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Life in the Driver’s Seat (extended)

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My in-laws 60th anniversary was OK . That was until it got to the part with my sister-in-law’s speech. She turns to me and says you will always be part of our family just know that . She must’ve seen the look on my face because Lord knows my face needs deliverance because it tells you exactly what’s on my mind no holds barred. I swear to God I almost laughed. And she says no no really . Not one word comes out of either one of his parents . She even had to make a point of showing me the anniversary plate she had made with my name before hers.


You are not impressing me girl . Uh huh. You know I am still mad about you cursing and swearing at my husband and treating him like shyte for almost a year . And spoiling last Thanksgiving and Christmas for everybody . Don’t bother trying to weasel in that doesn’t work with me .

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They are driving my poor husband over the deep end. He was shaking and gasping and pacing. He said he is returning home today. That those people only give a shyte about themselves. And siblings are fighting because their parents don’t have any sense . His sister is demanding that his supreme loyalty should be to his parents and he’s like no, it is to my wife and my son and you don’t have a family so you don’t know the goddamn difference . You’re not working right now and you can’t even organize 2 parents . You get two months of year off I don’t .


He told me I am really getting stressed out and I can’t go to Mental Health because to be an officer I can’t be trolling around Mental Health . I have to do this online college course I have my own job where they expect me to do 50,000 things I have my own business and I have a third job and possibilities at home . She has one job ,two months a year off her parents and one set of friends and can’t organize shyte. What would they do if we were posted out or I was deployed nobody seems to think about that ??!!


😩😩😩😢😢😢😢 My poor darling.

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Thanks. I am usually pretty tough but my body literally can take no stress anymore or I have diarrhea for weeks and I get tension headaches. It is just terrible. And how they treat him. ...:: I spent most of the afternoon crying or dragging my self around the grocery store. I had such a blinding tension headache I actually couldn’t see and forgot half my groceries and went home . I had to go back into town to collect my son who I left at his games . We were supposed to go to the speedway tonight I still don’t know if we can get in without hubby because it’s a military appreciation night but my son still wants to go . I just want to sleep and cry. I am never like this anymore but his family is literally killing us. Even my son is blinding mad at his aunt and that NEVER happens.

I'm sorry you are feeling so poopy. ❤️
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I am so glad he is starting to push back. He is pushing back for our sake. He told his sister and his mom, look I have a family and my wife is not going anywhere. We have been together 30 years you guys need to “ get it”. You know we are a couple like mom and dad are a couple . I am doing our plan tomorrow with MY WIFE.


You guys left the UK and came to Canada and left your families there and didn’t even worry about it . Your parents got sick went to old age homes and died . You weren’t even there .


His mom is coming to the realization they need a home .

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There are days I wish we could sue people who bring such stress to our lives . I have been suffering from panic attacks again . Even my medication and CBD oil isn’t keeping control of this crap . Between my aunt dying ,my dad my other aunt ,my mom falling and my in-laws I’m about ready to go right back sh.t crazy . And the entitled arrogance of my In-law family is unbelievable like they’re the only old people in the universe . We work 1 million hours a day have no time to ourselves or each other . This is all starting to get really old .

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Well, my father-in-law won’t be going home probably ever . It seems part of the reason he fell is a mild stroke and they are sending him permanently into long term care .


Sorry to hear about the stroke.


But also glad that he will be in a care center - in a sense, a relief?. Now the MIL may need to either have daily caregivers in her home, or find assistive living too.

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Sorry to hear about the stroke.


But also glad that he will be in a care center - in a sense, a relief?. Now the MIL may need to either have daily caregivers in her home, or find assistive living too.

Yes, it is a relief for everyone I think but him because he doesn’t know what is happening nor does he like it . He wants to watch his sports all day and it isn’t happening . He has also gone on a hunger strike until someone lets him out. And he wants family there 24/7 which isn’t possible. The change is horrible in his estimation. He has dementia and Parkinson’s and PTSD from being in a war when he was a child and change has never been his favourite . And when faced with anything he didn’t want to do he always bullied people into submission and this isn’t working out well for him in his estimation .


My mother -in-law finds it a relief. She has had a hard time looking after him. But I think she’s going to find it a bit shocking because he was always her protector and buffer against the world .

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