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What's annoying you today? Part 2


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It's going to be a long one, also hi all been a while.


In another social media platform, I saw multiple cases of various individuals making a bad joke or poor comment; then it seems get coerced into an "apology" by the moderators there. Usually leading to bashing and piling on by members of the group; it was uncalled for and close to abusive. It became more and more common, and then the straw the broke the camels back one guy who was a bit abrasive; then the head mod posted screen shots of a private conversation to humiliate the guy. I had enough.


So knowing that any private conversation would be used as a weapon, I made a rather harsh post (could have couched it better I'm sure) calling out the culture of bullying that had developed. I even called out the bad behavior of the guy who had sparked the last event. Then comes the parade of people who kept justifying themselves and their bullying comments; if these were adults in their 30s and 40s the amount of excuse making could be forgiven. Then the mod who had fueled things, tried to make it about me not following rules and how one should always contact them if there's a problem; I'm still waiting for a response. Oh but that's right I got blocked by the mod. Haha


I should have known better than to stir up that toxic hornets nest, but I cast pearls before swine it seems.

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I'm so sorry Coily.

So I took a leap of faith because typically I will not do those "no risk free trial" kind of things. but this was a very reputable publication with a young adult version. So I did the 6 week trial "no risk" subscription for my son. I confirmed it was no risk. I received issue 5 today and figured I'll cancel right now since even if I don't receive the 6th one I'll know I only received 5 so it's plenty of time to cancel. That's when I'm told I'll be refunded all but $10. I had no idea they'd charged my card but they had two days ago -luckily it's one of those really protective brand name credit cards so after I received a Customer No Service response from them I called and opened a dispute. Then emailed and told them I did and added that it was even more disappointing since my mother had been a subscriber to their adult version for years.


I really don't get it -why these companies do this. One time I cancelled the same day -for a face cream company my cable company sent us a link for - and they ran up hundreds of charges on my credit card and sent me unasked for product. My bank had it all removed. But -a reputable magazine? Why do this? Yes I can afford to lose the $10 if it comes to that -and it's still highly annoying to be charged anything for a "risk free" trial. I liked the issues, so did my son -we're still reading them -but he goes back to (virtual) school soon so now is not the time to be getting this publication. And now I probably never will.

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Sounds horrible, Batya. Sorry to hear that.


Also it makes me feel crazy - like did I read something wrong/count the issues wrong Nope. I didn't. I am not about the $10 -I'm about not being scammed. I will fight that battle.

Annoying -when a neighbor witnesses something in the middle and accused me of being rude. I got trapped inside my elevator bank because cleaning people with their supplies were blocking the exit door. Waiting to be buzzed in. no masks. I prop the door open "please move back" I say - and point. Nothing. They don't speak English I guess. I try again with please and with my hand showing what I need. I cannot get out. A third time. Finally I speak louder, use hand motions in a stronger way. A neighbor comes by "you don't have to be rude. they're just working people". Working people who are trapping me in my own building. I did defend myself "I asked them three times nicely to move. I am a working person too."

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Also it makes me feel crazy - like did I read something wrong/count the issues wrong Nope. I didn't. I am not about the $10 -I'm about not being scammed. I will fight that battle.

Annoying -when a neighbor witnesses something in the middle and accused me of being rude. I got trapped inside my elevator bank because cleaning people with their supplies were blocking the exit door. Waiting to be buzzed in. no masks. I prop the door open "please move back" I say - and point. Nothing. They don't speak English I guess. I try again with please and with my hand showing what I need. I cannot get out. A third time. Finally I speak louder, use hand motions in a stronger way. A neighbor comes by "you don't have to be rude. they're just working people". Working people who are trapping me in my own building. I did defend myself "I asked them three times nicely to move. I am a working person too."


