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I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year.


I was wondering if anyone takes this anti-anxiety/anti-depressant and if so, how do you respond to it. I've read quite a number of horror stories about this drug when withdrawing from it. I know for a fact that when I miss a day, I start to feel horrible, nausea, head spins, feeling out of touch with reality, anxiety, etc... when I am on it, I feel like I can deal with anything, although, my emotions are very supressed. I had a friend even ask me when the last time I cried was and I couldn't remember.


In my opinion, I need to be on something because I have a very hard time dealing with society the way it is today. There is so much pressure on people to succeed and be wealthy, have a home, a family, get married, etc... I never feel like I measure up. I know I shouldn't compare myself to others but I can't help it.


It seems the only way to cope is through medication.


Please share your thoughts, I am really curious to know if anyone shares these feelings.


Jackie (TommyJ)

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I was on an anti-depressant for awhile, it was hard to get off of. I have also heard horror stories about effexor.


As for medication being the only way to cope, I completely disagree. North American society is overmedicated, and while medication is definitely beneficial for many things, it is in my opinion often the quick fix.


To me it sounds like you have low self-esteem, and are not happy with the direction your life is going. I think getting counselling to work on that would be more beneficial than turning to a pill.

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I don't believe in taking medication unless there is a clear and important physical need for it, eg high blood pressure. Side affects can be scary.


Are you taking something that was presrcibed to you? If you really think you need something I would talk with a trusted doctor and find something that is right for you and wouldn't be as likely to have those side affects. I also think that the only way to truly feel better is to find a way to resolve your feelings without pills. Work on confidence, focus on your strengths, learn how to not compare yourself to others. Medication can't do that for you.

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I would not advise skipping doses of Effexor. It works on certain brain chemicals (namely serotonin and norepinephrine). I sense that the side effects that you are experiencing are due to skipping doses. None of the antidepressant drugs should be cut "cold turkey". Most of them require a period of "down titration"---which means the dose is lowered in increments (determined by your doctor) and you are eventually weaned off the med.


Hope this helps!


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Hey...I've known several people who took effexor - I hate the stuff.


But...I'm a big believer in people knowing what's right for your own body. If you think it's the best thing for you, and you feel you should continue taking it, then do so. If you think you should stop, be sure to be careful, and definitely talk to your doctor first. From what I know, withdrawal from effexor is terrible. Remember too that there are other medications out there with side effects that aren't so bad.


Best wishes!

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Have you been advised to take this?


You should be in contact with a doctor for the time of taking the medication, to ensure it is effective.

Withdrawal is not as bad as it is made out, in most cases. Different people react differently to medication and no one can say how you will react.


Consult a doctor, and never stop and start ADM.

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Directly from my drug book:


Abrupt discontinuation or dosage reduction after extended (6 weeks or longer) therapy may lead to agitation, dsyphoria (in other words--feeling blah), nervousness, anxiety and other symptoms.


Doctors usually down titrate Effexor over a 2 week period---but it's all patient specific.



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Effexor is not as bad as what everone is making it out to be. I am on effexor at present and it is the only medication that works best for me. With any anti depressant you will need to gradually come off it over time. After about 2 days without taking my meds I will become light headed and sick in the stomach. I have tried twice to go cold turkey and both times I need to go back on the medication because of the side effects. You would think that I would've learnt the first time I tried it. lol.


Other then that Effoxor is fine. It will also depend on the dosage amount you are on as too the side effects you might get.

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