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10 pounds in 45 days? Here I come!

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Everybody is built differently though.


Yes that is why I wrote that there is a range. Based on what your doctor said it seems clear that she doesn't think you need to lose weight, otherwise she wouldn't caution you about going below 110 when you are only 6-7 pounds above that. As you might know being underweight due to this kind of quick weight loss can be harmful especially for a woman.

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Today's breakfast:


Smoothie of apple, orange, kiwifruit, mixed berries, spinach, kale and banana


Afternoon tea:


A bowl of tomato and egg stirfry

2 small chicken drumsticks

5 large pieces of pineapple

Tofu, mushroom and tomato soup


Lost weight again: 51.5 kg so 113.5 lbs


I suspect part of it is water weight as normally you won't see too many changes in the first 2 weeks, so will see how I fare in the next fortnight.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been pretty easy with myself these days and go out to eat sometimes. By making better choices and eating healthier, it really seems to be working. By cutting out as much starchy foods as possible, and wheat and rice intake, I'm now 112.4lbs. Used to eat a lot of noodles and pasta as well and that has been heavily reduced in frequency.


Been consuming lots of fruits and veges, fish (especially salmon) and have been eating decently quantity wise. My junk food intake has basically stopped. I've stopped counting calories and only have a goal of consuming at least 3 different fruits and veges a day. One vege being greens.


For people that are hoping to lose weight, that's what's worked for me.


So far in 21 days, I went from 119.9 to 112.4. So lost 7.5 pounds.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Congrats on the weight loss hazy! I'm trying to lose weight as well, trying to get from 119 to 110. I'm hoping by xmas, not sure if that's crazy lol! Last time I did similar (123 to 113), it took me 3 months! Well I hope to at least make some progress before xmas.


I've been lazy so haven't actually got back into exercising, but you inspired me! Haha.. I'm gonna start next Monday!

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Haha I'm sure you'll be able to do it by christmas if you try.


Just try to eat breakfast around 9 or 10am and dinner by 630.


Glad to see it helped some of you I'm going out to eat tonight and also baked a chocolate cake today (so ate 2 big slices) but I'm not too fussed. Yesterday's intake was really healthy so super excited for dinner!

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Yesterday's food intake





Medium orange

4 strawberries

Tiny bit of pear




Stirfry (very minimal oil) of a 2 tomatoes, 2 oz tofu, 2 egg whites and 2 med celery stalks.


Afternoon tea:


4.8 oz salmon (tsp of soy sauce, 2 cloves garlic, stevia)

Steamed cup of spinach

Cup of kale

Cup of capsicum




2 oz Salmon

1 cup of eggplant and a tomato stir-fried (minimal oul again)

Half a medium cucumber salad.


Was one of my more healthy, restricted days. Normally I eat more meat.




Quarter tomato

2 cherry tomatoes


1 strawberry

3 slices of cucumber (which are negligible in terms of cals really)

Two large slices of chocolate hazelnut cake

Tiny bit of chocolate


Probably around 1600 cals?

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I just try to eat 3 clean meals a day and snack on nuts occasionally. What's an average food day for you? What sort of things do you consume?


The only annoying thing that comes with weight loss is that now a lot of my skirts and jeans no longer fit me. Just too loose.

Don't want to go shopping but tailoring is expensive so not sure what to do.


Pretty happy though. Last night ended up going overboard so probably had 2600-2700 cals yesterday in total? All good though, walked for half an hour after dinner.


Today's breakfast:


(2) egg white omelette with half a chopped tomato, some baby spinach and kale,

A spinach, kale, kiwifruit, celery and lemon green smoothie

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One portion of steam broccoli

1/4 of a medium cucumber with abit of vinegar and chopped chillis


Planning on eating half an apple and stirfrying 2 oz of tofu and half a tomato after.


Dinner will be 2 oz of salmon (soy sauce, garlic, spring onion, stevia) and 2 oz of halibut (lemon, garlic) with cup of sauteed asparagus and 2 cups of steamed spinach.


Snack: 8 almonds and a couple walnuts.

