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First kiss stories...


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I had mine last weekend. Yeah, I know I'm a late bloomer at 21, but I finally got it. It happened in a BP gas station parking lot, at the end of a date in late afternoon. It was funny, there were lots of people around, but I really didn't care, like I thought I would. Like many first kisses probably are, it wasn't very good, but my second one yesterday was much better!


Oh yeah, I have a friend who is 4 years old, and he has kissed 4 girls already...on the lips!....And he claims to have a girlfriend, who is a little older between 10 and 12 I think.


Hes a pimp.

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I was 15, I believe. He was 17. It was at summer camp. A friend of mine had asked me out, and I had agreed becuase it had been so unexpected. I remember being terrified of him after that becuase I knew he would want to kiss me, which I had never done before, so I made excuses to run off every time I saw him for the next few days. Finally, one day, right before I ran off, he grabbed my shoulder and was like "Hey...can I kiss you goodnight?"

I swallowed my terror and mumbled a yes. He leaned in to kiss me. I remember it being rather long - probably around 3 minutes (I know, it's not that long by some of your standards, but come on! First kiss!). At the time, I was just terrified that I was doing something wrong the whole time, and that he was disgusted by me. While we were kissing, groups of people started to walk back to their bunks (cerfew), passing us, and I felt so on display.

Afterwards, I ran off and avoided him for days in shame.

Haha, now that I think about it, he was actually a very good kisser. I've had worse since then. We ended up breaking up because he kind of caught on that I was avoiding him. But one of my friends told me he thought it had been a good kiss.

I was still terrified of kissing for a long time after that. Sooo lame haha.

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hmmm. I distance myself from actual relationships..the only few I have had have been rebounds because I didn't keep who I wanted..My first kiss sucked.It was with an older guy I had just started "talking" to and it only happened becasue he refused to let go of me. uhh maybe I shouldn't count that?..I guess I haven't really had my first kiss..Wow..that's just lame.

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First silly kiss was like at 5 I guess,


First french was at 17 I spose kind of late in most peoples eyes, but I had had lots of offers just didn't feel that close to anyone before, and I'm not the tpye to kiss random people. It was with a "friend" guy that I felt very strongly for, we were laying on his bed watchin SAW lol, and he just started hugging mean then suddenly wha! lol , it was so great I mean I hadnt had anything to compare it too but Im sure some people have bad first kisses right? he wanted things to go further, but I didn't let stuff go all the way. He turned out to be a liar and user and has a gf now, it's really lame cause I still have a lot of feelings for him (Im 18 now) (even though we never hang anymore) since then I only kissed a female friend (WHOOPS) at a party very briefly and I totaly regret it its like errr I don't think I could kiss anyone just for fun unless I was super drunk lol!

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My first french was when I was 13. I was at the movies, and I was so scared to kiss her, so she finally took the upper hand and kissed me. I was afraid I wouldn't know what to do, but it all came natural. I even remember the bubble gum taste... haha


My first peck kiss, I was 10 and this girl ran up and kissed me on the play ground and ran away. Then I asaked her out on Valentine's Day and we went out for like a month

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I was 18 when I had my first kiss.


Let's just say... I'm not easy. I'm pretty hard to get....


But anyways, I'm so glad I waited and I'm glad that guy was my first kiss. He was a great boyfriend. And the greatest thing is, we're still great friends. He didn't turn out to be an assh0le. I'm lucky.

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My first kiss was when I was about seven. I was up in this tree fort with my neighbor who is two years older than me and we kissed. It was just a peck though.


My first REAL kiss was this year. I was laying on the couch watching a movie with a nineteen year old guy and he kinda kissed my neck and it made me laugh because it tickled and he was all "what?" then we kissed kissed. He was a really good kisser, I must say. lol. It was really wonderfully, actually.

