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This concerns me as well. People are climbing the walls. However the focus is on 'What now?' The real mess will be when 'What's next?' happens. Socially, medically, economically.


Me too.’ I am afraid to go anywhere after or reopen my daycare cause what if one of the kids carries it into the house.

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This concerns me as well. People are climbing the walls. However the focus is on 'What now?' The real mess will be when 'What's next?' happens. Socially, medically, economically.


I'm very concerned medically, and not about COVID. So many procedures have been cancelled or postponed. Doctor offices are closed, reachable by phone only. People sitting at home and not going to the hospital for serious concerns. You can't do this forever. I have a patient whose dialysis catheter isn't working well - but it won't get fixed yet. I need a stomach scope because my GERD started acting up in December and I aspirated a few times in my sleep (fun) ... Guess what, I can't get scoped.


The death and misery toll is going to be high and it's going to be a lot of non COVID patients. And everything else. Think of the mental health crises and suicides. The domestic violence. Drug use. Hell, I drink 3-4x times a week since I went into isolation. Yes, it's a temporary crutch but I know so many who are going way over that.


The effects of making people stay home and taking away their jobs, school, childcare, and routine medical care is going to be staggering. Not only is social support cut off at the knees but also people's sense of purpose.


Again, I'm not saying we shouldn't socially distance ourselves at this time. Clearly, it's needed. I am just concerned about the inevitable long term consequences of this for everyone, on TOP of covid.

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I get sore throats with my allergies(from post nasal drip). And they’re super bad right now(the tree pollen counts). I do feel some relief when I call the allergen hotline and listen to the counts, and obviously antihistamines help to an extent but I don’t fair well with 2nd gen antihistamines. So it’s usually Benadryl and then I’m a zombie.


I think at this point I am just bound to analyze every single little thing with my body. I have pre existing anxiety, I already was doing this before AND what else am I going to do? Too much time on my hands. I do work remotely(and am super glad I can), but it doesn’t feel like I’m working.


Speaking of guys, when I have a video meeting I fix up everything from the chest and up. I never wear pants when I’m Zooming. LOL. One day I’m not going to realize and probably stand up and get something.


I’ve been thinking about that a lot too, fudgie- one of my friend’s needs to get her gallbladder removed. They’ve been managing it with pain meds for the last 3 weeks but now it’s at the point where she’s in a near constant attack and they’ve scheduled her for a laparoscopic. They said if they wait any longer chances are she will need an open surgery. But even that decision almost didn’t happen.


My doctor called and asked if I wanted to keep my 3 month appointment - I said no. I asked for additional allotment of testing strips(diabetic) and have been really on top of trying to manage my blood glucose levels. I’m testing 5x a day now and from all that I can see, it’s going well but nothing compares to an A1C. My last a1c in January was 5.7 and I feel confident I likely haven’t budged much from there, but still. High stress is doing its thing with my glucose and I’ve had to change stuff I haven’t had to change in years...but I can’t bring myself to go there and potentially expose myself and by extension my family.

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Fudgie I think of the same domino effect regularly. I have a friend who did the lap band. Lost a ton of weight. A year ago she coordinated with her entire family to finally get a makeover type surgery - loose skin I guess ?- it involved getting her husband on board and her parents to watch her kids for a week etc. of course she cancelled it because it’s elective.


And she hasn’t complained at all. Strong and lovely woman. But I know it broke her heart - she never takes time for herself or does “self care “ - has multiple jobs etc. I know you’re like that too so you get it. So I know this is not an example of essential treatment or surgery but it showed me the tip of the iceberg of how this affects everything.

And then there’s my friend with MS who needs her infusion therapy and of course worries about getting exposed etc. goes on and on right.

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I'm so excited to meet my baby. Buy I really wish I could keep baby put until after all this. I'm so utterly terrified we're going to catch it while in hospital.


Hopefully you will both be well and can leave the next day. Here where both baby and mother are doing well most leave in 24 hours.

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Couldn't sleep last night. Anxiety over my tooth extraction. Not the extraction itself but the worry the dentist office created when I had to sign that form. I have to presume a medical office would do everything possible to prevent infection, but they can't control others who continue to go out unprotected or when experiencing symptoms. Hopefully I will be able to sleep after the procedure, although I'm sure the pain will be bad.


