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i understand that, and im a true believer in not beliving that things r perfect, but i also believe that our partner needs to be as perfect as they can be for us, not "societies perfect", but OUR perfect, the "perfect" match for us. my point is...how do u know that the person your with is "the one" and that theres no one better...how do u know that person is the best for you?

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You just know. It isn't something you can plan for, it isn't something where you can find signals and clues. Somehow, you just know.


If you love the person, they love you, and you recognize the each other flaws and are able to work through them and through problems when it develops, this is what makes a relationship last. There is no guarantee that you will end up marrying the person. When you find that person you are going to marry and always be with, its a feeling that comes over you that can't be explained. If you are having to ask about it, you aren't ready for that yet.


The person will be the best for you because in your heart you will know he or she is the best for you.

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There is no such thing as perfect.


The ONLY perfect person for each of us is someone who touches our hearts in several ways, someone who we connect with on all levels.


It's hard to describe, but the feelings are similar to magnetic attraction. Once you realize that this is the person you love, there is nothing out there that will compare.


Those who always want more or better, are probably with the WRONG person. It's often the case where the person who's right for you, ISN'T exactly what you always dreamed of, but somehow, they just do it for you.

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Exactly, no one is perfect. In every relationship you are not going to like and agree with everything about your partner. It's a relationship. You must choose your poison. I can handle a girl that snores, that can be somewhat stubborn at times, but I cannot handle a liar or a cheater. If things are going great with your current beau then see where it leads. If not, then give him up so some other lucky girl can enjoy what he has to offer.

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if you suppposedly love a person, their not perfect, they have their flaws but u love them and they love u and treat u right do u eventually marry that person? or do u break up and hope somebody that IS perfect will come along?


No one is perfect, everyone has their imperfections and flaws. What matters is that even with all those flaws they are right for YOU. And you know, because you just KNOW in your heart and your gut.


They don't hurt you, or make you feel down on yourself or insecure, they enhance your life, rather then take away from it, they reciprocate the feelings. You feel a partnership together, a mutual love. It's just...you know. There are no gut feelings saying something is wrong, there is not a cycle of on and off again, there is no never ending drama, and pain towards one another, or criticism of one another (including flaws). You are compatible together, share the same goals for your relationship, and genuinely enjoy one another. As said above, it is someone you connect with on all levels, whom touches you in all ways. They just do it for you, and once you find them, you KNOW they are the one for you.


Couples that also recognize their partners flaws, and don't just "dismiss" them or "ignore them", but rather work with them, are statistically more likely to also stay together. However, this also does not mean accepting what is unfair and unacceptable to you. There is a limit.

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They don't hurt you, or make you feel down on yourself or insecure, they enhance your life, rather then take away from it, they reciprocate the feelings. You feel a partnership together, a mutual love. It's just...you know. There are no gut feelings saying something is wrong, there is not a cycle of on and off again, there is no never ending drama, and pain towards one another, or criticism of one another (including flaws). You are compatible together, share the same goals for your relationship, and genuinely enjoy one another. As said above, it is someone you connect with on all levels, whom touches you in all ways. They just do it for you, and once you find them, you KNOW they are the one for you.


Couples that also recognize their partners flaws, and don't just "dismiss" them or "ignore them", but rather work with them, are statistically more likely to also stay together. However, this also does not mean accepting what is unfair and unacceptable to you. There is a limit.[/quote]


Amen to that. Well... I think what you do is take the two of you.. added up the assets and liabilities and figure out if there is enough of both of you to make the balance sheet work. LOL.


People get married for many reasons. Proximty.. the person just happens to be around all the time and you've become a habit.


Sameness... there are a lot of things you have in common, religious, ethnic background.. group... hobbies what ever.. you share the same ideals.


All things being equal... they fit your "criteria' what ever that is at the moment.. and from here to compared to nuclear war.. you settle.. they fit.


Romantic reasons.. Financial reasons... companionship.


Everyone chooses to be married for different reasons. And you just do it. I don't think there's a big epiphany one day that smacks you in the head... or that you feel the strong sting of cupids arrow and that tells you to get married.


No one is perfect. Hence the popularity of organized religion... those are the laws, rules.. etc you try to stick to.. so that you do get to achieve.. NIRVANA..or god-like status. We humans have a wonderful foible... we just can't help but be Sinners... some more or less. Again.. pointing to the fact that NONE of us is perfect.


