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Well, not sure on your frame or how much muscle you have but you may have a bit of excess weight given your height at least, if you were to do your BMI (not best indicator if you ARE physically active and building muscle however as muscle weighs more and skews results, but if you aren't it is pretty good "gauge").


However, what your ex said is a load of BS too, I am positive there are men whom would love and respect you for you, regardless of the extra pounds.


Just looking at it from health reasons here, extra weight can be more taxing on your body, and increase risk of health complications.


It is important to eat healthy and be physically active, regardless of your weight.

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okay, first of all your ex never should have compared you to other people because we are all built differently. We should be proud of what we have.


there's a difference between being "fat" and being "solid". You aren't very tall and that may be the reason, but that doens't mean one is "fat". From what you've described i would go with just being solid

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I'm 5 ft 5 inches and weigh 150 lbs. I feel like I'm a little over wieght but not much. My ex use to compare me to other girls and tell me that no guy would ever like me because I was too fat . Now I'm starting to believe him.


The most important thing is to stay healthy. That is the single most important thing above all. Then you need to consider how you feel about yourself. Would you like to get more fit? If so, set a goal and go about a healthy way of reaching it.


Let me just tell you that from my personal opinion: You are not fat.

One of my younger sisters weighs in at about 135 lbs. and she is 5'3". She always tells me, "I'm so fat! Just look at these hips! And this butt!" She's not fat. She's muscular and has a full chest, but she is not fat. What she does is compares herself to others. Of course she's going to think she's fat if she's comparing herself to 5'10" 100 lb. girls.


People in general are quite beautiful. You can find something beautiful about anyone, regardless of their weight, height, gender, etc. People strive for the most perfect bodies, but what is perfect? People forget in the midst of all their 'flaws' that they're already quite beautiful.


By the way, who cares about what your ex says? He's an ex for a reason...


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Your ex was emotionally abusing you. I think I'd actually deck someone who said such hateful things to me (not that I condone violence). If you feel bad about yourself because YOU are unhappy with the way you are, by all means take the steps to change that. If you feel that way because of external sources, such as your ex, realize that what he told you is a lie. Not all men have the same tastes in women. There are guys who like women with meat on them. As a matter of fact all the fat girls I know (whom all weigh a lot more than you) are married or engaged, (including me).

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The average American woman is 5'4" and 140lbs. So, you're more-or-less average.


The answer to your question would also depend on your level of physical fitness. 1 pound of fat takes up something like 3x-5x more space than 1 pound of muscle. 150 lbs on someone who's not very active and carries more fat than muscle looks very different than 150lbs on someone who's active and carries more muscle than fat.


In a lot of ways it's an easy out to blame one's weight/appearance on a lack of interest from the opposite sex. I have pages & pages in my journal from my late 20's to my mid 30's where I fell into that very trap. And when it came right down to it, it wasn't that big a factor when it came to getting into the truly healthy, happy relationship I'm in now.


Rather than focusing on if you're fat, it may be a better use of your time/energy to focus on if you're healthy. How's your blood pressure & cholesterol levels? Are you getting regular exercise? Eating a healthy, balanced diet? What's your doc say about your weight? If all that checks out, I'd say you're fine.


No matter what your weight or appearance, there will always be some men who don't care for it...but there will always be some men who will find it attractive.


Personally, I've found more happiness & stabililty with a guy who puts just as much -- if not slightly more -- emphasis on the contents of the package as the package itself.

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Your definitely nto fat. Your in the healthy weight range for the average person. The average person however doesn't do enough exercize. I think you should think less about how much you weigh and mroe about how healthy you are. Weight is such a narrow view of health my sister looks very slim but she gets winded when she goes up stairs. Just try to do exercise regularily 3-4 times a week and you'll be just fine. If you alreayd do then I'm sure you look fantastic already since really healthy people are the most attractive people.

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Honey, you aren't fat. I used to be 5"6' and 165, then I lost thirty five pounds. And honestly, looking at all my pictures, I didn't look all that much skinnier. Guys still liked me then and were very attracted to me. My ex told me I was a little thick. I believed him for the longest time. Until I realized, if I was so thick, why was he with me? He was just trying to make me feel bad so I'd stay with him as long as he wanted me.


If you feel unhealthy, then you should try to get fitter. But if you are happy with yourself...if you look in the mirror are satisfied with yourself, don't let anyone else tell you any differently. They are wrong. He was just trying to make you feel bad. If you decide you want to start exercising, then do it because YOU want to, not because some stupid boy told you to.

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  • 1 month later...

Gcf, your problems are more mental than physical.

You are insecure about your weight, because other people have commented about your weight.


Be happy with yourself.

Your body is all you have.

If you want to change it, do it for the right reasons, and not due to people having negative comments on your weight.

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I would say that you should not change your body for your ex, but you should do it for yourself if you want. It is a pretty easy equation. If you feel you look fat or are not happy with your body, then do something about it. If you are happy, then stay the way you are. I must say that fat creeps up on us and we don't always realize it. My ex used to say I was getting a big belly and did not realize it. Well, I was about 20 pounds overweight and once I started losing it I realized. If you truly want to know then go to a local gym or doctor and get your fat messured. The instrements are not perfect but they will give you an idea of you fat percentage. If you percentage is over the average, then do something about it not for your ex, but for your health.



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