Anxiety is starting to take over. I live alone and have little contact with my family because I don't want them to worry about me.


I have to hold it together.


Hope you all are holding it together!

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Couldn't sleep last night. Anxiety over my tooth extraction. Not the extraction itself but the worry the dentist office created when I had to sign that form. I have to presume a medical office would do everything possible to prevent infection, but they can't control others who continue to go out unprotected or when experiencing symptoms. Hopefully I will be able to sleep after the procedure, although I'm sure the pain will be bad.


Anxiety is starting to take over. I live alone and have little contact with my family because I don't want them to worry about me.


I have to hold it together.


Hope you all are holding it together!

I had no pain whatsoever after I had a molar extracted. Hopefully you are the same. I have had 3 teeth extracted and no issues or pain after. The last one I was sedated heavily for the extraction because they could not use a nerve block.

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I had no pain whatsoever after I had a molar extracted. Hopefully you are the same. I have had 3 teeth extracted and no issues or pain after. The last one I was sedated heavily for the extraction because they could not use a nerve block.


That's reassuring, thank you.


They cannot use general anesthesia because obviously I cannot ask someone to drive me home (I live almost 300 miles away from my nearest family member and I will NOT ask a friend to put themselves at risk) and I am not comfortable using a Lyft when I have no idea how clean the driver's car is or who was in it before me.


My kids had their wisdom teeth removed. My son was under "laughing gas". I remember his grandma picked him up and he asked her to take him to get a burger. He was so high he thought he could eat a burger! He wasn't in that much pain afterward. I don't even remember my daughter getting hers removed so it must not have been too painful (although she had hers removed on her birthday...her dad forgot it was her birthday...).


If they want to use a general I will just have to postpone. Hoping they just use a local. And that they do a great job sterilizing their office and procedure rooms.

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That's reassuring, thank you.


They cannot use general anesthesia because obviously I cannot ask someone to drive me home (I live almost 300 miles away from my nearest family member and I will NOT ask a friend to put themselves at risk) and I am not comfortable using a Lyft when I have no idea how clean the driver's car is or who was in it before me.


My kids had their wisdom teeth removed. My son was under "laughing gas". I remember his grandma picked him up and he asked her to take him to get a burger. He was so high he thought he could eat a burger! He wasn't in that much pain afterward. I don't even remember my daughter getting hers removed so it must not have been too painful (although she had hers removed on her birthday...her dad forgot it was her birthday...).


If they want to use a general I will just have to postpone. Hoping they just use a local. And that they do a great job sterilizing their office and procedure rooms.

I had twilight sedation which isn’t a general anaesthetic because you can breathe on your own. And they wake you up with oxygen. But you definitely can’t drive after. Due to my trigeminal neuralgia I can’t have any nerve blocks. Because if it further damages the nerve there’s nothing they could do to help me. So for anything like that it has to be heavy sedation.


But I can completely understand your anxiety. I have severe dental phobia. But it is a great relief to have a tooth out if it’s causing any issue.

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I had twilight sedation which isn’t a general anaesthetic because you can breathe on your own. And they wake you up with oxygen. But you definitely can’t drive after. Due to my trigeminal neuralgia I can’t have any nerve blocks. Because if it further damages the nerve there’s nothing they could do to help me. So for anything like that it has to be heavy sedation.


But I can completely understand your anxiety. I have severe dental phobia. But it is a great relief to have a tooth out if it’s causing any issue.


My anxiety is not from the procedure. I've had so many medical procedures that I'm not afraid or anxious. My anxiety resulted from the form they made me sign that said since they spray water as part of dental procedures, I could be at risk of contracting Covid if someone else who is being treated today has it. The water droplets could be infected and spread to me. I had to sign saying I accept this risk and want the procedure anyway. That unnerved me.


I never worry about the forms that say I could die while under general anesthesia. But for some reason the Covid form really got to me.


Fortunately I live alone so I wouldn't put anyone at risk. Unfortunately I have to return to work onsite next Monday.


Chances are I will be fine. But still...

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I had no pain whatsoever after I had a molar extracted. Hopefully you are the same. I have had 3 teeth extracted and no issues or pain after. The last one I was sedated heavily for the extraction because they could not use a nerve block.


