive anywhere...dont forget to come up again tho. There are so many people needin help..go help anyone who needs it man. What a waste man....dont waste all that food of this world you grew up on man. Just do somethin quick man. Dont waste your time around busy dyin.

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So... What is the best way to die?


Icemoto said it beautifully. Happy.

I thought right away "having a heart attack while having sex" or "surrounded by family and going peacefully one night".


I am in no rush to experience death. It comes very quickly as it is.

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I'll look at it this way: You've put a lot more thought into this than most people would already. Anybody who knew more about the subject on a personal level has either already died, or figured out they were wrong and will try to talk you out of it. thereforeeee, it's unlikely you're going to get much meaningful information.


Please be respectfull and answer the question or go post somewhere else.


After taking the time to read your post, please don't take the attitude that my time is not worth anything and you're not really interested in what I have to say. You have engaged all of us by posting in a public forum and you should be somewhat prepared to what others have to say. To not be that way is extremely rude and disrespectful of our time and efforts, something which you have specifically asked to be considered in your case. Please practice what you preach.


If you're totally convinced that this is something you wish to do and there's not a single thing that means anything to you, then I would politely request you do what you need to do quietly and be considerate of those who have to do something in the aftermath.


As Icemoto says, best way is to die happy, but it doesn't seem like that's on your agenda. That's a frame of mind, you're asking about a method.


There's no good way to die on purpose. There are ways to die with honour, there are natural ways to die in peace after having led a full and happy life. You're not there. Live another several decades and I would suggest exactly as itsallgrand suggests ... with the knowledge that your life actually meant something. So, the best way to die is put it off for a long time until that condition can be met.

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I am interested in the fact that you ruled out choices which would allow you to regret your decision... such as jumping. If you were going to regret your decision to end your life, you would regret it no matter how you decide to do it. I don't know why you are looking for some euphoric way to kill yourself off- here is a bit of information for ya: there is no glamorous way to die. Every death includes pain of some sort... why are you so eager to be aware when you die? So you can stare at the life that you are taking the easy way out of face to face? So you can look into the gleaming depths of how it feels to be too much of a coward to face LIFE?


Death is what most people fear the most in this life... because it is what we know the least about. Those who SEEK death are only grasping on to the unknown because they cannot deal with what they do know. As harsh as this may sound, you should get a hobby. A thrill-seeking hobby, perhaps... but some kind of hobby. There are many things in LIFE that are a mystery... maybe you should seek to solve some puzzles while you are ALIVE, and let death come to you when it is MEANT TO!!!

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What I'd like to know is why you feel the need to run away from life? Are you that guilty of such an hideous, unforgiveable crime that you cannot face the pain of living any longer because of it or are you trying to prove a point and make others suffer because you really are a mean ******?

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Hey Hon!,

I don't really think you want to commit suicide and wouldn't put threats or ask for advice on this.

There are people that "Do Care!!!" and don't even know you as a person.

Stop being so "mellodramatic!!!"

I have tried suicide twice in my life and am sooooooooooooooo glad it wasn't successful, as I have 7 really awesome kids and 4 beautiful grandkids.

Life is more than sweet and glad I'm still here. What a waste that would be if I had succeeded!!!!

I found too much that was worthy to live for in life, so if you are going to be cowardly like I was and not find your inner strength, then I am so sorry for you and God find your soul!!!

Are you really that weak and pathtic??? Get P.O.'d and fight back, cuz life is really worth living!!!

After my few attemps, I just got mad about my situation and wanted to come back "Full Force!!!"

Glad I did, cuz life has never "Been So Sweet!!!"

Just hang in and there are people to support you!!!!!!

You wouldn't even ask for help if you didn't want somebody to "Hear You!!! and I DO!!!!!

I hope you take the "Emotional and Physical Challenge!!!

This whole life isn't about any one person, but I care and you have much more to live for than you know.

Think about your potential future and what you could give to the world, as we need all the help we can get!!! Be one who cares about the rest of us!!!!


Sincerely, Lita~


God Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The People I Cannot Change, The Courage To Change The One I Can and The Wisdom To Know It's Me!


Quote: "A Day You Don't Learn Anything New Is A Day Wasted!" Lita~

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Do you know that the majority of people who try to commit suicide and live.......are actually glad they lived because they come to realise that the problems they thought were so big they couldn't find a way around them aren't really that big afterall.

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I think suicide is a cowards way out! All of us have experienced pain and have been hurt more times than we would like to count. NO ONE likes to go through pain! But you have to keep on keepin on!!!


I think the best way to die is when my maker decides it's time, thereforeeee he has the decision to make as to how I go so I don't have to worry about it!

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I admit to those who have accused, that I certainly have developed a fascination with death. Let it be a warning to you then... a life of wickedness, druguse, and selfishness will damage more that you could ever imagine. I don't care to wait around any more so I say my anonymous farewell.


I realize now that it was inappropriate for me to post my intentions on a forum such as this. I am no longer fit to interact with, and I am too dangerous live with others. It's clear to me now that I should impose as little as possible on others so I will make sure that no one finds me when I leave. Thank you for input. I will not post again.

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If being a rotten drugusing selfish wanker was a reason to off yourself, I'd have been gone long ago. Nobody stays the same, and whatever mood or self-image are nudging to toward the end can change too.


Lots of younger folks find the mystery of death an attraction like no other, and commercial ventures crank out T-shirt art, music, and films to glorify the edginess of death. A few encounters with death up close can dispel any notion of the romance of oblivion. A corpse is a corpse.


I don't believe in an afterlife, so I figure this is it. YMMV

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