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It's strange. These days, I eat like 7 oz of a combo of meat + fish plus 3 pretty big sized meals, but bc I'm eating so clean (minimal /no oil, no sugar unless from fruit, no high calorie sauces and lower carbs) my weight loss is continuing . I go out to eat prob twice on average a week now. Last night it was more than 10 Chinese meat kebabs (lamb, chicken), half a small beef pita burger, pan fried steam bun, some seaweed salad and at least 8 dumplings and part of a cream frappe thing and still today have lost weight.


Am now 108 pounds.


Oh and I have to mention, I've been drinking at least 6 cups of green tea a day.

10 cups of water on average a day

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I just try to eat 3 clean meals a day and snack on nuts occasionally. What's an average food day for you? What sort of things do you consume?


The only annoying thing that comes with weight loss is that now a lot of my skirts and jeans no longer fit me. Just too loose.

Don't want to go shopping but tailoring is expensive so not sure what to do.


Pretty happy though. Last night ended up going overboard so probably had 2600-2700 cals yesterday in total? All good though, walked for half an hour after dinner.


Today's breakfast:


(2) egg white omelette with half a chopped tomato, some baby spinach and kale,

A spinach, kale, kiwifruit, celery and lemon green smoothie


Oops I missed this post haha... My dad usually cooks (Chinese). A mix of lean meat and veggies mostly, not a lot of sauce. I don't eat much rice if at all. I don't drink soft drink (very rarely I'll have a diet cola). Eat some fruits, not a lot. I'm not into sweets so I don't eat much sugar in general. I have a skim milk coffee in the morning with no sugar. Occasionally I slip and eat a whole bag of chips haha...


I think the problem is I do go out 2-3 days a week on dates with my bf or with friends, where I'd be eating restaurant food and drinking alcohol. I've been eating and drinking in smaller portions when I go out this month. My weight has stayed around 119 for the last two months. So I think adding exercise will help.

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Decided on walking yesterday instead, so went walking around the neighbourhood with a friend for hour and a half after dinner.

Will be doing the same today.


I've been tweaking my intake these days so that I'm now lower carb (with all carbs I'm consuming being complex), higher protein and lower fat. Been on this improved regimen for the past week or so?

Despite upping my consumption I'm still losing weight as I'm now 106, so might have to up my daily consumption again =S. Though I'd say I definitely eat enough these days to be full. Think my stomach has shrunk abit.

On a positive note, my abs are now really getting pretty defined ( but of course results would vary with people, but I've always had a toned stomach). Think the low impact cardio is really paying off.


Also, I noticed that drinking green tea has made me feel more alert during the day, and my skin is looking better than ever.


I would say eating healthy is getting easier. I've been craving chocolate occasionally, so think I'll be making some homemade ones over the weekend.

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Wow 106 is low!


I also find my stomach is nicely tone and flat when I get down to 110 or less. My belly is the first place to gain weight, which is why I really want to lose weight, at 119, it looks like I'm 3 months pregnant (as I'm still skinny everywhere else) lol!


My legs are in pain today from the last two days of running at the gym haha.. I'm having a few days off now as I'm going away for the weekend but will resume next week! Hope the weekend doesn't set me back too much haha..


Weight remains at 117.7

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I just discovered that they sell egg whites in our local supermarkets! So have purchased a pack, as well as the most nutritionally dense greek yoghurt in the country (was pretty pricey).


These days I've been having lots of yoghurt, egg whites and baking.


The last few days, I've made blueberry lemon zest muffins (with almond flour), raspberry friands and apple oat muffins with a combo of coconut and almond flour. So lower carbs in general (besides the oats).


Have been having 2-3 muffins a day as snacks since Fri Thankfully because I've been exercising at least an hour daily (powerwalking mostly), I'm still losing weight ♡ -105.2. Yip getting light I know


Got weak the other day and had some doritos. Oh how I've missed them. Stopped after 5 pieces.

Thinking of trying making some veggie patties out of beans, onions and veges next. Not sure if anyone's tried making them before?

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