Same -no pain! Good luck and sorry about the concerning release.

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My anxiety is not from the procedure. I've had so many medical procedures that I'm not afraid or anxious. My anxiety resulted from the form they made me sign that said since they spray water as part of dental procedures, I could be at risk of contracting Covid if someone else who is being treated today has it. The water droplets could be infected and spread to me. I had to sign saying I accept this risk and want the procedure anyway. That unnerved me.


I never worry about the forms that say I could die while under general anesthesia. But for some reason the Covid form really got to me.


Fortunately I live alone so I wouldn't put anyone at risk. Unfortunately I have to return to work onsite next Monday.


Chances are I will be fine. But still...

See I am equally terrified of the procedure.

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Same -no pain! Good luck and sorry about the concerning release.


Thank you.


I actually have a fairly high tolerance for pain. I gave birth with not one drop of anesthesia and had several painful medical issues over the years. At least I don't have to worry about trying to go to work. This week is strictly online.

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Thank you.


I actually have a fairly high tolerance for pain. I gave birth with not one drop of anesthesia and had several painful medical issues over the years. At least I don't have to worry about trying to go to work. This week is strictly online.

You will be ok. Hug.

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So like most things, worrying about it was worse than the actual experience.


They took 2 teeth and did a bone graft on both of the areas. The teeth were really bad. Not painful and they kept me in an office by myself rather than in a waiting room. Whole thing took about 3 hours.


They did give me 4 prescriptions which I will need to go pick up in about an hour.


I am $1700 poorer but hopefully I will get some of it reimbursed.


I am starved! No real food until tomorrow but in a couple of hours I can try some jello.


Thank you for all your support!

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I am so glad you are done!! Here's my last tooth extraction story - I had to have a wisdom tooth extracted last year near-emergency. Husband was on a flight across the country and son had an event at his after school that evening. I made it to the event but a little out of it. The event included a silent auction with the papers to put in your bid. I didn't really pay attention to my son "joking" that he bid on something. Well. Apparently he wrote his name on one of the sheets (which of course was meant for parents) and he bid on a one on one activity time with one of his teachers. Except he crossed out the entire space below his bid so that it looked like no one else could bid. The after school emailed me the next week, told me what happened and politely asked me if I would honor the bid particularly since no one else could bid. So I did (even though it turned out he was not so interested in hanging out with this particular teacher LOL). So I learned my lesson about biting off more than I could chew so to speak post-tooth extraction. Good news was I really didn't have pain from it. Didn't need pain killers or antibiotics.


Good luck!!!

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Your son sounds like a real card. And I mean that in a complimentary way.


I do have to take antibiotics and use a rinse. They also prescribed strong Advil and some hydrocodone which I will NOT take.


I have the tiniest bit of pain. Not bad at all. I am hungry though!


Anyone else losing weight? I have lost 10 pounds in the last 2 months.

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So like most things, worrying about it was worse than the actual experience.


They took 2 teeth and did a bone graft on both of the areas. The teeth were really bad. Not painful and they kept me in an office by myself rather than in a waiting room. Whole thing took about 3 hours.


They did give me 4 prescriptions which I will need to go pick up in about an hour.


I am $1700 poorer but hopefully I will get some of it reimbursed.


I am starved! No real food until tomorrow but in a couple of hours I can try some jello.


Thank you for all your support!

That all sounds very hairy. 🤯😳. I’m so glad it is over for you!! It is much better to get dental work taken care of because dental infections can actually cause death. One of my great grandmothers died of a dental infection before there was antibiotics. It can also cause heart problems .

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Your son sounds like a real card. And I mean that in a complimentary way.


I do have to take antibiotics and use a rinse. They also prescribed strong Advil and some hydrocodone which I will NOT take.


I have the tiniest bit of pain. Not bad at all. I am hungry though!


Anyone else losing weight? I have lost 10 pounds in the last 2 months.


Yes- I too avoided the pain killers. I took some advil -but the normal amount -before the numbness wore off. Yes it was actually pretty funny that he bid at the auction but I love his after school program so.....

I'm glad you're feeling ok - not surprised but relieved on your behalf.

I don't think I've gained any weight but I am being very strict on not turning to food for comfort. It's hard sometimes.

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