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Does anyone here, ever think about their first loves?


I heard my first love's and mine "love song" on the radio last week! I havent heard, it in a few years!


Then I heard it on the radio today, about the same time, and the same station again! Strange!


But it got me thinking of the memories! Just wondering what he is doing! (I dont want to be back with him, so if my boyfriend reads this) Just really thinking of the past!)


Just thought it was strange!

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I think about my first love a lot, but then he is now my best friend and I see him pretty often. Sometimes, when I am hanging out with him, we like to reminisce about the old days when we were both still in college and what we used to do back then. He talks about those days alot now because he moved out to CA and I was the first person who ever took him out to visit CA and the LA area and he fell in love with it out here and 10 years later, he moved out here.

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I have not seen her since late 1988, and I last spoke to her in 1989 or 1990. But, yes I still think of her.


I have not and don't think I will ever really forget any of the women I dated for any length of time longer than six months. There are a couple who only got to three months, but I have never forgotten any of them.


I think I could forget about someone with whom I went on a few dates, but not somene with whom I had a relationship.

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I do think about my first love a lot. We married and he wanted a divorce after nine months because he wasn't ready for marriage and he loved me but wasn't "in love" with me. ( blah, he just didn't give it a chance.)


He is currently married and I often wonder if he is happy and what not. Its strange thinking about him in a different life now because everything we had just seems like so long ago.


I still talk to his parents and brought my newborn over to their house so they could see her. I saw a picture of him and his new wife. Even though I am married that wasn't enjoyable to see for some reason.


So i often think about him a lot but I would never want to go back to that point in time in my life.

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I guess my case of thinking of my first love is a bit different than what you are asking. I am sure you mean a first love that you had, but it didnt last , and you now wonder where they are, how they are, etc, on occasion.


My first love was when I was 16, and the first time I was in love. He was my high school sweetheart, and we became married when I was 18. I was fortunate in that my first love was " the one", and we were together for a long time. I spent a wonderul 28 years with him, until his death at age 48 ,in Dec 2003.


I have accepted he is gone forever in the physical sense. However, he remains with me in heart and soul, and great memories . I enjoy recalling the early years when we first meet, fell in love, married, etc, and telling my kids about our lives together. So yes I think of my first love daily. EVen though I have moved on to make a new life for myself. there are always daily reminders of him and great experiences that we had together.

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Until I got on this forum I pretty much forgot about her.

She was a piece of work.

After three years, she wanted marriage so she could have a baby. I didn't want kids. One fine day she moved out and married a wino she met at a detox center she worked at, and had a little girl 9 months later. A few months later he ran away and she wanted to find her way back to me.

I found this very annoying and avoided women for years.


Ahhhh, the good times...

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i feel that what makes a first love, or loves, so special is the fact that it kind of wakes us up. there really is no feeling like the feeling of being in love, or falling into love. so when a person brings that feeling out in you, well you tend to never forget that person.

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I was in 5th grade, he was in 6th. He was the smartest boy in the entire 6th grade class (and went on to be high school valedictorian, the boy was a complete brainiac). His parents lived in the really expensive neighborhood where all the rich kids' families lived.


Anyway, for a few months in the spring of that year, we hung out at recess together. I no longer remember how that started, or who started it...I just recall it going on for the last few months of that school year. Life at home with my parents was rather crappy, and I thought he might save me somehow. After all, he was the smartest boy in the entire 6th grade class...if there was some way to make it better, surely, he could come up with it.


Later I would look back and figure if the smartest boy in the entire 6th grade class liked me, and wanted to spend recess with me in front of God and everybody, I must not be the worthless piece o'crap I kept hearing I was at home.


We went to the same Junior High and High School, but the school system we were in only mixed grades together in Elementary School at that time. So, I caught glimpses of him in the halls in Junior High & High School, but never really talked to him or spent any more time with him again.


Sometimes, he crosses my mind in the spring, when it's warm enough that they'd let kids outside for recess.....

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Later I would look back and figure if the smartest boy in the entire 6th grade class liked me, and wanted to spend recess with me in front of God and everybody, I must not be the worthless piece o'crap I kept hearing I was at home.


LOL! That sure rings a bell! LOL!

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I'm in love right now....




My "first love" occurred in kindergarden. To me, then, it was VERY real. (Since I remember it so well...lol) His name was Michael. He was tall (for a 5 year old), blonde with a toothy smile. I was always shy around him and he never acknowledged our love unfortunately.


