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Size matters with pregnancy ???


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Since last three months me and my gf decided to have a baby..although we have sex on regular basis but in these last three months we donot see any changes, her periods come regurlarly and no other signs of pregnancy..


Here I would like to mention that I had never before measured my penis size but recently some of my friends told me that if size is small then she couldnt be pregnant, so I measured myself, I was a little more then 5 inches measured from the top side when i was fully arosed.. So do u think it is small enough for her to get her pregnant ... oh god i feel so embarrassed to think about it.... is there a way to make it longer?


To give u a clue, I have been masturbuting since long, do u think if masturbution has an effect on this...


Thank you for your advices in advance.

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Penis size has nothing to do with getting girls pregnant. As far as i know.

There was a rare case once of a girl getting pregnant from a public toilet, so I dont see how a penis could be wrong. Some guys with big familys could have a pensi about the size of a thumb and still impregnant their partner.

The only thing size matters about is wether the girl is into the feeling of it or not.

Seriously, as long as you can ejactulate there shouldnt be a problem.

It might be possible that one of you cant conceive. But do remember, it takes a long time for some. Keep trying.

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this is not true in the slightest, yes i heard bout the girl gettin pregnant from a public loo aswell, women can also impregnate themselves if they have traces of semen on their fingers nd then penetrate themselves..............i doubt ur penis is shorter then a finger.........so size definitely doesnt matter. get her 2 take a test, some women can still have periods while pregnant like my sister did.

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Size has nothing to do with it. There a billions of men out there, many of them are small and wind up having many children. I'm not really sure about masturbation affecting it, but I highly doubt it could unless it prevents you from ejaculating somehow.


I have heard of women who have gotten pregnant from precum while messing around without the guy inside of her. Yes it's rare, but it is a clear indication that it has nothing to do with size.


I agree with the above posters, definitely get a test, and you might want to talk to the doctor or consult a fertility expert... there is a certain time of the month in which the woman is most likely to get pregnant (about 14 days after the start of her period...), and knowing when that time is for your girlfriend would probably help you a lot.

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Uuh Thanks for the advice, it would be good idea to get a test done...


For me I ejaculate quite well and always try to be as much Inside there as possibe when i ejaculate ( however I shoudl mention that I come really soon means that after 4 or 5 times ins and outs I ejaculate).. and that i was thinking if because of masturbution it effects the quantity of sperms or something in cum that would then not be able to impregnate her.


Thanks again everyone... and "Ayekasong" I think I should try it at around 14 days after her first day of period, right?

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You can impregnate a woman with a 2-inch penis. It does not matter what size it is.


A couple is considered infertile if they have not been able to conceive after trying for ONE year.


Best to learn when your gf is likely to be ovulating (typically 14 days into menstrual cycle if on 28 day cycle) and maybe get a predictor kit or she can learn to check her cervical mucous for changes that indicate ovulation (she can google for info on this). Then have sex a couple days before that ovulation day, and day of as well.


If after a year still nada, go to fertility specialist and get both of you checked out.

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Size doesn't matter when it comes to getting pregnant. Masturbating will lower your sperm count and chance to get her pregnant. It's best to wait 2 days before she ovulates then have sex and that usually will do it. Having sex too often will lower the count too, so wait two days no masterbating, no sex, then when she is fertile have sex. Almost guaranteed to work. If she was on birth control prior to trying expect to wait about 6 months before it happens.

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Size can make a slight difference... the closer the sperm is to the cervix, the better. If your penis was like 3" long, and the woman's vagina was 5" long... the sperm may have to swim up those extra couple inches to the cervix.


With a 5" penis you shouldn't have anything to worry about there.


Chances of pregnancy are increased if the woman orgasms close to the same time the man ejaculates. (Studies have shown that the cervix will actually suck up some sperm into the uterus during orgasm).


Also make sure that you are having sex during (or right before) her monthly ovulation period. This is usually 14 days after her period starts... which means you should have sex sometime between day 12 and day 15.

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