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Why would he blocked me on Whappsapp?


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I am 50 and this guy is 52. I was seeing him for 1 and a half month and we had a sexual relationship.. The prevous night he still whattsapp me to come over. I said yes and we had a wonderful time. Yesterday he blocked me on whattsapp and unblock me again. Then he blocked me again and unblock me. Last night he was texting me and I replied only on his whattsapps. This morning I was blocked again.


I did not bother him and send whattsapps to him. Why would he blocked me?

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When it comes to strictly sexual relationships, you kind of have to learn not to expect much.

But what I find more disturbing is a 52 year old playing block/unblock on Whatsapp...it's sad that some people never mature!


I don't know why he's doing it, only he knows unfortunately.

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Is it possible that he just has no idea how to correctly use the app? Have you tried asking him about it straight up? If he doesn't stop and it's bothering you, I would disengage from this person. If he is doing it on purpose so that he can control your ability to contact him... imagine what kind of controlling jerk he'd be in a serious relationship?

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Sorry to hear this but after a breakup it's best to go no contact and delete and block someone. It sounds like he's playing games.


Does he have a wife/gf who is telling him to block or blocking you? Does he block you whenever he doesn't want a hookup and uses whatsapp exclusively to contact you for that? It would be better if you deleted and blocked him if his games are annoying.

I was seeing him for 1 and a half month and we had a sexual relationship.Yesterday he blocked me on whattsapp and unblock me again. Then he blocked me again and unblock me.
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Two things, one this guy is old enough to know better, so really if they're going to play teen drama games at the ripe old age of 52 you can't expect much. Suggest you buy him a pacifier and Depends to have at the ready if you're going to keep seeing him, 'cause that's about as big a baby as one can get.


And two, it's pretty obvious he's hiding you from someone on there. He unblocks you to contact you for sex then blocks you again? Yeah, he's hiding you.


Either be happy with the occasional booty call or move on. This guy is definitely immature and shady as …. well you know. Plus Whatsapp? At 52? Why, why, why, why???? There's the Internet, the phone, heck even texting has got to be better. Although those things all have records showing who contacted who, so yeah never mind I get why he's on Whatsapp.

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Two things, one this guy is old enough to know better, so really if they're going to play teen drama games at the ripe old age of 52 you can't expect much. Suggest you buy him a pacifier and Depends to have at the ready if you're going to keep seeing him, 'cause that's about as big a baby as one can get.


And two, it's pretty obvious he's hiding you from someone on there. He unblocks you to contact you for sex then blocks you again? Yeah, he's hiding you.


Either be happy with the occasional booty call or move on. This guy is definitely immature and shady as …. well you know. Plus Whatsapp? At 52? Why, why, why, why???? There's the Internet, the phone, heck even texting has got to be better. Although those things all have records showing who contacted who, so yeah never mind I get why he's on Whatsapp.


This is exactly what I was going to write! This and WTH?

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Messing about at 52 and on whatsapp (shaking my head) perhaps you're a booty call that he is obviously not taking seriously and he has something to hide as well as playing games.

I would take a pass. Life is seriously too short especially at this age to be dealing with that kind of bs.

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From wired: "After all, the software isn’t widely used in the United States, and WhatsApp is a 32-engineer company that’s kept a decidedly low profile.


In India, however, it’s the bomb. Mobile rewards company Jana says it’s the most popular mobile messaging App in India, and in Brazil and Mexico too — smartphone markets that are just coming online thanks to cheap Android phones. More than 1 billion smartphones shipped last year. In India, 26 million of them — 58 percent of the market — cost less than $150, according to research firm IDC.


For many folks in these emerging markets, these devices aren’t simply a first smartphone. They’re a first computer. And so when they pick WhatsApp, they’re starting from a clean slate. Here in the U.S., the age of the PC still colors our mobile messaging choices. We’ve already built our social networks on Facebook, Twitter, or Skype.


In India, there’s less legacy clutter, and people are picking the best software — the ad-free, easy to use, well-designed WhatsApp. It’s a no brainer really. Launch Facebook’s mobile app, and the first thing you’ll see will be a flurry of wall posts from people you barely know and a big juicy ad. It’s annoying, and it’s something you don’t find on WhatsApp.


That’s why WhatsApp is becoming a new kind of social network in these countries — one that connects people more immediately and intimately than Facebook; and that’s why it connects with young users too, who don’t suffer from this kind of PC hangover. That’s why Facebook needed to buy the company at such an astounding price.


