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So my ex girlfriend and I guess broke up we were fighting a lot and about a week ago she said she had enough and wanted to see me change. I was destroyed and promised her I would and about two days ago which would be 9-23-16 she said she wants to get back with me. So we did and she was saying over text she wanted to go to this party and I said of course I don't mind and she was saying she loved me so much and I honestly make her so happy but when she got home she again switched her kind and said she wanted space because she didn't know if she wanted to be in a relationship. She said you be you and I be me...but every time I ask do you want me to move on she won't tell me yes or no...also during hat previous week j was showing her my change she would hang out with me all the time and kiss me I'm just so unsure what she wants and if she still wants me ... Someone please help me...there's a lot of details missing but she has said like a day ago she loves me and wants us more than anything...but when she got home she was saying she doesn't know and she is emotionally drained and is scared...also yesterday when she said this and j said I'll give her space she came to my room and showed me her friends hamster? I know all this sounds stupid and weird but I don't know what to make of any of this I truly love her and just want help because I think she still loves me but why isn't she giving me this chance to show her I love her so much

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We broke up because we kept fighting and we have done that a couple of times but I told her I was treating this like an immature relationship but I said I talked to so many people to fix my faults and she said okay...we kept distant for a couple of days but then I bought her flowers like I did on the first date and wrote her a letter....when I have her the flowers she screamed and was so happy and text me saying ahhhh omg I love them so much ...there's a lot of details I'm leaving out but now she said she wants space and she does love me but isn't sure about getting back together and I said we can start over and be friends and she said I would love that but don't have it in your mind we will get back together lets just be friends and whatever happens happens. So I said okay but don't have a closed mind about us getting back together and she said okay deal

Why did you break up to begin with?
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I really don't think so she keeps telling me these guys are hitting on her and she doesn't want that it's annoying...and then on the day we broke it off again she said this guy turn to my shoulder and said ha I bet it looked like we kissed to everybody and then tried to kiss her and she told me she pushed his face away and it was funny I should have been there...I really want her back because if you saw how much she was in love with me and then that fight changed it all I know she still loves me a lot she just tells me she is tired of fighting and is emotionally drained but never tells me that we are over like we are done done

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I know it sounds bad but we are 18-19 but with her it honestly feels different I didn't believe in marriage or the concept but she made me believe in it and we have been together on and off for about 8 months but every time it was off we would get back together ASAP but I want to change and give her a real relationship that will last please I need help

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I really don't think so she keeps telling me these guys are hitting on her and she doesn't want that it's annoying...and then on the day we broke it off again she said this guy turn to my shoulder and said ha I bet it looked like we kissed to everybody and then tried to kiss her and she told me she pushed his face away and it was funny I should have been there...I really want her back because if you saw how much she was in love with me and then that fight changed it all I know she still loves me a lot she just tells me she is tired of fighting and is emotionally drained but never tells me that we are over like we are done done What do you think

It sounds like she's interested in someone else (who was also at this party) and is keeping you as a backup plan.
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