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why would he lie of being able to have kids


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Do u think girls lie about bc to get pregnant on purpose?? Will that be the reason why guys lie about fertility?


Yes girls lie about it and women. To try to "trap" men who want to leave or whatever stupid reason. My ex's oldest son is the result of a one night stand. He knew the girl for 2 hours. I asked him why didn't he use a condom. He said "She told me she was on birth control." (Oh and he also doesn't like them). Then his ex wife (before they were married) got pregnant a week after he found out for sure his oldest son was his (he didn't know that first girl had gotten pregnant and she called him up when his son was 2 months old) and said "She told me she was on birth control the whole time."


I told him maybe you should've worn condoms every time you had sex back then.


The guy who knocked you up is a dbag but at the same time probably not wise to have unprotected sex with someone you barely know. Even if a guy has been to the doctor and the doctor says he's infertile doesn't mean he is. My brother was told he couldn't have kids. His sperm was very weak. Yeah - my niece will be six in October. He got a vasectomy after that. (He's married to her mother but it was a surprise to say the least).


Caution should be exercised when it comes to sex.

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Do u think girls lie about bc to get pregnant on purpose??


I can't answer for everyone, but for some women, yes. They want to have a child. Period. Father is a secondary concern.


Will that be the reason why guys lie about fertility?


As with the previous question, I'm sure it's an assortment of reasons. I have met at least one man who seemed to think he could use pregnancy as a way to "stay in touch" after the relationship was over.

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