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i cant take trash out without getting into trouble?


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So I'm a single mom of 2 kids and live on my own. I raise them all by myself without any help. I was told by one of my parents that its illegal to leave kids home alone. Well of course it is. I knew that. But how can I take the trash out while trying to carry a kid? Even if I did have a stroller, it would be impossible to stroll and carry bags of trash. I know it sounds ridiculous but what the heck am I suppose to do?? It takes just a minute to throw it out. The dumpster is just a few feet away from my apartment. I cant even take it out while they're sleeping? Just for a minute, if that?? I can't be hoarding bags if trash cause ill get in trouble for that too. I was being a smartellic and asked my parent if I'm suppose to get a babysitter for a minute just to take out trash. She said "I guess". This whole thing just ticks me off. I try so hard to do what I can and now apparently its too much to keep my apartment clean. What the heck do I do then?? Please help? Thanks.

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No, of course not. Thats what I've always done. I've waited til my kids were sleeping in bed to take out the trash. I go straight to the dumpster, throw the trash bags in, then go straight back home. I just can't see me getting arrested for taking trash out. But in this day and age, who knows

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Why are you telling your parents all these little details? Just live your life as you see fit, you don't need to ask for anyone's opinion on when/how you should take out the trash and stuff like that! Oversharing is never good. Keep things to yourself and everything will be ok.

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If you left your kids for a long period of time then that's a different story, but if all you are doing is taking the trash out which only takes a minute then I don't see what the big deal is about.


I'm sure my parents left me alone for a minute loads of times when they went to take the trash out and I turned out okay so it will be okay.

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No, I dont share every little detail with anyone. Its just an argument my parents and I got into and somehow "taking the trash out with kids inside" came up. I will do it anyway. I've been doing it since I moved in 6 months ago and they're still alive. Sheesh. I was seriously stressing about it too. But I'm sure almost anyone would be understanding about taking trash out. Thanks for the support over this silly little topic though! I thought I was the only one who took trash out while kids were sleeping lol.

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From my opinion.. they are being a smart A$$, responding about your comment re: garbage.

Of course you can take a minute to take your garbage out!


I think they meant,, the kids cant be alone while you are out shopping, etc, which can take an hour + to do.

That' different.. than garbage time.


Im also a single mom... and of course I took my garbage out every week! I didnt need anyone approval to do so, either.

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Taking out garage is not " leaving your kids alone" . People who judge you for that are ridiculous and don't even bother speaking to them. It's nonsense.


I know!! seriously. "Leaving your kids alone" means going to the store, to dinner, to the club, wherever without them. taking out the trash and coming right back doesn't mean you are leaving your kids alone. Jeez. I read in the news that some woman in my area left her kids (under 6 years old!) alone and went to the club and then there was some big accident at her house (can't remember what) and she was arrested. Those are the people these laws were written for.

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The first time I did this was two weeks ago because my son was getting over a fever, my husband was away and we had been out earlier and I forgot to take out the trash (incinerator is a few feet away from our apartment. My concern had been that if I did lock my door, what if I dropped the key and if I didn't, what if someone came in. And yes I consider that leaving a child alone even though it's for a short time period.


Yes, I did shower when he was asleep but with a baby monitor (he sleeps two rooms away). Now that he is almost 7 I will shower when he is awake if I have to. I would not be comfortable going downstairs/leaving the building even for the 3-5 minutes or less it would take. If I lived in a private house I would go to the front of the lawn to leave something. I did have a friend who would leave her 2 toddlers in the car to run inside her building and get the laundry. I would have been too scared about the children being taken or someone seeing me do that and then knowing when the kids were alone.


I think it's perfectly legal and fine to leave the house for one minute to take out the garbage - if possible I would take the baby monitor with you if you can. We all have individual situations as far as type of child/safety of house/neighborhood, etc.

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I wanted to add - when my son was a baby, asleep in his crib, I was living on the 4th floor of an apartment building in a large city. My girlfriend was over. Her boyfriend came to my building to pick her up but my friend didn't have a cell and we couldn't call him to tell him to come upstairs. She said "oh, you haven't seen him in years -just come downstairs to say hi". I was shocked that she thought it would be ok for me to leave my baby alone and go to the lobby to chat with her boyfriend. I said "no, I can't leave my baby alone". "Oh just for a few minutes" she pleaded. (No way.). It made me realize how wide a variation there is in what is considered safe (no she does not have children).

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