But there’s another big factor that has made WhatsApp popular not only in countries such as India, but in European markets, where people have already built up social networks on PCs. It’s a cheaper replacement for SMS. It looks and feels much like conventional text messages, but doesn’t come with the big fees.


In Spain, where WhatsApp had a commanding 96 percent marketshare last year, a text message costs €0.15. WhatsApp, in contrast, is free and has many features that SMS does not. It tells users when messages have been delivered and when they’ve been read. There’s an option where you can tell people when you last popped online. “It’s a great platform that works almost all the time,” says Eric Freeman, a marketing consultant based in Madrid who’s been using the software for the past two years.


“In markets like India and Spain, WhatsApp is a significant cost savings for users relative to SMS, which is a key driver for its growth,” says Rajeev Chand, head of research at Rutberg & Co., a technology investment bank. “It is the smartphone and messaging equivalent to Skype for international calls.”


That WhatsApp has been able to do this with a small staff, and virtually no marketing budget is a testament to how lightweight and fast-spreading new social networks can be on mobile phones. WhatsApp is free for the first year. After that, it costs $1 per year. Nine months ago, the company had 200 million users. Now it’s at 450 million users, and is adding another 1 million per day.


It’s doing this by putting users first instead of squeezing them to please advertisers. And that’s a good idea, no matter what country you live in."

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To be fair, What's App is incredibly common in the country where I now live in Europe. I realize it's not as typical in my home country (Canada) but people here of all ages and backgrounds use it as a substitute for regular SMS, as this saves money spent from sending text messages. Not all data plans work the same way in different countries. I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that his use of What's App alone speaks to his mentality or maturity.


Having said that, his blocking and unblocking you does speak volumes about this maturity. I'm curious though, OP - how do you know you're being blocked and unblocked? Is you message just not being delivered, or?


My guess is that if he is indeed doing so, he's probably trying to hide your messages from his wife or girlfriend.

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Although not as popular in the US, I've discovered WhatsApp is way more reliable than regular SMS. Even with the main carriers like Verizon and atnt messages don't always go through. With WhatsApp you can see if your message was sent, delivered, read just like iMessage but you aren't restricted to Apple.

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Yea I was confused what's with everyone's negativity about whatsapp lol, it's extremely common where I live and everyone I know uses it. It's good for group chat, commonly used by families and friends sharing photos, general chatting, making plans etc. At one point we had a "bridesmaids chat group" going to organise things for a friend's wedding. It's very useful when I'm overseas and using a different SIM card (so I won't have to use international SMS or have to tell anyone my temporary number).


I mean come on now...who still rely on emails for timely communication these days.


Anyway, first thing came to my mind with this blocking and unblocking thing is that he has a gf or wife, so he doesn't want to receive messages from you (which will probably pop up with an notification) when he's with her, then unblock you when he's safe to receive messages.


Also, I highly doubt it's a mistake. The block function is relatively hidden, you'd have to click on that person's name, go to the bottom of that page to find the block option, or you go to settings and 4 layers in, you get the option, neither is not very intuitive. So no, I don't think he accidentally did it.


His behaviour is shady, I wouldn't stick around to find out why.

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Whatsapp is good for many because it doesn't use SMS so it's not tied to a phone number. I wouldn't fault him for using it but the blocking and unblocking nonsense is definitely immature and shady. I'm wondering if he is with or pursuing another woman and is blocking you on the app while he's with her.

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When it comes to strictly sexual relationships, you kind of have to learn not to expect much.

But what I find more disturbing is a 52 year old playing block/unblock on Whatsapp...it's sad that some people never mature!


I don't know why he's doing it, only he knows unfortunately.

Yes I agree with you that at 52 he'd be mature. I have an ex that still plays mind games at 72 as if he were a 15 year old. Emotionally stunted is what it is. Hard to get your head around.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Good morning everybody!


Thank you so much for replying to my message. I really just want to understand what was going on. What happened next totally bowled me out! After two weeks, he unblocked me. Somebody asked me if he had a Facebook profile so I went on Facebook to see if he had a Facebook profile. Guess what! He is married with 3 boys. He stays in the same town than me and his wife is staying in Mossel Bay. The timed that he blocked me was when his wife came to visit him for 2 weeks.


Then one evening we bummed into each other at a restaurant. His story was that his phone got stolen, he lost my number and could I please send him my number again. I said yes, and did not send him my number. On Monday, he bummed into my again at a shopping centre and asked why I did not send my number to him. I've told him that since he blocked me on whattsapp, what is the point? The liar then told me that he never blocked me. He does not know that I know that he is married.

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