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Need help about this guy whom I have loved for more than a decade


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I have been in love with this guy from my school for the last 11 years. We were acquaintances in school but haven't been in touch after that. A few months ago I started talking to him through fb. We chatted a few times. It's always me who initiates the conversation but he always replies to my texts. Almost 3 months ago I told him about my feelings (that I love him for that last 11 years) and asked him out. He replied that he appreciates the fact that I told him about my feelings and will let me know when he is free so that we can meet. But he never tried to contact me after that. I tried to take another chance recently and asked him how he was doing and he replied but I felt that the conversation was forced and he wasn't taking any initiative. What should I do?

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I am sorry Sachi, but he isn't interested. He doesn't have the heart to come out and tell you that directly so he appears to be hoping that his lack of follow-up would have been a strong enough hint.


You would be best to stop texting him, so you can move on from him.

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When the virus lifts, please seek professional help.


You are thinking that you are in love with a stranger and have built a fantasy in your head. This is such a waste of your life, if you want real happiness, it will be with someone that you will date and get to know.


This guy is not interested. If a stranger had shared such feelings with me, I would have been freaked out. You will not hear from him again.

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He was being polite, but he lied, he isn't going to call you back. And ya he's taken back at what you have said. Think about how odd it is for someone out of the blue you haven't had any contact with for 11 years, tells you that they are in love with you and would like to go on a date. You would go and hide too.

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