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Being used??


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Ya well I should of just asked straight up before sleeping with him that seems to be my problem I am too scared to ask what the other person is looking for


To each their own, but I would find it much easier to ask a person what they're looking for, as opposed to getting naked and giving a near stranger access to my body.


OP, Are you afraid that you have nothing else to offer him?

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Ya well I should of just asked straight up before sleeping with him that seems to be my problem I am too scared to ask what the other person is looking for


Well that's what you need to work on in the future ... communication before sex. If you are the type of person who feels used for sex, even though you consented, then wait until you are in a relationship.

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Ya well I should of just asked straight up before sleeping with him that seems to be my problem I am too scared to ask what the other person is looking for


And not only ask, but you also need to take a bit of time and watch his actions towards you. People can very easily lie and tell you what they know you want to hear, so in addition to asking, you need to take your time and make sure that what they told you is indeed true. That can only be done by waiting before jumping into sex.

For the record, I don't think you were used. In this day and age, you need to be really smart about dating, if you don't want to have your heart broken.

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