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I have a small problem... and well I'm sure most men have the same problem too, heh.


I absolutely cannot stand to watch any type of "girlie" movie. They all have pretty much the same plot (Guy/girl likes guy/girl, they get together, something crazy happens which drives them apart, they get back together at the end of the movie.) and I become bored to tears when I watch them.


We've been going out for five months, and I've only managed to actually sit through one of these types of movies.


This angers my girlfriend to no end, but I've tried explaining to her a billion times that I find these movies boring and I would rather her watch them with her friends so she would enjoy them more.


She insists that it's just a sacrifice on my part to watch them with her, and that I should just bite the bullet and watch them. And well, I agree with her to an extent, it's just that I can't watch them! I even try to put on a face that I'm interested but it only lasts ten minutes or so, heh.


I'm a pretty independent person, and I can entertain myself with no problems, so I don't understand why she can't just watch these movies by herself or with other people?


We do a lot of other stuff together all the time, this is just one thing that we can't see eye to eye on.

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Compromise - the watch word of a good relationship. You get brownie points for doing it and have something to negotiate with when it comes to asking her to do something you want. It's like cash in the bank - you have to earn it!


Suck it up and think of something else - a little self-discipline is good for the soul.

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Part of being in a relationship is watching these chick flicks. If you're only being forced to watch 1 every 5 months, that's not bad at all. I used to hate chick flicks too, but there is a trade-off for showing interest in your girlfriends interests. One, it will make her feel good about her relationship with you and two, chick flicks are a good pre-game to "other relations." If you want to see a chick flick that's not so bad, I'd take her to see "Hitch" with Will Smith.


Get used to watching chick flicks though kid, because it's part of the game.

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Compromise - the watch word of a good relationship. You get brownie points for doing it and have something to negotiate with when it comes to asking her to do something you want. It's like cash in the bank - you have to earn it!


Suck it up and think of something else - a little self-discipline is good for the soul.


Yeah, I know it's a compromise for me to watch them with her. I guess I'll just pop some caffeine pills or something before we sit down to watch, heh.


Part of being in a relationship is watching these chick flicks. If you're only being forced to watch 1 every 5 months, that's not bad at all.


Oh, it's been way more than one in five months. It's that I've *only* managed to sit through one in five months. The other ones I've dozed off during... which is terrible I know. I guess I just need to start thinking of something else as DN mentioned and hope she doesn't ask too many questions of what I thought about the movie afterward, heh.


Hey, I'm a girl and I can't stand these movies, either. Lucky for me, neither can my girlfriend.


Then consider yourself lucky!

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If you find them boring, try laughing at how absurd and predictable they are. That's what I do for horror films since I can tell the same tired plotlines over and over. Don't be laughing hesterically out loud or anything but do it in your head. Make a game out of it. Give yourself a point for every line or action that you guess right. See how high you can get your score. You can keep yourself entertained and still get to see her happy.

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If the issue is that important to you then dont watch them. As far as you acting like you like them, I wouldnt even attempt to do that again. If you honestly dont like watching them then show your disgust. Its not a requirement that you watch these movies, but realize there could be consequences for your actions. It would be best to show your displeasure and work out some sort of deal with her that you believe benefits you for putting up with the chick flicks. I wouldnt make a habit of doing this however, at certain points you need to have a backbone and let it be known that you arent in the mood to watch a chick flick.

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If you find them boring, try laughing at how absurd and predictable they are. That's what I do for horror films since I can tell the same tired plotlines over and over. Don't be laughing hesterically out loud or anything but do it in your head. Make a game out of it. Give yourself a point for every line or action that you guess right. See how high you can get your score. You can keep yourself entertained and still get to see her happy.


thats what i have always done. Lately, I try to fine easter eggs in the movies. Like what the people in the background are doing. Luckily i only have to sit through 1 or 2 per month at most. My g/f likes "scary" movies. Again with those i just have fun trying to predict it.

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