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She is finally here


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I can't believe this, she is here. My beautiful daughter is here and I love her so much. She is so cute. She was 8lbs 1 oz...and after only 8 days of life she has already gained 5 ozs. I am breast feeding her, but let me tell you all, it is HARD. I cry many nights from frustration and feeling like i'm the worst mother in the world because she sometimes wont take to the breastfeeding. I go through highs and lows, but than i look at her and all I want to do is protect her. She is so adorable, I just want to hold her and kiss her little feet and hands. today was her first Dr's appointment and so far so good. She is healthy and happy.




I'm in severe pain, my stomach hurts, my breast are engorged (oh my goodness i can't even explain, but all you mothers out there, know just what i'm talking about)...and i'm always crying, then laughing then crying.


I just wanted to update you all and if anyone has any tips, please feel free.....I will try to check this again in about a week. If I can...she comes first and if i can break away i'll try....

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Congrats! She sounds beautiful...and you sound in love with her!


The physical symtpoms and mood swings are pretty normal, you are coming off the pregnancy hormones you have been on for so long. If you find it not improving though, definitely see your doctor to rule out anything more serious...


And you just had a c-section, so give it time, you'll feel better before you know it.


You are not the worst mother, you are learning as you go, and no matter how much you prepare, you can never be ready for the reality. Relax, and have fun. I was my mother's first too, and the test gerbil for everything that was new to her, but I turned out okay


Lots of big congratulatory hugs your way, and even more reassurance you are doing JUST fine,



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Congrats... yipppeeeee whooo hooo.. a baby GIRL. awwwww... sweet!!!!


Congrats. You make sure you sleep when she sleeps. LOL. Thats the best advice I can give!!!! everyone told me and I didn't listen.. sooooo ...there it is for what its worth.


PM me if you are having problems nursing. Hang in there.. it is soooo worth it. You can do it. You are both learning. You've never breast fed..and she's never nursed.. You'll be fine...


I love wee babies.. and tiny feet!!! the first thing I do when i see a baby is whip off the socks to see their feet!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Congrads!!!!! I am so happy for you! Did you have her naturally? I was just wondering because you said your stomach hurt. I was thinking about you earlier & wondering how you were doing. Ironically, you posted your message the day my daugther was born. Since we both shared our aches and moans about being pregnant, I thought I would let you know that she was born. She was 8 pounds 8 ounces. (geeze & they were worried about her not gaining any weight, lol) I was in labor for 13 hours before they decided to do a C-Section. She was 3 weeks early but very healthy. I can share your aches and pains! Its rough at first but totally worth it. I haven't slept good since before she was born!


I wish you the best of luck and hope everything is going great for you!


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Hey SL,


CONGRATS on the baby, she's beautiful! Sorry to hear you ended up with a C-section, but you have a beautiful baby to show for it for sure!


Is she a redhead!?!?!?! Yikes, you are in for a fun time


Quite the full head of hair anyway, I was born with some red, then went bald, then it grew back when I was about 1 or so (and it's still red!)....my mum had started to worry I would be bald forever.


Hope all else is well,



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Thanks RayKay. She has a good amount of blonde, red and brown. When i wash her hair , you can tell she has a lot of blonde. I was so surprised when I saw her full head of hair. I was a bald and didn't get any good amount of hair to be proud of until I was almost two. BRian, my husband didn't have much either so everyone is pretty amazed at the hair. I think she looks like a punk rocker.


In the end I was glad to have a C section because my heart rate was 150 and hers was high too towards the end. My blood pressure went very low and I had an allergic reaction to the epidural. But everything was totally worth it. Just not enjoyable LOL!


If you would like to see more pictures go to


Everything is good at home. After she was born he was 100 times even more remorseful & calls every break & lunch. It took him seeing his daughter. He made a comment that he grew up when he looked at her.


miracle29, PM me sometime. Good luck on the breast feeding & I hope everything is good at home!!! You deserve the best.


Here's the Punk Rocker


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She's a sweetie SL!


I am really glad he came around, I have heard babies have that effect on grown men


My stepfather is a sucker for babies...when he met my mum, he came to talk to her because she had a 3-month old (dad had left us and divorced). When a woman in our neighbourhood had triplets, he would run outside every time they came walking around so he could gurgle and coo at them....lol.


Enjoy....they grow up fast from what I hear

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When posting, I went to the yellow square with mountains that says "insert picture" when your mouse scans over it and I uploaded the pictures on link removed ( picture hosting website.) & posted the URL. You can upload it from your computer but the picture has to be 500 width and 500 height and no bigger than 156.3 KB. You do that by clicking the paper click icon.


Good Luck!!!

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Congratulations Miracle29!!!


I was right behind you! I had my baby daughter Adahlia on January 22nd. 8lbs 15oz!!! Yowzwers!!


I'm also breastfeeding, so I feel your pain. She latches really well, but it's still a lot of work! I'm going to start pumping and storing soon for when I have to go back to work.


It's crazy isn't it? You can never imagine how much you're going to love these perfect little people that your body has been building for the last 9 1/2 months. It truly is an amazing feeling.


Keep us updated!!

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OHMIGOODNESS - She is very beautiful. Super congratulations.


Good for you for sticking with the breastfeeding. Let me tell you as someone who breast fed three children, each for one year, it DOES get easier. The first one is always the most difficult and most women don't stick with it. If you can, great! If you don't, don't think twice about it.


The fact that you made the comment about being the worst mother in the world makes you one of the best!


Congratulations to you!

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