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"You Owed it to him???"


No, you need to stay far far far away from this man. He is dangerous. Any man that does not respect a woman when she says no, and says "you owe him" is very very bad. He could seriously hurt you.


Promise me you'll avoid this man at all costs! do not allow him in your house again and never be alone with him again!


I think you should tell your parents what he did.

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I know what he did was wrong but at the same time he was right I had agreeded to the dare. I won't be alone with him again I promise. I am planning on telling my mom I'm jsut afraid that she won't let me go to the group or to his house, and if that happens I won't see my friends again.


I might tell the group leaders but still their is no danger for the other girls it's me he wants and me he won't get, he took advantage of knowing my weakness( he knows i'm not that strong I have a weak heart). So I will be dealing on this situation and updating soon any replies will be appreciated.

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I agree with the others, I really think you need to let the other leaders know MG. At 20 years old, he was not looking for "love" from a 13 year old girl. I think when you are 20 yourself, you will realize just how disturbing it really is.

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I guess everyone here was right, I do understand the age thing but I really thought that he cared...showed me wrong. Well anyway he and I still see eachother but in a strictly business manner, He backed off after a discussion we had where I said I wasn't interested in him and that I wasn't going to do anything I didn't want to, he got mad at me then he just stopped calling, he stopped asking for me so much, he just backed off completely. We'll see how this situation works out in the end I was stupid for trusting him and letting myself get hurt and used but oh well. I'll survive.

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  • 1 month later...

I still have to see him and it hurts everytime. He used me and made me believe that i was important to him. Thanks to him I never really feel woth much. My male best friend helped alot I called him one night crying(the night of the kiss) and even though I woke him up he didn't care and he talked to me until I was better again. He has shown me that maybe I am worth something. Him,Dregnought and 2 of my girl friends and people who have shown me that I just might be important.


He hurt me I will never forget that. He used me as if I was his toy. Now he is in my life and no matter what I have to see him. Some lessons in life have to be learned the hard way. He never loved me, he never cared. He only wanted me with eyes of desire. I am grateful that he never got to rape me it never got that far but still to a 13 year old being forced to kiss and be touched by someone is bad enough.


A lesson learnt. I wonder if I will ever be the same ???




***(P.S. I will not be on enotalone for some days. I am going on vacation to see my family but I would like if you do reply to this and if anything PM me at anytime I'll read everything when I get back. Luv, Moon Goddess)***

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MG -- You still need to watch your back with this guy. You said he backed off completely; that doesn't mean that he's given up on the idea of "getting something" from you. The fact that he changed his work schedule to go to this group to be there when you're there, it's almost like he's stalking you. I've gon back and reread this entire thread just to update myself. This is my opinion, but you really need to tell an adult about what happened and what was said, so that they can protect you better. Take care.

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I won't tell an adult what happened I got myself into this now I'll get myself out. I know he has all the characteristics of a paedophile. He backed away from me not completely cuz we still talk but he don't call me or come to my house anymore.


My Mum will not know I can't cuz she would practically kill him. And she wouldn't let me go back there and then I would lose my friends, and I won't let that happen. He scared me for life yes but that is over now. I was planning on telling my ex-bf/best friend but knowing him I don't know what he is capable of doing. So I'm thinking about it. This situation is close to over even if he took away my worth I have a few people who are giving it back. All I need is some support here.


***This is my last post for the 2 weeks I'll be away, please reply anyway or PM me Thanks!***

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