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Title says it all really.

Ok, so, it's the Easter holidays so i'm off school. I should be happy, going out and having a great time.


I did have a good beginning of the holidays, went away to visit some friends. When i got back, i was busy with family things for 2 days. Now, i'm just bored and lonely. My friends are all out with their boyfriends all of the time (and if any of you have read my other posts you will see that i am now single). I'm either staying in the house just mooching around, going on the computer, watching tv or sitting in the conservitory OR i'm going to my grandparents house or hanging out with my mum (shopping). I just wish i could see my friends.


I've tried to organise something. I've called and text my friends, seeing if they want to do something. One of them has replied and ok, we are doing something on friday but that seems like an age away. I just feel so lonely and this makes me miss the ex because if i was still with him i would be with him or be texting him constantly so i would not feel lonely. I wonder if he misses me.... Anyway, enough about him lol.


Yeah, i guess i feel unloved, i want a boyfriend like my friends all have, they all seem so happy and i seem so unhappy and depressed compared to them life is unfair.

Anyone out there want to love me?


Just venting a little here, anyone want to cheer me up?

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Everyone gets like this at times, especially when you are single and most of your friends aren't.

I feel like you do at times but I asure you that being single does have a lot of positives as well. You should meet some new friends as even if your friends have boyfriends they should still make time to come out and see you.

Best thing is to get out and do things and dont mope about.

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hey...i feel the same way ...i'm always so lonely and depressed for no reason at all ..yeah i want a boyfriend too so i can feel important and stuff, it would be great wouldn't it? But then again it's also painful...but You're not alone i agree with everyone here...make new friends/crushes...find someone that likes you back and even if nothing happens with that person, it will make you feel good love ya

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