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Thoughts on breakupbrad.com


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I've been pursuing YouTube past few nights on tips how to stay strong during NC and other help in getting over a break up.


Stumbled upon this guy who seems to talk a lot of sense.


Anyone used his methods? The most interesting is how to get an ex back, going full on NC for 30 days then drop a friendly text reminding them of a happy time. It all is psychological and fundamentally changing their thoughts about you.


He says this works a very high percentage of the time.


Anyone ever used him?

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Those tactics this guy recommends are no different than all the other "get your ex back, guaranteed!!!!!" scam websites.


I bet he said you could get even better results if you purchase his program!!!! I really hope you didn't give this scammer any money.


I thought after your closure meeting and the mistakes of texting her (and getting no response) that you'd realized moving on was the best thing to do.


And no, no contact for 30 days is no magic way to get her back. She isn't going to look at the calendar and think "it's been 30 days! Time to reconcile!!!" Again, every one of those scammers say the same thing.


If this "plan" was so successful no one would ever stay broken up.


These scammers are evil. Trying to make money off of heartbroken people is just so wrong.

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There is an option to pay, I won't be doing that at all.


Majority of videos are free on YouTube.


I agree that no one would be single but his methods go against the very core of our human reaction

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There is an option to pay, I won't be doing that at all.


Majority of videos are free on YouTube.


I agree that no one would be single but his methods go against the very core of our human reaction


Does he say that in his videos? "Goes against the very core of our human reaction "?? Nice sales pitch there.


RKO, ALL those self-proclaimed experts give the EXACT SAME ADVICE. It.does.not.work.

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I'm pretty convinced the best strategy to reconcile is to state how you feel about the other person, that you are willing to try to work things out and that they should contact you if they change their mind. Ideally this should occur as close to the break up as possible

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I think Corey Wayne and Craig kennith are good because they try to help maintain a relationship rather than using psychological tricks to try to get them back


+10000 Corey Wayne is who you want to listen to in this scenario. He doesn't have some garbage program that you have to pay for to get an ex back. I think Craig Kenneth is kind of the ghetto version of Corey Wayne. He's OK. The thought that 30 days is the rule is just ludicrous. Like Corey says the strongest negotiating point is being able to walk away and mean it. Why set a time table?

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It's not going to work with your ex, OP.


If trying to reconcile is that convoluted and difficult that one needs a stranger to lay out a set of guidelines, well, it is almost guaranteed not to last anyway.


You would be better advised to watch videos about healing after a break-up, not one of these break-up scammers with something to sell you.

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I did think it could be a scam hence asking on here.


I don't plan to buy anything off him but a lot of the concepts he was saying made a lot of sense. It's not a concrete 30 days he says it might take more but on average that's what he finds is the amount of time for both sides to calm down and emotions to settle so you can think of a clearer mind. He says it may take longer.


Corey Wayne also offers similar advice

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Have some sense, will you, lol.


"The most interesting is how to get an ex back, going full on NC for 30 days then drop a friendly text reminding them of a happy time".


As others have said this is just a horrible scam, one of the many on the net.


Besides, you can't "get" someone who doesn't wish to be "got". There is no magic formula, no mind control, no quasi-telepathy and no magic wand to change another's thoughts.

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I paid for Bradbrowning's ExFactor program, I even paid for "one-on-one coaching", merely one week after the actual break up.


It did work, in the beginning, my ex expected me to be lingering on and begging all the time (her previous ex were like this too), I followed his program, and my ex was shocked at first, and tried to re-approach me. Good Luck.


He can only guide you through, but you should never expect him to help you get your ex back. (To be honest, he didn't even claim he can help you getting your ex back with 100% success rate)

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Besides, you can't "get" someone who doesn't wish to be "got". There is no magic formula, no mind control, no quasi-telepathy and no magic wand to change another's thoughts.




And OP, wouldn't you rather find a woman who wants to be with you, all on her own? Someone to whom you don't need to apply shades of behavioral psychology? Because those are the ones who usually don't stay anyway.


It's far better to work on healing so you can one day find someone who is crazy about you and doesn't need to "coached" into it.

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And as Bolt said:


"Trying to make money off of heartbroken people is just so wrong."


And I am not exaggerating when I say that vast amounts of money exchange hands for "spells" to get him/her back. There are brigades of witches, wizards, spell-purveyors, on and off-line, giving assurance that their method will definitely get him or her back. Quite outlandish, but it is extraordinary what desperate people will resort to.

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They are all the same BS. Their approach is different. you will get the same advice here. its sugarcoated same old same old.



Corey Wayne is a joke. some of his videos make no sense and would never work.



Brad is like the Joel Osteen of the advice world. He makes you feel warm and fuzzy about the future



but not everyone is the same.

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What do you disagree with? His basic premise is that men should lead and act like men.



Its not a blue print for all women. To me some of his stuff came off kind of douche and cocky not confident.



Like I said, nothing he does it different then what others say. I can name 5 or 6 guys off the top of my head


who promote the same thing. You know why because I searched youtube after the break up.



I actually have gotten multiple exes back, and Corey wayne wasn't the reason for that.

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Well.. I did the same after my break up and spent a lot of time trying to figure out what I did wrong and both Cory Wayne and Craig Kenneth helped me discover I have an attachment trama from childhood that makes me act like a pleaser which turns women I'm into off. Obviously I've since delved in beyond YouTube videos but they really helped me see

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Well.. I did the same after my break up and spent a lot of time trying to figure out what I did wrong and both Cory Wayne and Craig Kenneth helped me discover I have an attachment trama from childhood that makes me act like a pleaser which turns women I'm into off. Obviously I've since delved in beyond YouTube videos but they really helped me see


just be careful of the youtube snake oil out there.

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Its not a blue print for all women. To me some of his stuff came off kind of douche and cocky not confident.



Like I said, nothing he does it different then what others say. I can name 5 or 6 guys off the top of my head


who promote the same thing. You know why because I searched youtube after the break up.



I actually have gotten multiple exes back, and Corey wayne wasn't the reason for that.


So how did you actually managed to get back with exes ?


I see a bit opposite opinions regarding mentioned coaches, some say it's worth, others say it's not. I guess the truth is somewhere between.

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So how did you actually managed to get back with exes ?


I see a bit opposite opinions regarding mentioned coaches, some say it's worth, others say it's not. I guess the truth is somewhere between.


that's the thing, I don't think there is a template for everyone. my friends ex is different than my ex.. there relationship was different from my relationship



But I can tell you from being on here for years and from personal experience, if you are still hurting , you want your ex back,


its not a good thing either way to contact them or be in contact with them after the break up if they are unsure of what they want.



Both times I got my exes back I did not contact them first ever and I did not do the friends thing after either.


I am highly against that and I feel that its very easy for your ex to use you or move on while still being friends with you.

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They are all the same BS. Their approach is different. you will get the same advice here. its sugarcoated same old same old.



Corey Wayne is a joke. some of his videos make no sense and would never work.



Brad is like the Joel Osteen of the advice world. He makes you feel warm and fuzzy about the future



but not everyone is the same.


Not trying to start anything but what do you think about Corey Wayne is a joke and what he says would never work? I really want to know

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Not trying to start anything but what do you think about Corey Wayne is a joke and what he says would never work? I really want to know


I don't know if this is the proper place to debate Corey Wayne.


The OP posted a new thread that gives some updated information. It kind of negates this thread.

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