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My friend told me about how a couple of years ago his best friend who was 17 at the time was dating a 46 year old woman. That is really really sick. What do they see in each other? I don't descriminate based on appearance, but I have to be honest that I don't find women in thier 40's attractive (I am in my twenties). That is sick. And what did she see in him? I hope they broke up thier relationship by now!!!


Hey, another time I was on the train, and this woman in her thirties was checking me out. She was all looking at my body and definitely checking me out. That is so sick. I am not even that good looking...i have never had a girlfriend before. So what would she see in me? That is just sick!!!

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Well if a 46 year old woman is dating a 17 year old man, then it would seem that the relationship is about sex. She is taking the teaching role and he is playing the young stud. At least that is what it would seem. I dont want to get into specifics here but there are attractive women of all ages and just because you think something is gross doesnt mean it shouldnt happen. A 17 year old is not the smartest point in a persons life but they are still able to make a decisiion if they want to date/have sex with who they want.


Being attractive has nothing to do with a person checking you out, its possible that she likes a particular feature or that she is attracted to your unattractiveness.


I can think of people my age that I wouldnt want to image having sex because the visual wouldnt be appealing to me, but that doesnt stop them. I mean lets face most people are average looking and they are going to have sex with somebody. Its just something you have to deal with.

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I've dated guys around my age and some significantly older/younger. The extremes -- I dated someone 18 years older than me (I was 34 at the time, he was 52) and I'm married to someone 11 years younger than me.


It's not about a number...it's the particular individuals and how I got along with them.


Maybe you just have different criteria for evaluating potential partners.

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some 40 year old women look amazing!! there is one that works at the bank i go to, rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i'm too shy to approach them though, plus they are so much more experienced that i'm kind of afraid that i'll let them down in bed - not that i'll ever get to find out anyways! hah!

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No, I have never watched desparate housewives, and I think that younger guys and older women is totally sick!!!



I'm 38 will I do?...c'mere sonny... *removes false teeth* pucker up!


So... what are your thoughts on older men/younger women?.Is that "sick" too?.Obviously I'm not talking about a 12 year old dating a 20 year old...that's worse than sick.

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No, I have never watched desparate housewives, and I think that younger guys and older women is totally sick!!!


Well, then, you don't have to date one. What others choose to do with their lives isn't your concern. From where I'm sittin' I'm quite happy with my 29 (soon to be 30) year old spouse, and he's quite happy with with 41 year old me.

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-I think that older guys can be sick to. Today I was in the elevator and this guy who appeared to be in his fourties was flirting with a girl who was probably in her twenties. That is kind of sick too.


This is the rule of thumb I use. Divide the age by 2, and add 7. So if a woman is 46, half of her age is 23, plus 7....so the guy should be atleast 30, and not 17.




"So... what are your thoughts on older men/younger women?.Is that "sick" too?."

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The "Dear Prudence" column in this week of link removed link removed had a sort-of similar question. A 23 year old woman was getting married to a 30 year old man, and all her co-workers were giving her grief for the age difference. Prudence suggested to shut up her co-workers, the woman tells her co-workers that, "she is marrying an older man to get her hands on his pension!"

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-I think that older guys can be sick to. Today I was in the elevator and this guy who appeared to be in his fourties was flirting with a girl who was probably in her twenties. That is kind of sick too.


This is the rule of thumb I use. Divide the age by 2, and add 7. So if a woman is 46, half of her age is 23, plus 7....so the guy should be atleast 30, and not 17.




"So... what are your thoughts on older men/younger women?.Is that "sick" too?."



I am in my early 40s and was pursued by a man who happened to be in his late 20s. I didn't chase him, he chased me. The relationship didn't go farther not because of the age thing but I found we didn't have a lot in common. Btw, I get complimented all the time as I am in great shape and that I look 10 years younger.


The 17 year old with a 46 year old is a little too much but for a 30 year old woman to admire you, what's so wrong with that?


One of these days, you will be old too. Will your perspective change? I think you should be a little more openminded and not make judgements so hastily. Live and let live and grow up a little too. If you are intolerant of others, you will not be relationship material.

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One of these days, you will be old too. Will your perspective change?


Comment that will probably be appreciated by those looking backwards at their 40th birthday....


When I think of all the things I said I'd "never" do or would "never" be interested in when I was in my 20's.....and I see how the last 20 years of my life have played out....


Let's just say it's a good thing I have a sense of humor and can easily laugh at myself. I imagine everyone past "a certain age" can say the same.

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  • 8 months later...

It's about personality man and experience in life, no one can really guess what will happen to their life when they get older. I use to think like you when I was your age. I look at younger woman with a 60 year old guy, I often laugh and make fun of them. Now I'm dating a 22 year old guy and I'm 43.

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I'm a 33 year old male dating a 24 year old female. It's been 6 months and it sure has been a roller coaster ride. We have our similarities and definitely our differences but for some strange reason there is something that keeps us together. I get frustrated sometimes because I am at a stage where I want to settle and she is at a stage where she is finding herself. It takes a lot of self sacrifice. It all boils down to how you handle things. It also takes a lot of patience and understanding. I love her with all my heart and she does the same. It's been tough but we are still together. I believe it can work if you set your mind it. Don't give up. Good Luck.

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