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Was my ex being petty ?

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So my ex texted me last night asking if I work the next day and if I did what was my schedule like ?I guess his whole purpose was he didn’t want to see me while I was at work, so he wanted to know my schedule today so he could avoid me ? The place that I work at has another location so why not just go there? Why do you take the time out of your day to ask me that silly question? Just don’t shop at my store period. 


two weeks before this he said he still had feelings for me and that he missed me .

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45 minutes ago, Lexismith said:

So my ex texted me last night asking if I work the next day and if I did what was my schedule like ?. Two weeks before this he said he still had feelings for me and that he missed me .

Do you want to get back together? Are you hoping he asked so he could run into you?

Is this the same ex?


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27 minutes ago, Batya33 said:

I'd brush it off and respond "thanks for your text -I'm not comfortable sharing my plans or schedule with you under the circumstances.  Take care. "

I asked him what the purpose was of him asking me? 

he said “I told your already, it’s not a big deal” 

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5 minutes ago, Lexismith said:

I asked him what the purpose was of him asking me? 

he said “I told your already, it’s not a big deal” 

OK this is just silly.  Stop responding.  Move along and live your life.

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You spend an awful lot of time trying to figure out what this guy is thinking.  It would be good for you to stop doing that. I'm pretty sure that none of it means anything much, nothing important to you in any case. 

If he asks you questions you can just answer politely in as few words as possible,  and get on with your day.   Leave this guy in the dust ASAP, he's been living rent-free in your head for way too long.

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I'm assuming you have a work landline if there is ever a need for you two to communicate in regards to business. Therefore, it's quite easy to block his phone number. Why get yourself all riled up by his behavior which is totally unnecessary?

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5 hours ago, smackie9 said:

I'm gonna say don't respond to any of his messages, and for the love of god, block/delete his number. Be done with him/erase him. 

Yup I told him we can stop contact over  this back and forth game playing if he’s not on anything. He responded saying “he’s not playing games but he won’t bother me anymore”. 

I asked him what his intentions were and he never responded. 

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Just now, Lexismith said:

Yup I told him we can stop contact over  this back and forth game playing if he’s not on anything. He responded saying “he’s not playing games but he won’t bother me anymore”. 

I asked him what his intentions were and he never responded. 

I'd stop asking questions that invite further contact -his intentions are irrelevant as you plan to stop contact

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Just now, Lexismith said:

Why do you think he never responded to that question? 

That's my point -why do you care? Why? Because human beings move towards pleasure and away from pain - he didn't feel like responding and has zero obligation to respond to your personal question particularly because he is an ex.  Don't you have more productive and pleasant ways to spend your time?

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Just now, Batya33 said:

That's my point -why do you care? Why? Because human beings move towards pleasure and away from pain - he didn't feel like responding and has zero obligation to respond to your personal question particularly because he is an ex.  Don't you have more productive and pleasant ways to spend your time?

I do!! I was just wondering why that question made him stop responding. 

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Just now, Lexismith said:

I do!! I was just wondering why that question made him stop responding. 

Right.  It's better to wonder why the eclipse happened, why it's so darn hard to  get the dregs of mayonnaise from the squeeze bottle or why baguettes taste so much better outdoors in Paris than anywhere else.  Far better use of your wondering time. IMHO.

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58 minutes ago, Lexismith said:

. He responded saying “he’s not playing games but he won’t bother me anymore”. 

Perhaps he feels this was his final answer because you told him to stop contacting you, so why would he? 

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1 hour ago, Lexismith said:

Why do you think he never responded to that question? 

The more appropriate question is:  Why do you continue to try to engage him when you're broken up and supposedly cutting off contact?  

He did the right thing by not answering - somebody has to take the initiative to stop this back & forth.

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1 hour ago, Lexismith said:

Why do you think he never responded to that question? 

^^Because he was embarrassed to tell you that he craves your attention and by texting you that silly question about your schedule, he knew he'd get it. 

And he did!  

Since he told you two weeks ago that he still has feelings for you and misses you, I think it's more likely HE is trying to inch his way back to you versus the other way around. 

What do you want?  I don't know your history, who broke up with who, and why?

I don't necessarily agree that people move towards pleasure and away from pain.

Have you read Shakespeare?  Real life is not much different, love can hurt sometimes, yet people will still move towards it.

The emotions of missing and longing can be quite powerful!!

I think it's pretty obvious you're still into this guy otherwise this thread would not exist and I won't ever judge you for that. 

You're human, we can't just wake up one morning and turn off those feelings, it takes time!  

Again, I don't know your history but figure out what YOU want and if you're absolutely certain you do not want him back, tell him to stop contacting you, block him if you have to and move on. 



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20 minutes ago, rainbowsandroses said:

^^Because he was embarrassed to tell you that he craves your attention and by texting you that silly question about your schedule, he knew he'd get it. 

And he did!  

Since he told you two weeks ago that he still has feelings for you and misses you, I think it's more likely HE is trying to inch his way back to you versus the other way around. 

What do you want?  I don't know your history, who broke up with who, and why?

I don't necessarily agree that people move towards pleasure and away from pain.

Have you read Shakespeare?  Real life is not much different, love can hurt sometimes, yet people will still move towards it.

The emotions of missing and longing can be quite powerful!!

I think it's pretty obvious you're still into this guy otherwise this thread would not exist and I won't ever judge you for that. 

You're human, we can't just wake up one morning and turn off those feelings, it takes time!  

Again, I don't know your history but figure out what YOU want and if you're absolutely certain you do not want him back, tell him to stop contacting you, block him if you have to and move on. 



He didn’t just come out there rip and say he had feelings for me and that he missed me. he asked me if I thought of him because he thinks about me randomly. Then I asked him if he still had feelings for me and if he missed me and he said yes.

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5 minutes ago, Lexismith said:

What do you want?  I don't know your history, who broke up with who, and why?

Can you answer this^^?  

Again, I think he ignored your question because he was embarrassed.  Clearly (to me) he was seeking attention. 

Why?   I don't know, he misses you or perhaps he's bored but it was a ridiculously stupid reason to contact you. 


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