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How did you meet your significant other?

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my ex, first love, was a roommate for a few months before we actually started dating. it's amazing how things happen - i had graduated college and this was the first time in the "real world" - i moved into a house full of complete strangers and met the love of my life. unfortunately, he does not feel the same anymore.


but if i can do it once, i can do it again - but better

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I found my current so online somewhere and I liked his profile and the fact that he was a snowboarder. I'm a boarder myself. Added him to my msn and didn't even exchange a hi for about 4 months. I was looking for a roommate and had my msn name stating that. He messaged me because he was looking for a room, and he came over to take a look. The next day he messaged me saying he found another place. I was bummed because I liked him instantly. A few hours later he asked me out. It's been almost half a year


The twist? I periodically do contact list cleanups and decided to not delete his contact about 2 days before he messaged me

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I met my bf in Barnes & Noble of all places. We both happened to be standing in the same section looking at books and he picked up a book of short stories that I had just finished reading. So, I told him that it was a good book and we started talking. We exchanged info and then he had to go to CA for training (he's in the Navy) so we kinda stopped talking for a week or so. When he got back I invited him to go to Starbucks one Saturday evening and we talked for hours. The next day he invited me over to watch a movie and we've been inseperable since then.


Funny part of the story - he asked if I wanted to get dinner the night that we met at B&N but I was on the way to my parent's house for dinner and I couldn't cancel. Once we started officially dating he told me that he thought I was making up the dinner at my parent's house thing because I didn't like him! I didn't hear from him for a couple days after we met, so I sent him an email (because I'm a wimp and was too scared to call) just to say hi. Now I know why I didn't hear from him!

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i met mine at work (i am a waitress). he'd come in as a customer before and i noticed him right away because he was really cute and had his lip pierced (so do i).


then he got hired as a waiter and we were pretty much inseparable after that.


i really fell for him at my best friend's x-mas party (she works with us as well) because it became clear how much we have in common, and he was arranging my hands to make fake gang signs and sparks were flying.

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