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Is my ex girlfriend really over me?


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Me and my ex were together for 3 years. We have broken up several times me always getting dumped for the same reason doesn't feel in love anymore. Well I got dumped back in December we were apart for 6 months where I continuously chased then stopped. She reached out to me 3 months ago and we got back together for about a month everything was fine no arguing nothing seemed perfect in love and both happy did everything I could for her. Then she slowly stopped talking me to a couple days and left me saying she doesn't love me and feels like she's kissing her friend and not romantically attracted! I immediately went no contact for three weeks and she end up calling me every week but I didn't answer until the third week. She called and said she's really depressed and just wants someone to talk to and we talked for a week and she said she just wants to be friends and that's all. I told her I couldn't just be friends that I only want a romantic relationship. She tried to make me jealous saying she's talking to other guys. Then says she's not looking for a boyfriend now. She said she cares about me 100 percent and wants me to be happy she's very depressed and a little suicidal. She admits was happier when we were together but doesn't want that anymore. She also avoids seeing me in person which I assume she does because it would be harder to hide her feelings! I'm just so confused a part of me feels like she still wants me that there's something then the other part of me feels like I'm holding on to false hope. Any opinions on what's going and what I should do? I really love her and care about her and feel like she's the one we're very close I just think the romantic part went away. Can someone help?

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I'm sorry you had to experience that but if I have to be honest, you should run and save yourself. She doesn't sound reliable and soon, even if you have perfect time together, she's gonna do the same. I don't know her age but that trying to make you jealous with other guys sounds really childish. Maybe you should find a girl more mature by character.

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People who break up with you multiple times because they don't feel they're in love are being honest - they are just not that into you.


Stop letting her use you as her Plan B for attention and affection when her other crushes don't work out. That's what's happening here. You should find someone more mature who is so into you she wouldn't dream of letting you go even once. This girl is going to continuously discard you and reel you back in until she finds a more permanent replacement.

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Be done with this, already. She does not feel the same. There is no future.


She wants you around to boost her ego and play her counselor. You should have been done after the second break.


You cannot be friends. Block and delete.

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Sorry to hear of your pain.....but that pain is an opportunity to grow.


Without respect there can be no love....she doesn't respect you....you don't even respect yourself. As Einstein said "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results".


You are her safety net and always will be as far as she is concerned..........as long as YOU let her. There are zero consequences to her actions.....you have TAUGHT her that.


Get away from her.....and stay away from her. Work on yourself and never let someone treat you like that again. Remember you have to teach people how to treat you.

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Never allow yourself to get serial dumped like this. Its really bad behaviour on her part. Everyone here is going to tell you to walk away from this woman and never look back.


I've been in your position before, never again. Have some self respect and tell her that you wish for NC. Move on, look after yourself. This is the best thing.

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i am currently in the same scenario .. she is just using you bro .. like my x-gal.. she will only contact you when she is bored or feeling low... i have done NC .. now everytime she contacts me i feel like she is just using me ... she doesnt respect you .. if she was mature and rite for u .. she would not do dis .. even i have told my gal .. i have no interest in friendship ...

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Exactly the same happened to me last year and I am sorry you are going through this since I know how terribly painful it is. Just like you, I thought things were perfect, sex great, families got on etc, lots of love and affection, happy times, then she went emotionally distant and dumped me. Three times, for absolutely no apparent reason. There is either some other dude in the picture, maybe an ex of hers who is trying to get back with her and "confusing" her (and hence the multiple reconciliations she has had with you since she probably actually *does* like you or else she wouldn't reconcile at all) or she has serious emotional or depression issues that you, in your idealized view of her are not seeing. These are painful things to consider but I guarantee you that this is what lies behind her behavior.


There is only one solution I am afraid and this is to block her and delete her, I can tell you that from bitter experience. These dumpings get more and more painful adn you need to put an end to all this nonsense right now. You are not her emotional crutch. You are a human being with your own heart and emotions to consider.

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She has mentally moved on from the attraction and relationship part of you. She likes you as someone she can trust and be a friend, but she has no desire to be the same type of relationship as you want.

I dont think she tells you about other guys to make you jealous. She tells you this because she has moved on and not because she is leading you on.

If you want her in your life, understand that you are viewed only as a friend. If you dont want her in your life as a friend, then just tell her that you cant have it and have a good life.

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