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Wedding/Funeral Crashing.

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I've just viewed the DVD called 'Wedding Crashers', and could not help but think if good players actually do this. Has anyone on this site ever crashed a Wedding or a Funeral to pick up girls, and/or, what do you think about the concept?


Now, I know it's just a movie, but, you cant just help think in the back of your head if desperate players really go this far to pick up girls, and how the heck they would get away with lying about their identity, how they are related to the family in question, and all of that and successfully crash and blend into a party.


I'd like to hear from players on this site what they think of this idea, and if they have ever gone that far to pick up girls.

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In the movie 'Wedding Crashers', the guy who founded the concept of crashign weddings changed to funerals, as 'grief is the ultimate aprodesiac'.


In a particular scene, the guy picked up the girlfriend of the deceased, and then made fun of him on how he died. The idea is women in funerals are particularly vunerable. In fact, I know a former friend of my mom, who got pregnant with a guy she meet at a funeral.


While, it may be seen in bad taste, or a sort of sick humour in part of this contemporary romantic or sex comedy, it does seem to be an interesting take.


Other scenes of how the main characters worked to pick up girls, they would invent some painful tragic story to impress and woo the girls to feel sorry for them, or even go as far as to put artificial tears in their eyes during the wedding ceremony so women would think they are sensitive.


Of course, script will always make a fictional characters, fictional stories and player tecniques work, because, after all it is a movie, however, you cant help but wonder if there is a grain of truth in it somewhere, or if people actually do this.

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I haven't seen this movie yet, but I've heard it's hilarious.


Frick, I have had a man try to take me home and get into bed with me the night of my stepfathers funeral. I had some drinks (ok I was smashed) and was (obviously) distressed. He knew me from before, I knew him as well.


Death can be an aphrodisiac? in that I would have loved to bed someone that night. Mostly for security and that feeling of being alive. My bf was in another country, so that was a topper too - I was especially vulnerable.


Could have turned out with us in bed, but it didn't. I stayed at the bar until I puked and passed out. My friend took me home.

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If I were going to crash, I'd rather crash a wedding. it sounds a lot more fun. the atmosphere is a lot happier, the wine is flowing, everyone looks pretty.


at funerals, people are wearing black, look unhappy, and are making small talk over soggy finger sandwhiches.

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If I were going to crash, I'd rather crash a wedding. it sounds a lot more fun. the atmosphere is a lot happier, the wine is flowing, everyone looks pretty.


at funerals, people are wearing black, look unhappy, and are making small talk over soggy finger sandwhiches.

and at least one person is less animated than the others.

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The 'advice' that I'm seeking on this thread is more of a HOW TO CRASH A WEDDING OR FUNERAL. Does ANYONE know HOW TO CRASH A WEDDING OR A FUNERAL? Has anyone actually done this?


Do you just show up uninvited and make up some BS story that you are related to some distant dead uncle or cousin if the wedding is big enough. Are people really scouting to see who is real and who is an imposter in these scenerios?

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I read an article in "Maxim" magazine a few years back about "how to pick up chicks at funerals." I guess some guys do that kind of stuff.


However, is that the kind of man you want to become?


You are consoling women who are grieving and helping them, while you are helping yourself at the same time. It's a win-win situation. You read the lady's post, she would have liked to have been laid by someone, and probably many people feel the same way.

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You are consoling women who are grieving and helping them, while you are helping yourself at the same time. It's a win-win situation. You read the lady's post, she would have liked to have been laid by someone, and probably many people feel the same way.


or you are taking advantage of someone who is greiving over the loss of a loved one.

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You are consoling women who are grieving and helping them, while you are helping yourself at the same time. It's a win-win situation. You read the lady's post, she would have liked to have been laid by someone, and probably many people feel the same way.


That really is quite low... A funeral service isn't the place to be trying to pick up women, they are there to mourn/grieve the loss of a loved one... Pity sex isn't really high on their priority list.

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well one time i slipped right into the reception line right in the open it's why you can't fail this position just right at the end of the line of course nobody will no you but that's good as far as the people are concerned, just smile and give a handshake all the guests will be freaked and say hello and act like they remember you, but just stick with it you won't fail or you can do like you said and be a long lost relative that always works or just play the part of one of the staff people nobody will know if you're really a staff member or not cuz they won't know you just have a tie and a platter full of food and a fancy bow tie and all the other stuff they wear, but that's all i got

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Years before the film was a glimmer in some producer's eye, I had a friend who did crash weddings. He and his room mate would rent a tux for a week, and they were both the same size. They took turns crashing weddings and not only meeting girls, but enjoying champagne and food, and even sometimes getting invitations to other events. They were such entertaining guys, nobody believed they didn't belong, even when they mock-joked they were crashers.


Cover stories were key. Photograper's assistants,

catering supervision, friends of friends named John or Mary, whatever came to mind. These guys were operators, but people liked them.

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