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Does her reasons behind multiple lies make sense to you ?

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Recently my girlfriend wanted to take me to a pub she stopped going to because of drama with her ex called Joe. She said she was more confident to go again and see her friends since I joined her life. I felt happy I was able to make her able to rejoin her social circle when she asked me to come so I was very excited. I heard somebody in our group say the name, Joe. When going up to order food I calmly asked if that was her ex and she said no, also later stating it wasn't when going home. A month or two later I found it it was. She said she hid it from me so I could enjoy being at the pub without any drama. Although the way I took this was that she didn't respect me enough to tell the truth or for some unknown motive purposely aimed to hide the truth.

A month after this whilst camping she was putting up a story on Snapchat and when doing so her best friends list was seen. It consisted of me first, her friend second, and some random guy fourth. I asked why I have never heard of someone she obviously has contact with when we are both open about who we are in touch with. Her first reason was that it was never brought up in conversation, this then changed to him being a good friend and she didn't want to lose him. The reason she thought she would lose him is because of the way they communicate, many of the memes he sent to her were sexually related and very graphic I didn't see many she sent but it seemed she hadn't sent anything too bad. I asked if the Snapchat messages were weird but could not see them as chats were set to auto-delete (apparently him who did) 

The night we argued about him I found out that before our relationship they both flirted with each other, anyways apparently that night she went on to rant to this guy about me getting angry at her for hiding him after she told me she left him on read. I didn't find out until the next day when she said she did talk to him again. So what should I do? What should I think? 


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How long have you been dating? How old is she? Are you exclusive? Why would she want to drag you to a pub she knows her ex will be at and "cause drama'? 

Unfortunately she doesn't seem to be ready willing or able to date if she's hung up on or talking to or on/off with her ex.

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To me there's nothing worse than either someone lying to you or falsely accusing you of lying.  It's right up there with stealing,  cheating,  deceit and betrayal.  All major deal breakers.  I can smell them from a mile away and I'm out.  Finito.  Done.  It's a  permanent  good-bye.  Something inside me got up and left and my former goodwill spirits with perpetrators died.  If there is zero trust,  there is nothing.  The relationship is dead and gone. 

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If you have to repeatedly ask her whos this on your list whos that, you need to share who you know and what they are to you etc etc...it's no wonder she's not saying much if she feels under the microscope. If her excuses are shady to you, then dump her already. It won't matter what she says or does, you won't trust her anyways. You will continue to scrutinize her every move. 


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What should you do?

Well she is acting shady as hell so I get why you are asking questions.  I can see the ex at the bar thing being a valid reason to put off telling you but she didn't put it off, you had to find out yourself.

 The "friend" she doesn't want to lose that she exchanges sexual memes is total BS.

 This comes down to character, respect for you and the relationship and most of all being trustworthy.

  I doubt you want to dump her like suggested just yet so why not sit down and have  a discussion about boundaries, communication with ex's and being respectful of the commitment you are supposed to have to each other.  Ask her straight out if she thinks sending and receiving sexual texts is okay.  Then ask her how she feels about honesty in a relationship.  Her answers will answer the question you asked.

I want to point out how she turned it all back around onto you.  She lied and it was your fault.


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