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my bf never kisses/licks my nipples! he touches my breasts and he nipples and he lubes his fingers with saliva and teases my nipples but he doesnt use his mouth or tongue! he kisses all around them on my breast normally but doesnt go there with his lips or mouth/tongue! we are already inthe oral phase so its not about being slow!could he be nipple-phobic? FEEDBACK?

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A phobia is defined as:

  1. A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it is not dangerous.
  2. A strong fear, dislike, or aversion.

I would say that if he had a "nipple phobia"- then he'd be afraid to touch them as well. Probably not a phobia in his case, but just a preference.


Have you asked him about it?




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I don't even know how to react to this one.


I've mentioned this in another thread by putting my mouth over there is probably my favorite thing in the world to do so hearing that someone doesn't like to is like hearing that someone doesn't like being wealthy.

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Maybe he was bottle-fed as a baby.


Not everyone has the same preferences. So much is made of the oddest sexual practices we forget there really isn't a "normal way" but a continuum of expression. He just has his own personal traits.

Do you have any unique turnons or turnoffs?

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my boyfriend is the same way sometimes. he'll touch them, but hardley ever uses his mouth. i wonder why. we don't ever really talk about it cause in the moment i'm not too worried but later it sometimes seems weird to just bring it up like over dinner, or during a tv show we're watching.

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I agree with other posters, have you ever asked him to do it? Such as when he is kissing your breasts tell him how wonderful it feels and you would love if he did the same on your nipples?


Sometimes people don't know what works for others. I have dated a guy for example whom absolutely hated his nipples being touched (he was a weird one anyway...good riddance ) so figured I wouldn't like it either.

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no i have not talked to him about it ,am trying to give it more time..we only been tegether for 1 1/2 months now..but i am startin to think he just doesnt like to use his tongue at all! he doesnt like it in kissing, and he doesnt use it on my nipples or on my ears..and by the way he never went down on me either(although he loves my BJs)..maybe its because of a dislike of using tongue? he thinks its strange that i like using my tongue so much! could it be that he just doesnt want to use it, regardless where? i never knew a guy who didnt use his tongue! any one had a similar experience?

another quesstion: anyone can give me exciting and new positions or different places in the house where we can do it? we are not havin sex yet but everythin else is happening and my bf is gettin bored from the bed and the same positions all the time..help?

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Bad, bad, really bad!


Repeat after me, "Lovers are not mind readers"


If he won't do it, ask him to do it, as simple as that. Stop the "what if he doesnt like it, what if blablabla". You are proving how you can't tell if he likes to do it or not, well, think the other way, he doesnt' know if you like him to do it or not.


Key to good sex is comunication, not mind reading. No one has the ability to know what the other person may or may not like, so comunication is a must if you expect to have good sex.


Now, what is awfull, is that you aren't trying to open that comunication channel over this simple issue, I don't want to think what will happen over more serious things.

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Tiredman Dont say it ... I know what your gonna say and I can bet she wont do it. SAMRA2 Tiredman will tell you to break up with him if he isnt going to return the favour. But I think you just need to talk to your bf about it. Maybe he has had a bad experience, or maybe he is afraid of catching something from you. Have You both been tested? Is he a virgin?

And nicely said SusserTod.

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