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Ok so I've been friends with a guy for several years at my job, at one point he likes me and did pursue me but I wasn't interested because it was during the time when I was dating someone & he was separated from his girlfriend... Then fast forward a few years later I started to like him but he was back with his g.f. by then, so we once again couldn't pursue a relationship. Well today he is getting married & all I can do is cry! He's helped me soooo much through this horrible break up that I recently had, giving me good advice & has shown me what a good man should be, he has great qualities & everything I've ever wanted in a man, but today he is getting married.... I am so bummed, one again I'm back to depression, but even greater now. I don't think I'll ever find anyone for me, I'm so depressed & in deep despair! I dont want to feel envious, but I do! I feel like everyone around me is in love & blossoming and I'm just lonely & weeping ...

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Unfortunately he can no longer carry on as if single and be a confidant. Perhaps you are transferring your upset over the break-up to this guy moving on and getting married? Because as a friend you would normally be happy for him.

I've been friends with a guy for several years at my job. Well today he is getting married
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Unfortunately he can no longer carry on as if single and be a confidant. Perhaps you are transferring your upset over the break-up to this guy moving on and getting married? Because as a friend you would normally be happy for him.

Don't get me wrong, I am happy for my friend, I'm just feeling bummed out that I ended up with the wrong person

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You and your friend might well have ended up miserable if you'd gotten together. You're fantasizing about something that never happened.


You're miserable because of a breakup that's all. You and your friend were never meant to be. After you heal, you'll look at things in a different light.

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  • 11 months later...

So I finally get a text from my ex in July of 2016 ( 3 months of not talking to me) we hung out for my birthday that August. And he apologized for how he treated me, telling me he will always love me & wants me to have his child (umm not gonna happen! Lol) well long story short, we went out to a bar in September & he got drunk, started flirting with some girl there and telling me how he has sex with other people although he loves me. Then when we got outside he starts disrespecting me, cursing me out, bragging about how the girl in the bar was sooooo beautiful & just purposely trying to hurt my feelings! After that I never talked to him again even after his apologies & well wishes. Well this month in March ( 6 months later) he text me out of the blue saying that he was at a steak house that we used to go to & how he thought of Me & hope everything is well with me, I have not responded & Idk if I should.....any advice??

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So I finally get a text from my ex in July of 2016 ( 3 months of not talking to me) we hung out for my birthday that August. And he apologized for how he treated me, telling me he will always love me & wants me to have his child (umm not gonna happen! Lol) well long story short, we went out to a bar in September & he got drunk, started flirting with some girl there and telling me how he has sex with other people although he loves me. Then when we got outside he starts disrespecting me, cursing me out, bragging about how the girl in the bar was sooooo beautiful & just purposely trying to hurt my feelings! After that I never talked to him again even after his apologies & well wishes. Well this month in March ( 6 months later) he text me out of the blue saying that he was at a steak house that we used to go to & how he thought of Me & hope everything is well with me, I have not responded & Idk if I should.....any advice??


I wish I was where you are right now. Replying will likely only set you back and nothing much is likely to change.


I know from very recent experience that letting go at first and getting past those initial few days is THE hardest part. You've done that. You already let go. Sounds like you're best to leave it be and keep moving forward.

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So I finally get a text from my ex in July of 2016 ( 3 months of not talking to me) we hung out for my birthday that August. And he apologized for how he treated me, telling me he will always love me & wants me to have his child (umm not gonna happen! Lol) well long story short, we went out to a bar in September & he got drunk, started flirting with some girl there and telling me how he has sex with other people although he loves me. Then when we got outside he starts disrespecting me, cursing me out, bragging about how the girl in the bar was sooooo beautiful & just purposely trying to hurt my feelings! After that I never talked to him again even after his apologies & well wishes. Well this month in March ( 6 months later) he text me out of the blue saying that he was at a steak house that we used to go to & how he thought of Me & hope everything is well with me, I have not responded & Idk if I should.....any advice??

Don't respond to the breadcrumbs.

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