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As long as you don't count me telling Christopher Ford in the first grade that if he didn't kiss me while we were supposed to be watching School House Rocks that I would hit him (he did kiss me, btw, but I think I hit him anyway \) THEN:


My first kiss was truly mortifying. I was 11 and got sent away to church camp with a church I had never been to by my mother. On the way home, all the seats were taken so I streatched out on a coat under them, and some guy reaches down and pets my face and then sticks his finger in my mouth and like wants me to suck it. I didn't, but when we got back to the church to unload, he walks in, grabs my hand and leads me to a pitch black kindergarten sunday school room. He was 17 and EVIDENTLY horny. I was 11, had braces with the overbite rubber bands, and it was that time of the month and i was wearing one of those old Kotex that remind you of an encyclopedia.... He grabbed my boob, stuck his nasty tongue down my throat, and alternatly groped himself and me for about 2 mintues. I stood there in wonder and let him until he started shaking. When I asked him what was wrong, he laughed and called me a baby and left... Took me several more years to figure that one out...

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Well my first kiss was when I was 21 yea I know I am a geek. Her name was shari we just got back from a date and we where siting in front of her house. We where jsut siting there talking and then it got quite too quite then after 2 mins she said "Chris kiss me" so I did. Looking back I know I am a geek. But here you go.

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Well my first kiss was when I was 21 yea I know I am a geek. Her name was shari we just got back from a date and we where siting in front of her house. We where jsut siting there talking and then it got quite too quite then after 2 mins she said "Chris kiss me" so I did. Looking back I know I am a geek. But here you go.


I think it's cute =]

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my first kiss happened when i was 16, it was with my first boyfriend liam and we were walking back from the park. he was holding my hand as we walked and we stopped.


he looked at me with a big grin on his face and he moved me closer to him and he gave me a french kiss which made my legs go like jelly. havent seen him since we split up...

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  • 4 weeks later...

well i technically got kissed when i was 7 but i don't count that. i'm 18 now, and over the summer i went to a girls shore house with her and her family. that night when we all went to bed, me and her slept in the same bed (yes her parents didn't mind for some reason) we werent really tired at all. and her mom had this LOUD noise-maker thing on in the room so my friend put her head under her pillow to cover up the noise, so i put my head under my pillow too, and we were just staring at each other. then she smiled really big and so did i, so i just went in and we kissed for about 10 seconds. it was pretty awesome if you ask me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My first kiss was when I was six years old. I kissed a boy called Michael infront of all the other boys in class very quickly, they all made gross choking sounds afterwards.

I guess that isn't very much a great "first kiss" story most people expect but I do like my "first kiss story" about my boyfriend and I.


I snuck over to his house (almost 6 months ago now) and the rain was pouring down. I was with my friend Janelle and I'd made a personal promise to myself I'd kiss Alex that night. At the time we weren't together, just friends but we both had a thing for each other and I was fed up with waiting any longer.

Once we had gotten there and hung out for a bit in the garage, it was time to leave. Janelle went outside and Alex's friend went back inside. So it was just me and Alex for a minute or so.

I guess I followed my instincts because one minute I was standing there and the next thing I was kissing his lips. Gosh, I can still remember now how terrified I was, I was so scared he'd push me away, but he didn't, he pulled me close. We kissed over and over for about 2 minutes, just kisses, no tongue and then I had to leave because Janelle was getting cold.

I remember pulling away from him so slowly and both of us not wanting to let go, later that night (around 3am) he called and asked me out, I said yes of course!! And you know the best thing about it all was?

It was Alex's first kiss ever.

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  • 5 weeks later...

love this thread! lol. My first kiss was when I was 14. I was in our country club theatre watching some movie with my then boyfriend and another guy friend. We were sitting behind this guy friend of ours, but he kept on turning back and annoy us, so my ex gave him that 'get lost' look and he got up and went. So we had the whole theatre to ourselves. I knew he was trying to make a move but I pretended to concentrate on the movie and thats when I realize he was staring at me intensively from the side, when I turned my head, his face came so close to mine (it took me by surprise) and his lips touched mine and I was actually stunned cuz I liked the sensation of his soft lips and I was ahhh... I melted. But WE got interrupted when our stupid friend came back with the entire stupid gang who was supposed to be at the bowling alley. So thats it. My first kiss story.....

