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Are Women Attracted to Tall Guys

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OK So last night i went to my friends b-day and me being single for about 1 month now, i was looking at all the people at the party. What i noticed was that all the ladies who had boyfriends where all tall. Me of course only being 5'7, i'm by no means tall. Now the question i ask is dowomen like tall guys. I saw ladies who were like 5'2 - 5'3 and there boyfriends were like 6'2. Is that just in general these days that women find taller men attractive?

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Going for guys that are way tall is a bad thing for me, personally. I went out with a guy who is 6"7! I'm only 5"4/5ish. It looked incredibly stupid i tell you lol (but i guess i loved him so i didn't can), also it was hard as he had to bend down and stuff so he got a bad back and i got a bad neck lol! I go for guys who are about 5"7-6"2 now. I would never go out with a guy that tall again. It was way to hard for us.

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Wlfpack81, you're funny about the money and muscle mass. I do agree with you that I have noticed that a lot of women go after men who are extremely tall. With me, since I am so short, I would rather date a guy who is not TOO tall because it would make me feel too self-conscious. Both my serious ex's (my current ex and my best friend) weren't that tall. Also, I would find it hard to kiss a really tall guy.

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Women do seem to go for the taller guys in general. I don't think it's a coincidence either. I see the same sort of thing every time I go out to places. It's mainly one of those 'social pressures' where the guy should be taller than the girl because it signifies protection. But yes, some muscle could make up for the height sometimes. But what really makes up for it is confidence in general. If you have that, it doesn't matter how tall you are. You'll be attracting lots of women.

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Are Women Attracted to Tall Guys?

I should certainly hope so, I'm 6'3".


The ironic thing is the tallest person I've dated was 5'3", the shortest 5'0".


I'd actually like to be with someone who isn't dwarfed by me for once, somewhere around 5'5"+ but everywhere I look all I see is short people. My life sucks so hard ;_;

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