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Ex has new bf 4 months after 4 year relationship


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Ex of 4 years now dating her co worker I had suspision of. Now confirmed by FB.


Really want to say some petty stuff out of anger. Not emotionally hurt but angry and feel like they were talking while we were together.


after breakup she was dating and slept with a guy weeks after breakup and told me. Was totally disrespectful to me and kept changing reasons for breakup.


Hung out with her and her peers including him and Had a bad feeling about him. I'm sure she was seeing him after break up or talking to him. Maybe during our relationship


Do I be petty and say some or take high road?


she always said he's annoying and etc and now they're together.


If this doesnt work out for her will she reach out to me?


This is a perfect example on why people should not stalk their ex, and block them from all forms of contact.


She said she did not see a future with you. How much clearer can she be!


Do not contact her!!!!!


As others have said, block her. Sadly, once someone has ended a relationship they owe you nothing. Hanging on in there in the hope she'll reach out to you if it doesn't work out will only tear your heart out, when you could be taking the high road, putting her behind you and living as well as you can.


Don't pull the scabs off your own healing by following what she's doing.




Definitely don't take the petty route. It will be super embarrassing of you to contact her out of anger because she has moved on. You will only look stupid.


It's possible that she moved on from the relationship while she was still dating you. You should stop checking up on her because that's not helping you move on. She's over there living her life. You should do the same. Don't give her that power.


This is poisonous to you. Stop it.

Weve been in some contact but since break up ive tried talking about getting back togrther and everything and she's completely against it. Shes still responding to my texts and calls and says she cares and still has feelings for me but im sure she left me for him or another guy.


She broke up with you, why don't you let her go? I know it sucks to see your ex dating another guy, because I've been throught this in my life.

To me it smells like a rebound relationship. 4 years of a relationship is quite a long time and some people just don't do that well in a long-term relationship. Maybe it just burned her out. Who knows. I was burned out by a 2 years of a relationship once.


The thing is.. don't contact her, because you're only making it easier for her to go through the break-up. The key is to leave immediately and not to look back. You see, she's accepting your calls and messages just because you're her safety net...If it doesn't work out with that guy she might reach out to you, but think - would you take back a girl who left you for another guy? Keep your dignity and self-respect, let her go and start a new life. There're plenty of awesome girls out there. Learn from your mistakes from this relationship and don't repeat them in the future.

Good luck!


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