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LOL my friend in kindergarten dared to kiss this girl on the cheek. It was so innocent & didn't know what I was doing. I thought it was gross back then


My first real kiss was with my first g/f when I was 16. We would go on a long walk after school & were sitting down by this bridge. I kissed her cheek once & as we talked, I tried to give another kiss. That's when she turned around also & we started kissing. It was the first time I've ever really kissed a girl, I thought I was in heaven for sure

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

My first kiss was when i was 12. I wish it never happened. About 10 minutes after i had found my first girlfriend, my mouth lost its virginity. I would of rather waited...after that tho i was never shy about kissing and it has made me too who i am today. it was probley the most unromantic thing you could ever think of, other then being out in the rain after a dance.

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  • 1 month later...

Hmm not quite but the one before that was an utter disaster and i may be scarred for life but his one is definitely the best ..

I was 14 and he was 16 we had been dating for 2 or 3 months we were on the way home from a rowing regatta and we had to go in the trailer with the boats and it was freezing cold so we cuddled up lay down in the corner looking at the stars he had his arm around me and played with my hair staring into each other's eyes and then it just sort of happened gently and slowly... he lead and i followed ....

i think i will remember that forever like some sappy movie scene


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My first kiss was when I was 15.

It was with a girl (16) who I'd had feelings for for a few months (She later admitted she had feelings for me for about as long, if not longer).

We would meet up and go places together aswel as relax at her place to watch TV, talk and snuggle on the couch together. We valued every hug we shared greatly, and one day just before I had to leave we hugged for 10 minutes.

Later that night she sent me an sms telling me how she missed me (We constantly sent eachother messages like this) and that she was tempted to kiss my cheek during the hug. I replied saying I was too aswel as the usual (but truthful) other aspects of the message.

That's when she replied, saying she lied, she didn't want to kiss my cheek, followed by an embarrassed face. (This meant she actually was tempted to kiss)

The one night (July 1st 2006, I remember the date) we both got invited to a friends house (Whos nieghbour has a massive back yard we could play in) so we went along with some other people.

We decided it was creepy but fun so we started playing hide and seek. I was the seeker for one game and she said she was scared so she asked if she could come along with me. We found a few people and they started helping us to find others, we split up into two groups to find the others, whereby me and the girl went and hid ourselves in a little clearing from some trees. We hugged eachother by the moonlight as the sky dripped with water slowly. I was so tempted to kiss her.

We heard everyone else talking and such, then their voices disappeared. A few minutes later we went back to the friends house, his parents told us they'd gone to safeway to get some food. So we went to his room and lay down in the dark on his bed snuggling.

We were looking at eachother as we lay, then we both closed our eyes. I felt her move a bit closer then pause, I did the same thing. Then next time I felt her move closer I did too and our lips connected and we kissed.

It was adorable and an amazing, soft, gentle kiss.

We opened our eyes and looking at eachother, we both had smiles planted on our faces, we tightened our grips on eachother and hugged a bit more.

We kissed once more before our friends knocked on the window outside and started yelling and such.



And that was my first kiss.



My first kiss with tongue and my first kiss with a bite was a few days afterwards when she was feeling really down and she called me and told me she had to see me, even if just for a really short time, she just needed comfort and I was the only one who could make her feel better. So I rushed to meet her, she met me at the train station as I got off the train and we walked to a park. We talked for a little while and then started hugging again. We both looked at eachother and kissed.

I only saw her for about an hour before she had to go home, but we both agreed it was worth it and she told me seeing me made her feel a lot better.


On the 28th of July (Her birthday) I asked her if she wanted me to be officially hers. And we've been together since.


I guess I'm lucky. Every kiss has been perfect, we haven't really had any bad kisses.

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