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How to make her understand my situation?

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So yesterday my gf was having a lot of body ache due to swimming for more than 5 hours in a row because of a party, cause she is not much physically active that caused her to have a lot of body pain including this she also has migraine so that was hitting her too, I talked to her for 30 mins or so, but because I was at a relatives home that was the extent to which I could talk to her, after I thought she had gone to sleep on the call around 1 am, i hung up and came back in the house and had to share bed with my cousin, she called me again at 1:30 but now i couldn't go out and i said the same that i can't talk to you now(I'm from India and telling relatives about relationships is a big deal and no one tells that they're dating) and continued to chat with her, but around 2 i also fell asleep and couldn't talk to her, today she is very mad at me and although i have explained everything to her i can't find a way to make it up to her, and we're in a ldr right now so can't go and meet her, what should i do.

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She is being ridiculous. 

Stop explaining something that doesn't require explanation or apology. It was 2am, for heaven's sake. Who wants to be on the phone at that hour? She needs to grow up. 

9 minutes ago, Sai_Shraddha said:

we're in a ldr right now

Have you met her in person? 

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She should consider herself lucky you were up at 1am to talk to her in the first place. There's a point where it's so late and you are so tired that trying to take is pointless anyway as you'll probably just fall asleep on each other. Which actually seems like what you each did to the other. So you are even and no reason to be mad. Plus, if she wasn't feeling well, she should have been the one resting to get better. 

Don't try to make up for it, just let her cool off. Odds are you'll be back to normal soon enough like this never happened.

Besides, isn't the saying that nothing good happens after 2am? So better to be in bed, fast asleep.

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Just tell her that you both need to come to an agreement as to when you two can talk, then do it on a schedule. If there has to be a cancellation don't take it personally, it not because you don't want to talk to her, it's because there is no way to have a private conversation. 

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  • 2 months later...

Give her some time and space to process her feelings. Understand that she may still be upset for a while, and it might take time for her to fully forgive and move past this incident. Continue to be patient, supportive, and understanding as she works through her emotions.

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