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Today I went to visit my grandma at the hospital. She was in coma and I have a really bad feeling that she might not make it. I can't fall asleep, I keep on thinking about her all night. I really hope that she can make it through this. I feel so sad, and I hate myself for pretending nothing is happening when my girlfriend asked me how was my grandmother. I hate myself for not being able to cry. I hate myself for not spending more time with my grandma when she was around. I hate myself.

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Cokemachine - relax. Welcome to ENA.


I'm sad for your grief. I feel for you. The two of you must be close.


People DO come out of comas. It's happened. And some say that people can hear whilst in a coma.


I don't mean to give you false hope cuz not only do I have no idea what your grandmother's condition is, I am I NOT a doctor so wouldn't understand even if ya told me.


But it seems to me that there is no point at all in hating yourself for things outside the realm of your control. I don't recommend if for things you can control either, but....


look dude, I don't know you're grandmother but I'm sure if she knew how you felt she would feel bad.


Visit her at the hospital. Spend time with her there. Read her today's paper. Tell her how you really feel about her. Be patient.

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Grief is a really rough thing to go through. I completely sympathize.


Remember that this is not your fault, and regardless of what happens she knows you love her.


what a beautiful sentiment, such kindness


really let yourself take these words to heart, cokemachine.. you need a little of this now


go easy on yourself

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. But don't beat yourself up. Also, remember there is still time. People in comas can still hear and sense what is going around them. Many years ago, my aunt was in a coma for a couple of weeks. She tells us that she could hear and "see" everything around her -- she saw the nurses around her and could hear the things her sons were saying to her. So go to the hospital and talk to your grandmother. Hold her hand and tell her everything you need to tell her. I'm sure she would appreciate that very much.

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