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dating a friend's ex...who is also a friend


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yikes...yep. i'm kinda there. well...not yet...but i can see it going there. i don't tend to sit lightly on these kinds of things. doing my best to consider the sides. how would i feel if i changed shoes?


how do people feel about this? seems like a mixed bag. most people in my immediate world are the type to say, ''just go with it. be honest. consider everyone involved. manage expectations.'' something along those lines. people connect. they disconnect. would it ruin some friendships? i don't know. it might. and that's probably where the other school of thought would chime in. there are plenty of fish in the sea. is worth ruining a friendship?


people have opinions on this one...so share, please! i'm not looking for answers. more, perspectives that i haven't considered. how do you feel about these kinds of things?


someone will ask for context...so here it is. they're both my friends. neither is closer than the other, really. fairly recent separation. i don't know all of the specifics. only going on what either has offered...no desire to pry into it. i knew both of them separately before they were together. have separate friendships with both. always have had. is that enough?


thanks in advance. i'm in the land of sketchy internet...so i might not reply.

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Fairly recent? That alone, forget the friend's ex thing, is enough to make me pause.


I've never seen anything wrong with this, barring an exception. The first one being how long it's been since they've split. If either one of them are still in grief land...It's dismissive of the friend and/or you run the risk of being the rebound shoulder.

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Fairly recent? That alone, forget the friend's ex thing, is enough to make me pause.


I've never seen anything wrong with this, barring an exception. The first one being how long it's been since they've split. If either one of them are still in grief land...It's dismissive of the friend and/or you run the risk of being the rebound shoulder.


i've paused big time. the whole thing just sort of landed in my lap...before i really had time to consider it all. i've been gone from this place for awhile now...so things have happened since i was last here.


i'm more worried about hurting a friend than i am about possibly being a rebound. i suspect she's long since detached emotionally...and she has spent some serious time being with herself. that much i know.


he's in grief land, i think...or anger land possibly.

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Sure. Would you forgo on the love of your life for an acquaintance you had some beers with, no right? Would you betray your best friend just for a fling, no, right? So it depends.


yep. all about context. of course...it's somewhere in between those extremes. best friend...no. but someone i respect and appreciate.

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