Don't you just love it when the peanut gallery comes rolling around down the hill to make comments about a context they know nothing about? This reminds me of when I was driving down a street in my neighbourhood going to meet a friend in town and the car two cars up slammed on the brakes, forcing the first car and my car to brake hard. It was doing a left turn and the street was wide enough for those going straight to pass carefully. As I'm shoulder checking, a grumpy person coming out leisurely decides to come up to both cars and hit the sides of both the car infront of mine and mine and the rest was unintelligible. There was no damage to my car but it was all a much ado over nothing and the pedestrian was nowhere close to us but decided to walk right up and hit our cars.


I had to shake my head. I forgot all about that but your story about your rude and clueless (/not so informed) neighbour above reminded me of it!

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Don't you just love it when the peanut gallery comes rolling around down the hill to make comments about a context they know nothing about? This reminds me of when I was driving down a street in my neighbourhood going to meet a friend in town and the car two cars up slammed on the brakes, forcing the first car and my car to brake hard. It was doing a left turn and the street was wide enough for those going straight to pass carefully. As I'm shoulder checking, a grumpy person coming out leisurely decides to come up to both cars and hit the sides of both the car infront of mine and mine and the rest was unintelligible. There was no damage to my car but it was all a much ado over nothing and the pedestrian was nowhere close to us but decided to walk right up and hit our cars.


I had to shake my head. I forgot all about that but your story about your rude and clueless (/not so informed) neighbour above reminded me of it!


Yes!!! Exactly!!I always assume I don't have the whole story. Of course! Thank you Rose.

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I was just told that I am supposed to take the trash barrel to the curb for the city to empty. I wonder why they waited until a month before my lease is up to tell me that.


One of the other tenants has been doing it this whole time and in return she gets a parking spot. I park on the street.


Oh, and my next door neighbor does not take her own trash barrel to the curb. Weird.


I've been wanting to move out. If I get a new job soon I will certainly look into it.


Things I dislike:

a)Street parking! I have been lucky so far but once I go back to work I'm sure it will be harder to park.

b)No laundry on site.

c)The entire apartment only has 7 electrical outlets. The bedroom has ONE receptacle. The bathroom has one. The living room has 3.

d) The building is old. It leans, the plumbing groans, the bathroom sink has separate faucets for hot and cold water. No way to get warm water, it's one or the other. No garbage disposal. No AC. Doors have a gap between the door frame and the top of the door that goes from about a 1/4 inch up to about 1 1/2 inches. No screen on the bathroom window, the balcony door and the back door.

e) I hate, hate, HATE mini blinds and this apartment is full of them and they are old and many of them are broken. And they hang lopsided.

f) The carpet is old and holds dirt like you wouldn't believe. It always looks filthy even though I had it shampooed.

g) No cable TV outlet in the bedroom.

h) Shared entry. The door that leads out to the street is shared with my neighbor. I would love my own entrance.


And no, I didn't get to look at it before I rented it. The company I just resigned from insisted I needed to be out here immediately (late March) so I had to rent sight-unseen. Of course, the work location I was hired for STILL hasn't opened. I paid rent for two months while the apartment sat empty because they decided to have me stay at my previous location until late May.


I hope I get a job very soon. At least now that I'm out here my family has already said if I decided to move they would help me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

People who look a gift horse in the mouth /do not count their blessings.


Specific example -friend around my age discovered she likely had an abscess/infection in her tooth. Needed a new dentist. Found one who could see her fairly quickly. Dentist diagnosed the infection, is treating it. Her takeaway -that because of covid they took her temp when she walked in the office with one of those scanners (same thing was done to me the three times i went to the dentist/oral surgeon and I was HAPPY they were so careful -no I did not have a fever or any symptoms) - she said "so would they have sent me home if I had a fever?? Aren't medical people supposed to help - how would that be helping?" pretty much verbatim posted on Facebook. There was no indication that they would have sent her home, at all -perhaps if she did have fever from her tooth infection they would have taken extra precautions or checked further for covid signs.


Really? You find a new dentist to treat you during covid (not easy right now) and you're complaining because they held up a forehead scanner as a screening mechanism -based on your hypothetical that didn't happen? I just do not get it. (I also had an infection and had to get treated in June/July including oral surgery -I was so thankful to be treated and to feel better!

