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Hello everyone,,I was dating a girl for a year plans to get married and kids all that,,, i was going throw a ruff patch with my self and broke up with her few days later i realized i made a mistake and rang her to meet up but she said she had kiss someone then refused to met up,,the following days i got mails on how good her new man is the one she is dating even sending me pictures of him in her bedroom and telling me when she had sex,, i don't understand why she would try to hurt me and move on so quick when she loved me so much i cut contact because of the rubbing the new man in my face was to much any advice i know its my own fault

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dont make drastic decisions on a whim. lesson learned. aside frm that, shes being a complete by doing the things shes doing and telling u about it. all she wants to do is get back at u for breaking up with her and hurt u as much as she possibly can..


youre right to break contact. block her frm all media and delete and block her number. you messed up by breaking it off but shes showing u a nasty side of her youve probably never seen and its a huge turn off imo, she shouldve been a bit more understanding to ur situation. instead she runs off with some guy. let her have her fun(guaranteed she doesnt like that guy, only using him) and move on wih urs and find someone whos not a complete .

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You made a mistake - we all make them. You learnt from your mistake, and in future you will not haphazardly break up with someone simply because you had a bad day. It should be a well thought-through decision.

At the same time, the way that she behaves after the break-up is not very nice also. It is ok and understandable for her to go out with someone else, since she is free now (although it was very quick, but that it her business). However, contacting you and rubbing it into your face does not show her in a very good or noble light at all. Why would you want to be with her again after she showed this side of her to you? In that case, I would say it is for the best that you are not together anymore. You can let it go, forget her, focus on other things in your life. Hopefully, in future you'll meet someone new and better/more mature, and you'll also try to be more mature and patient on your side. This was anyway a bad match. So, even if it doesn't seem this way now, it all actually happened for the best. Don't try to get back, don't say anything more to her, just leave her.

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