However, I appreciae what KayRay said above. Love doesn't take away... it enhances. And everyone has their limits to what is acceptable and unacceptable. Once the BS hits the fan... well then its all she wrote. And when the time comes to part ways...the same process happens... YOU JUST KNOW.

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Love enhances. But more then that it creates. It awakens part of us we never knew existed, gives us dreams and hopes we hadn't had before. From love something new and unique is created. Love brings forth feelings, emotions, hope, and so much more. And if you need proof, look at a baby. Life created out of love, with a world of possibilities and endless hope.

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Well u know its true love when u start loving each other not because ure beautiful or something but cause it just happens......my darling and me used to fight and then to piss me off she played a prank and told me tha she likes me and then it grew .......8 months later i told her that i loved her and tomorrow (11 dec) is our first anniversary ........ far from the time we used to be at each others throats.... i actually started talking with her by accident.....so it just happens and once it happens u will go to hell and back for her....we have had our share of monster problem but we were always there for each other ....but thats another story ....will take a long time to type and thats not the matter......


the thing is it will just happen and u will know that this is the person u want to marry and u will give up anything u loved in life just to be with her......and she will do the same too....


thats my 2 cents

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A girl remains a child until the words "perfect man" are enough to make her collapse with laughter..


hahaha! That probably has some truth to it!




True love is too far beyond perfection to care.


Disagree. True love is loving not just the good things, but the nitty gritty nasty slimy crap the person does too. True love is tested and proven every day through challenges and hard times.


Anyone who thinks that when love comes it's going to be this endless happy thing that is 100% perfect bliss is living in a fairy tale romance novel and will either never find true love or will get a harsh rude awakening one day.


I love my girlfriend so much that she will soon be my fiance' (I have something planned for our 3 year). I love her so much that I would take a bullet for her, I would die for her, etc. I don't think many people in this world will find what we have. Is what we have perfect? No way. We have a relationship and we are two strong independent people with self respect. We butt heads sometimes, but because we love and respect one another we work through each obstacle and become stronger each time.


If anyone thinks that they get into a relationship and it is just perfect bliss with true love then they couldn't possibly have hard times to grow through. They can't become stronger once they hit obstacles because there won't be any. It's perfect remember? Sorry, that's not reality. Reality can be a slap in the face, and it can also be something so much greater.


All great relationships will have challenges and the true ones will overcome them. Naive and inexperienced people might think that they will not have those, but that's just inexperience talking. I used to think this when I saw other relationship struggles around me. I thought, I will NEVER be in anything like that, my relationship is going to be great!!! Sorry, wake up call time. Every relationship will struggle.


In order to truly love someone else you must truly love yourself first. If you love and respect yourself, there are going to be times when your partner does something disrespectful. If you truly love and respect yourself you will stand up to your partner and you will be right in doing so. There will be conflicts. True love will work through those road bumps.

The guys that lay down and do everything they can to please their partner in an attempt to create the perfect relationship will never have true love because they don't love and respect themselves. Not only will these guys let themselves be walked over in an attempt to meet every need of their partner, but their partner will eventually lose respect as well-which is exactly when you hear baout guys crying about how their gf cheated on them or left them after they gave her everything. I wouldn't be surprised. I don't think I could respect my girlfriend either if all she did was what I wanted.


So no, I don't believe for a second that true love is beyond perfection. True love withstands imperfection.

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People aren't perfect, or perfect for eachother.... Two people could be extremely compatible, but not get along. The perfection is in how you are TOGETHER. In regards to the last part... if i get it right: If you break up but truly are in love, love will reign over all, and you will eventually be together. Hope that helped...

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  • 4 weeks later...

First of all, nobody is perfect!


Secondly, you'll know when you're in love if you want to marry the person.


I thought I was in love with my first husband. I'd known him for 10 years whilst we were growing up. It was more than friendship and he made me feel safe. We were married for 5 years when the divorce came through!


The first time I saw my second husband I was 'hit by a hammer' at least that's how it felt. I never believed in love at first sight but it happened! We've been married for 14 years and the divorce comes through on 16th February!


This time I've fallen in love but it's different again! My Fiancee makes me the happiest person in the whole world! The love I have for her is on a much deeper level. I can't explain the difference, however, I know she's my soulmate and I can't live without her!


I hope one day that everyone on enotalone is as happy as I am right now!

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