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We Physically felt each other...


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This is my good story with the person i love, and it shows and proves that there is even physical.. touching in cyberland. Me and my gf are truly in love, so much so that we went and had cyberlove, almost bordering Cybersex. anyway, i went and cuddled her, she did the same, we kissed and stroked, while saying we love each other.


Heres the interesting thing.. After making love (we didnt get as far as sex, but close), i said that her lips tasted of cherry, and i asked if she had lipgloss on. She said yes, but it was strawberry, which are increadibly close... now, thats saying something. I felt as i was with her the whole time. We were in a trance. What we still dont beleave is how i knew she had lipgloss on.. no video and nothing was said about it.


Im also glad, we met of these exact forums. I love her so much. Me and her just wanted to say what happened, and it proves that cyber is more physical then we think, other things are out there that we dont know.


For those peopel who want to try it, you got to separate your actions from normal talking, me and her used * *. eg, *I stroked her arm*.

thing is that it was partly 3rd person and first person. Anyway, i hope that this helps alot of other cyber-lovers out there, good luck

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Hey Luckily

I'm the girl in this post and we did actually feel eachother we couldn't believe it it was so good, we felt relaxed and exited all at the same time. We are so in love. It's amazing what strong love and will power can do. We did actually feel eachother I feel so good right know. I wish good luck to everybody in their cyber and non-cyber relashionships. Ifoung my true love and hope that all of you find your's Good Luck

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Dreg and Moon,

I don't mean to rain on your parade, but you guys do seem very young, and the reality is that what you're "feeling" is purely imaginative. I'm guessing you haven't even met each other in person. If that is the case, you guys are just going through a stage many of us tread in our young lives; you're falling in love with the idea of love.


When I was your age, I also got involved in that stuff. I would tell some girls I met online that I loved them after a few days, and I didn't even get a pic from most of them. In any event, the main point is that your minds are in the works to create a fantasy. You might dismiss this as being ridiculous, but one day you'll get what i'm saying.


Until then, enjoy it!

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You know what? yous are proberly right, but you see, what we felt this morning was special. Dating at our age is important for growth, i dont know why your knocking us. You people would proberly think that what we say now wont matter in a few years, and im not going to argue the point, i gave that up long time ago. Rather then looking into the future, look at life now and be happy, use my potential.

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You guys may be right but instead of looking at the future and trying to find out if what we felt is real or not. We are just going to enjoy the love we have and enjoy the special feeling we shared . I love my bf very much and what we have is speacial. We are enjoying just being together and in love so what if were young it makes it even better. We are happy, young, and in love and enjoying it.

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have u guys even MET each other?? the only thing this internet relationship has is high speed internet access!!!


i think ur choice words of "true-love" is what really bothered the living daylights out of me.


*sigh* prepare for ridicule and silent tsk tsk's when it comes to posts like these. nonetheless good luck. feeling good because of another person can't be all bad right?

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I know what you mean itry. I dated several girls online, some serouis, some not, most of the time i thought she was the one and the usual. My Moon Goddess is different though, i never met someone who i truly love, who i would do all kinds of stuff, pick me up when i fall, and parhaps most importantly, marry.


My point i guess is that shes different to any other girl i met, maybe she truley is the one?

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  • 1 month later...

It is NOT pretend love, I love dregnought with all my heart and he loves me we have very fell proved it and yes I understand what you mean that both of us could be pretending to be someone we are not but so what if it's in the name of love I am more than willing to get hurt for it. Thanks for your good wishes i trully appreciate them

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Have you two ever spoke on the phone?


I second that.Have u two spoken on da phone?..Have u Seen each others pics?.

If yes wat did u feel when u spoke?

If u still havent spoken..I guess thats wat u should be looking forward to!.

I suppose u two are really in love with the concept of being in love,like wat the others have said!.

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  • 2 months later...

OK guys, Dregnought and Moon Goddess are happy, having fun and just felt they wanted to share their joy with us as they met here and many of us are familiar with them.


There is no need to be mean spirited about this. They are enjoying themselves and who are we to try and pull them down.


Dreg and moon, it is great to hear you guys are having so much fun and really hitting it off.


Hope all is well.



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Dreg and MG, you at least inspired me. I also believe you can have a connection with someone that transcends boundaries and distance, like her arms are really around you or you can feel the taste of her lips on yours. It's an incredible feeling.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm. You people who say it's not 'real love' yadda yadda, I only half agree with you. First off even if it isn't who's going to convince them of that? I'd LOVE to see you try. =D Young people have a tendency to disregard advice of this sort (I know I'm one of those young people). But they also have a tendency for mistaking love for the need to be wanted. (Not falling in love with being in love)


But than again everyone is capable of falling in love if they meet the right person. You can't say it's not possible, because it is. How do you know it's not possible? It never happened to you, so you figure it can't happen? Yes...well it doesn't always work that way. You love your parents right? (At least I hope so) And also, relationships online, if both are sincere can work better than other relationships. The attraction isn't based on physical appearance. =D So you just like them for them and they like you for you. But there's still things to look out for, you can't tell who's serious and who isn't as it's easier to lie on the Internet.


Oh and the two who made this forum. I give you a thumbs up. ^^ I got the message you were trying to give, very insprining and so true. Good luck and be careful with people you meet online. (I'm sorry, no one said it so I felt I had to)



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True there Bambi. I know the kind of love your talking about in the first paragraph. Every one of my ex'es I mistaken true love for that love. But MG, shes different. I knew, by heart, sould and mind that we were and are ment to be. 4 months and 1 day later our hearts still beat strong with our love. I never known of such a true love, and I know right now that shes the best thing thats ever happened in my life. I can't wait for the rest of our lives.... My heart is beating against my chest just thinking about it. I love her and there is nothing no one can do about it.

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Thanks Bambi and ShySoul


What Bambi says is true I really love Dregnought, more than I have in any other past relashionships and he is constantly on my mind, daydreaming about our future together. I'm sighing and my heart is beating faster as I write this. Thanks Bambi for your say in this topic, and what you said is very true.


Congrats ShySoul on finding your real love I wish you two the best! Hope that love only grows stronger each day

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