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I had to have two teeth extracted in April, right when EVERYTHING was shut down. They wouldn't even let me in the building until they took my temp. I was grateful, as I figured since they were checking everyone that meant they were protecting everyone. The oral surgeon was wearing what looked like a space suit. I didn't get offended and say "How dare he??? What, did he think I had Covid???" No, I was again grateful that they were protecting all their patients.


Surreal, that, having teeth extracted during a pandemic shut down. And so happy to have those painful teeth gone!

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I had to have two teeth extracted in April, right when EVERYTHING was shut down. They wouldn't even let me in the building until they took my temp. I was grateful, as I figured since they were checking everyone that meant they were protecting everyone. The oral surgeon was wearing what looked like a space suit. I didn't get offended and say "How dare he??? What, did he think I had Covid???" No, I was again grateful that they were protecting all their patients.


Surreal, that, having teeth extracted during a pandemic shut down. And so happy to have those painful teeth gone!


Yes same -I mean speculating on what if they would have done if she had a fever -and how dare they send a patient home who does, etc - so much negativity when she had such a positive outcome!

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Annoying -being scammed by a reputable children's magazine company. Scam = I did a risk free trial for X number of issues. They promised no charge to my credit card until I received X issues. To be very careful I cancelled after receiving X-1 issues only to discover that two days earlier they'd charged me for the entire subscription amount - not inexpensive. First they gave me a partial refund. So I opened up a dispute with the credit card company after attempting contact. Two weeks later I get a refund of the balance. The reason I'm annoyed -no apology for the unauthorized charges or delays, sending me to 2-3 different departments (by e-mail) and now claiming that they charged me when the X plus one issue was "printed" even though I'd only received X-1. Um, not the deal and that's not risk free.


So yes I finally got my money back after many emails and the credit card co. getting involved but I'm very annoyed at the customer no service.

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Annoying -being scammed by a reputable children's magazine company. Scam = I did a risk free trial for X number of issues. They promised no charge to my credit card until I received X issues. To be very careful I cancelled after receiving X-1 issues only to discover that two days earlier they'd charged me for the entire subscription amount - not inexpensive. First they gave me a partial refund. So I opened up a dispute with the credit card company after attempting contact. Two weeks later I get a refund of the balance. The reason I'm annoyed -no apology for the unauthorized charges or delays, sending me to 2-3 different departments (by e-mail) and now claiming that they charged me when the X plus one issue was "printed" even though I'd only received X-1. Um, not the deal and that's not risk free.


So yes I finally got my money back after many emails and the credit card co. getting involved but I'm very annoyed at the customer no service.


Eh, pretty typical for publications seems like. No, you'll never get any apologies because they think they are entitled and were hoping to get away with it.


Way back when I was a teen, I did a free trial of some magazine. I didn't like it, so I cancelled it. I got a sales call trying to convince me to buy and the woman on the phone actually threatened me with breach of contract suit if I don't "comply" and pay up for a full subscription. I might have been a teen, but I wasn't stupid or easily intimidated so she got quite an earful from me about her threats. After I hung up though, I wondered how often they get away with this approach. Sadly, probably enough to be worth a lawsuit or two as what she said was certainly actionable if not fully criminal.


Lesson learned - that was the last time I ever did a trial for a magazine.

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Eh, pretty typical for publications seems like. No, you'll never get any apologies because they think they are entitled and were hoping to get away with it.


Way back when I was a teen, I did a free trial of some magazine. I didn't like it, so I cancelled it. I got a sales call trying to convince me to buy and the woman on the phone actually threatened me with breach of contract suit if I don't "comply" and pay up for a full subscription. I might have been a teen, but I wasn't stupid or easily intimidated so she got quite an earful from me about her threats. After I hung up though, I wondered how often they get away with this approach. Sadly, probably enough to be worth a lawsuit or two as what she said was certainly actionable if not fully criminal.


Lesson learned - that was the last time I ever did a trial for a magazine.


