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Is this why they say "Life starts after 30"?


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I am almost 30 and the biggest thing I have noticed is a welcome one: sex drive has taken a nose dive! It is much easier for me to focus on work, learning new things etc. now that that has decreased. It is easier for me to ignore women that I find attractive, especially because I have spent a lot of time reading and watching stuff about the current divorce rates in the US, etc. Guys who never married in their 20s, and who are now in their 30s+, say that they dodged a huge bullet in terms of not getting married so young when it seemed "everyone else was"...


Is decreased libido perhaps one of the reasons that there is the cliche "life starts after 30"?

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I don't think so. Personally, sex drive hasn't really changed for me in 30s. Actually, I find myself more driven/better performer now. I'm also much better at it as well. Our sex drive/and frequencies are actually up and climbing now that we are almost 20 years in!


The whole "maturity" thing in the 30s is kind of hard to describe in words. Let me put it to you this way.


When you realize that things you desired, wanted, valued and did in the teens/20s are quite opposite (worthless/turn off/last things you want) and realize that things you found 0 appeal become important......it's a first sign of maturity. One can also say "things that were lame" became awesome and things that were awesome became lame.



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