I remember one day he came in to show and tell in a little army uniform and buzz cut talking about his dad in the army. I swooned.


I actually remember a dream I had where I was wearing my grandmothers long flowery dress (that I used to play dress-up in a lot) and I was tied to the train tracks near our apartment. He rescued me from the train. I find it really weird that I actually remember that dream.


Lol, damsel in distress at only 5.

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Does anyone here, ever think about their first loves?


I heard my first love's and mine "love song" on the radio last week! I havent heard, it in a few years!


Then I heard it on the radio today, about the same time, and the same station again! Strange!


But it got me thinking of the memories! Just wondering what he is doing! (I dont want to be back with him, so if my boyfriend reads this) Just really thinking of the past!)


Just thought it was strange!


Last year when I was out with one of my girl friend's for a drink, this guy walked up to me and said..."RayKayl!?!?...."...turned out to be my "first love". We dated for two years, back when I was about 13-15 and a bit, and he was a year older. He broke it off with me, and started dating someone else.


Turns out he was still with this girl....but always wondered about me and had looked for me a few times. Weird, as while sure sometimes I thought of how he was doing, never with that "wondering if there was something there" that apparently he had..


We have met up a few times since then, but he realized pretty soon we were very different, I had a great partner, and he was just wondering as he was not sure about taking next step with his partner and had been using it as a reason not to marry her for a while...but then realized it was just as she was not right. So they broke it off. I felt bad as he broke it off after talking to me one day about her, and asking for advice, and I guess some of the things I said made him realize some things...but that's another story!


Anyway, we meet up every few months (my boyfriend knows and is fine with it!) and that's about it. Kind of neat though to get back in touch with someone from a long time ago.


I wonder now and then about other boyfriends I had too, but never with that "what if", more of a "what are they up to and hope they are okay" kind of thing.

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Does anyone here, ever think about their first loves?


I heard my first love's and mine "love song" on the radio last week! I havent heard, it in a few years!


Then I heard it on the radio today, about the same time, and the same station again! Strange!


But it got me thinking of the memories! Just wondering what he is doing! (I dont want to be back with him, so if my boyfriend reads this) Just really thinking of the past!)


Just thought it was strange!


Maybe it's a *sign*?? You are being reminded of him via this song, for some reason - maybe it's to get back in touch?? Weird that it played at exact time, same station!!. Here's a strange tale in regard to my first love. Here goes:


We'd met when I was 18, he was 17, were involved for nine years, then we broke up, met other people and I moved away from the area. My family however still live in the area he does.


A few months back I heard this song played on the radio and I too began thinking of him, wondered how he was, etc and I was suddenly overwhelmed with this urge to contact him. One night after I visited my family, I took to driving past his home in my car and I noticed a van parked outside with a telephone number on it (he's in business now), so I wrote this telephone number down, although I doubt I'd ever have called him. The date was 30th October 2004!!!


I got home that night, pondered over calling him, but decided not too. But I continued to think about him for months afterwards.


Then one day I logged into a classmates website that I am registered with. I'm unsure why I logged in bcause it's a website I hadn't visited for a long time. And what do you know! There in my mailbox was an email from my first love and he'd sent it to me on 30th October 2004!!!! Now that is weird!!!!!


He was probably writing that email to me, as I was taking the telephone number, from his van.


Each of us had been thinking of the other, at the *exact* same time

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I don't think it's necessarily a "sign" that you wanna get back with that person or contact them. It could be... but I think more it's just a natural thing to never forget your first love, or relationships in general. I know I remember everything about my first love, all the stupid details... and we've both moved on with new people and new experiences and new memories... but the fact is I won't forget him... and I don't think it's strange if you are reminded of your ex when you hear your song on the radio!! Same with me!! it's natural, you had some good times together. and like someone posted there's really nothing like the feeling of being in love!!!!

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I just found my 1st TRUE Love about 6 months ago. I'm turning 29 and she's 21. She's the first girl I ever really liked that liked me back, which turned into an AMAZING but fast relationship and into LOVE. I'm scared to death it might end soon because she's studying in another country and "wants some space". We agreed not to see other people, but I worry everyday she might want different. She'll be back in 3 months, but that doesn't make it any easier. RIght now, it seems as if I'm doing everything to keep this relationship afloat. So, yeah, 1st love. Know all about it. Living through the ROLLERCOASTER of emotions as we speak...

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