Ugh. So sorry!! I also got scammed by a free trial for face cream -which I only did because it was offered after I did a survey sponsored by our cable company. Sigh. Thanks for commiserating.

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I think they're pretty much on target when you hear the words, "there's no such thing as a free lunch."


So in other cases it's been totally fine - certain companies have given me gift cards for doing a quick survey, no strings attached, and I'm in a couple of rewards programs -like with that famous coffee place - that is very fair and works out great. I have no problem going for a "free lunch" because I know that the company benefits from the "free" trial too -good advertising/marketing -if they act fairly. I'm always happy to give glowing reviews when that happens.

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I cancelled my DirecTV in July. In fact, on the account info on their website it confirms that my service was cancelled on July 25th. Soooo...they sent me a bill for service for August 17th through September 17th. Um, why am I being billed for this? And when I called the guy on the phone yelled at me when I said I was not going to pay for the service after I cancelled it and returned all the equipment. He just kept yelling. So I said "I know you're being recorded and I hope your supervisor talks to you about yelling at people when you're supposed to be providing customer service." I think they were hoping I was stupid and would pay the bill. Well, I'm not and I'm not going to.

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I cancelled my DirecTV in July. In fact, on the account info on their website it confirms that my service was cancelled on July 25th. Soooo...they sent me a bill for service for August 17th through September 17th. Um, why am I being billed for this? And when I called the guy on the phone yelled at me when I said I was not going to pay for the service after I cancelled it and returned all the equipment. He just kept yelling. So I said "I know you're being recorded and I hope your supervisor talks to you about yelling at people when you're supposed to be providing customer service." I think they were hoping I was stupid and would pay the bill. Well, I'm not and I'm not going to.


Slightly similar to my face cream story -just figured I'd share. I did the free trial then realized it came with strings attached. So I cancelled within the half hour. But over the next 6 months I received face cream - didn't even notice, I was so busy -and - really awful -didn't check my credit card. Until one day when I received one I called the company, realized they'd charged me and.... had been charging me for months. My bank got all the charges reversed. But it was a wake up call for me to check my card. But yes when I saw the fine print the day I signed up -which said I'd be signed up to receive a jar every month -I cancelled right away which is how I got the charges reversed.

With direct TV I'd make sure they don't send you to collections -maybe email/write?

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Slightly similar to my face cream story -just figured I'd share. I did the free trial then realized it came with strings attached. So I cancelled within the half hour. But over the next 6 months I received face cream - didn't even notice, I was so busy -and - really awful -didn't check my credit card. Until one day when I received one I called the company, realized they'd charged me and.... had been charging me for months. My bank got all the charges reversed. But it was a wake up call for me to check my card. But yes when I saw the fine print the day I signed up -which said I'd be signed up to receive a jar every month -I cancelled right away which is how I got the charges reversed.

With direct TV I'd make sure they don't send you to collections -maybe email/write?


I have proof I cancelled and a receipt for the returned equipment. I will just notify my bank if they try sending me to collections because they will dispute it for me.

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I did a risk free trial for X number of issues. They promised no charge to my credit card until I received X issues. To be very careful I cancelled after receiving X-1 issues only to discover that two days earlier they'd charged me for the entire subscription amount - not inexpensive. First they gave me a partial refund. So I opened up a dispute with the credit card company after attempting contact. Two weeks later I get a refund of the balance.


I actually used to love haggling with crooked vendors until I got my money back, or my rebate, or whatever.


I guess I had a lot of time on my hands, lol.


Nowadays, I'd probably just hand it over to the credit card company and have done. Or forget the matter altogether.


I think that's what they bank on: people who are to busy/tired/distracted to chase after them.

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I actually used to love haggling with crooked vendors until I got my money back, or my rebate, or whatever.


I guess I had a lot of time on my hands, lol.


Nowadays, I'd probably just hand it over to the credit card company and have done. Or forget the matter altogether.


I think that's what they bank on: people who are to busy/tired/distracted to chase after them.


Yes I totally agree - they give the partial refund or hope you won't see the charge, etc.

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