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What will happen if I just not contact him?

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For the last month we’ve been apart. He’s been so incredibly distant with me. We’ve talked over text everyday, and maybe only seen each other twice in the last month. We’ve had our issues, but I really think there are other things going on in his life that he’s dealing with. 

I always text first now, he responds. But he never texts me first anymore. We’ve had some fights and disagreements lately. All I want is for him to tell me what’s really going on. I have been patient with him, I have been there for him, I’ve been supportive to him. He hasn’t been there for me. 

I text him because I am genuinely worried about him. He hasn’t been himself. I want him to know that someone cares for him. 

He stopped paying attention to me. I feel like he stopped caring about me. I feel alone. 

He’s blocked me in the past. If he really doesn’t want to talk to me, why doesn’t he just do that again? I’m tired of being the one to reach out. 

What will happen if I just stop contacting him? Just completely stop. Will he reach out, or will he block me and move on? 

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Same guy from last thread?

Why are you waiting for him to block you? In fact why are you waiting for him at all? People told you on the last thread that he doesnt need time, he just doesnt look at you as a girlfriend and that will not change. Stop looking for love where there is none, stop reaching out to him, consider you done, heal and move on to next one.

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2 hours ago, ShopLady said:

What will happen if I just stop contacting him? Just completely stop. Will he reach out, or will he block me and move on? 

He won't contact you because he has likely already moved on.  He's making it obvious that he doesn't care about you and doesn't care whether you care about him.  At best he's being polite by responding to you, but actually he's just prolonging you being unable to accept that he's not interested.

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3 hours ago, ShopLady said:

 I’ve been supportive to him. He hasn’t been there for me. 

He's been trying to end it for a while now.

Dating is not social work. Don't play therapist, mother or act like a martyr.

Even when you asked about the status of the relationship, his answer was "you're a companion".

You're overinvested and overinvolved. It's been a few months, so it's time to cut your losses.

Delete and block him and all his people from ALL your social media and messaging apps.

Is this the same man:?


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3 hours ago, ShopLady said:

What will happen if I just stop contacting him? Just completely stop. Will he reach out, or will he block me and move on? 

He's got you wrapped around his finger. So far, he hasn't given you a clear answer about anything, not even your relationship status. Why would he start now? Even the blocking isn't a clear form of communication--it's just punishment to keep you in line. Stop living your life around what he might do or think and focus on breaking your preoccupation with him. 

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I know, for myself, in the past, I made things so complicated. Statements like, why doesn't he just dump me if that's what he wants? Why does he just stop calling me?

And I think those are pretty common thoughts when we are trying to make things work with a person.  

But! their actions show they aren't working with us.

Instead of waiting for him to decide, how about you decide. Never contact him again... 

And I can tell you what will happen... you will move on, find better, feel better and be free of this BS.

Do it. block his butt.

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7 hours ago, ShopLady said:

For the last month we’ve been apart. He’s been so incredibly distant with me. We’ve talked over text everyday, and maybe only seen each other twice in the last month. We’ve had our issues, but I really think there are other things going on in his life that he’s dealing with. 

I always text first now, he responds. But he never texts me first anymore. We’ve had some fights and disagreements lately. All I want is for him to tell me what’s really going on. I have been patient with him, I have been there for him, I’ve been supportive to him. He hasn’t been there for me. 

I text him because I am genuinely worried about him. He hasn’t been himself. I want him to know that someone cares for him. 

He stopped paying attention to me. I feel like he stopped caring about me. I feel alone. 

He’s blocked me in the past. If he really doesn’t want to talk to me, why doesn’t he just do that again? I’m tired of being the one to reach out. 

What will happen if I just stop contacting him? Just completely stop. Will he reach out, or will he block me and move on? 


You aren't texting him because you want him to know someone cares about him. You are texting him because you want to know that he cares about you. Be more honest with yourself here. He doesn't need you at all and he doesn't want to speak with you. You need him more than he needs you so rethink the situation. It's not mutually satisfying. 

It is ok to walk away from this and not be there for him. He can swim around on his own and he very well is doing so without any of your help. 

You'll feel a lot better in a relationship where it's more evenly balanced and both individuals care about each other. 

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How long do you plan on chasing this man, trying to get him to love you?

All that time you're wasting could be better spent on meeting a man who truly does want to be with you and doesn't dismissively refer to you as a "companion".

It's up to you.

As for your question, if you stop contacting him this waste of time will finally be over with and you can actually start doing something positive and productive.

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