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Margin of ERROR


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Is this true ladies? Basically you figure how much a man attracts you and after, lets say BELOW 50%, that's your cut off point.


So MAN 1 is 90% attractive and MAN 2 is 56% attractive. Both guys do something that turns YOU OFF.


Now MAN 1 is 80% attractive and MAN 2 is 46% attractive. MAN 1 is still in game, and MAN 2 is out.


For all the ladies out there, what's your limit? 40%, 50%, 60%???


I think this is why I have a hard time. I'm probably in the 60% range and I do things that other guys have done but my margin of error is smaller. That sucks.


The more attracted the woman is to the the man, the more leeway he gets.

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The more attracted the woman is to the the man, the more leeway he gets.


Yes. That's basically what I was pointing out. So for a man that is barely making the cut, it's nearly impossible for them to keep their attractiveness if he makes one wrong move.


People say my red flags aren't a big deal, but since I'm already on the 60% line, once they get to know me more, I turn into a 20% fast and I will never recover from that.

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I think this is why I have a hard time.


You have received tons of advice on why you have a hard time. Go back through your threads. But you continuously make it about everyone else. Women must have a system of percentages, so that's why you're failing.


Given the scenario you presented, it's probably in your best interest to just try not to turn anyone off, period.

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It's all relative. My 60 may be someone else's 80 or vice versa. I can only imagine you are basing your self on media images?

Because if that's true than a 100lb woman is ideal but for the average person that's too thin.

I don't think there is great answer for this but it you state that you think you're a 60 until someone gets to know you. . It would suggest physically youre a 60 and due to something else. . you mention red flags you drop to a 20?

Maybe you can be more specific. Speaking in generalizations will get you general answers.

Be specific and you may get specific answers that may be more helpful.

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It's all relative. My 60 may be someone else's 80 or vice versa. I can only imagine you are basing your self on media images?

Because if that's true than a 100lb woman is ideal but for the average person that's too thin.

I don't think there is great answer for this but it you state that you think you're a 60 until someone gets to know you. . It would suggest physically youre a 60 and due to something else. . you mention red flags you drop to a 20?

Maybe you can be more specific. Speaking in generalizations will get you general answers.

Be specific and you may get specific answers that may be more helpful.


I'm a 34 male virgin who's never kissed a girl. That's a pretty big red flag to majority of women. I'm 5'6, which is considered short apparently.

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I'm a 34 male virgin who's never kissed a girl. That's a pretty big red flag to majority of women. I'm 5'6, which is considered short apparently.


The red flag to me would be the "why" that is your situation and from your past threads the "why" seems in part to be a negative and narrow-minded attitude and in general a lack of passion/ambition for life in general.

5"6 is shorter than average. Some women prefer taller men just like some men prefer women who are not overweight. I typically preferred men who were shorter than average.

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You need to get complicated made-up stuff like this...


Is this true ladies? Basically you figure how much a man attracts you and after, lets say BELOW 50%, that's your cut off point.


So MAN 1 is 90% attractive and MAN 2 is 56% attractive. Both guys do something that turns YOU OFF.


Now MAN 1 is 80% attractive and MAN 2 is 46% attractive. MAN 1 is still in game, and MAN 2 is out.


For all the ladies out there, what's your limit? 40%, 50%, 60%???


I think this is why I have a hard time. I'm probably in the 60% range and I do things that other guys have done but my margin of error is smaller. That sucks.


...out of your head.


It's pointless to think about it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so even if women did give men a percentage, it's going to be a different one from each woman.

And how many points are you going to lose by doing things wrong? If you're arrogant to a waiter, do you lose 10%, 20%, 100%? Do you lose points at all? Are there women out there who'd be turned on by their date being an arrogant show off? (I bet there's one or two out there)


It's just a completely wrong way to look at it.


People aren't logical. You can't apply any rules to human behaviour, especially not mathematical rules. In fact, if you want to generalise, women are on the whole less logical than men, so you'd have more luck applying logical rules to male behaviour than female.

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I'm a 34 male virgin who's never kissed a girl. That's a pretty big red flag to majority of women. I'm 5'6, which is considered short apparently.


Why do you think you are still a virgin at this point in your life? What's your story?

Why not view it as being selective rather than a negative and besides there are plenty of petite women out there.

What ever you are doing doesn't seem to be working so you need to do something different. Do you have a plan? If not, then why not?


A lot of this can be resolved by changing the your attitude and way you view it.

Confidence is sexy and attractive. Height is relative.

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The red flag to me would be the "why" that is your situation and from your past threads the "why" seems in part to be a negative and narrow-minded attitude and in general a lack of passion/ambition for life in general.

5"6 is shorter than average. Some women prefer taller men just like some men prefer women who are not overweight. I typically preferred men who were shorter than average.


Overweight is an issue that could be corrected if needed. You can't do anything about height. Men would get slammed if we started wearing 3 inch shoes.

Women judging men's height is extremely shallow. I can understand if a woman is 5"10 and wants a man closer to her height... But most women are like 5"4.

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Overweight is an issue that could be corrected if needed. You can't do anything about height. Men would get slammed if we started wearing 3 inch shoes.

Women judging men's height is extremely shallow. I can understand if a woman is 5"10 and wants a man closer to her height... But most women are like 5"4.


So interesting how you ignored the most important part of my post.


Not wanting to date someone because of his height is simply part of attraction in dating. It's only "judging" if a person decides not to associate with you -be polite to you for example -because you are short. Of course a woman might be judgmental about your height but don't assume that declining to date someone is "judgmental" - we're all entitled to decline dating someone we're not attracted to. I went on dates with men who were 6"7 and in those cases they didn't ask me out more than a few times but I also wasn't attracted because that was just too tall/overwhelming for me. I would have been friends with the person if we had stuff in common though.


Weight cannot always be changed especially to the extent of going from very obese to slim - it might be technically possible but not practical.

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Dougie Dougie Dougie...


I will give you that your general premise is correct. Both men and women tend to give more slack to attractive people. I'm certainly guilty of giving hot women more leeway in terms of letting them get away with stupid sh*t.


That being said, the amount of slack that each person gives to attractive people depends on the individual. There are women out there who will date more based on looks, while others who care a lot more about personality (and don't care what you look like). While both men and women are guilty of this (to varying degrees), women are much more illogical - so the attempt to quantify it into a mathematical equation is even more futile.


Also, don't worry about your height. 5'6" isn't too bad. I mean, I'm two inches taller than that, and it hasn't held me back. You're at least taller than the average woman of like 5'4.5" I believe.


I think you will stop asking these bizarre and pointless questions on you acquire confidence within yourself. As we have told you many times, you need to start achieving things and living life for yourself. As you start achieving your own goals (and you need to set some for yourself if you don't have any, which is plausible given some of your recent posts), you will build your own confidence from the ground up, and women will just start showing up.

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If 80 percent of women are attracted to men over 5'8, then that leaves only 20 percent left who I have a chance with. The odds are against shorter dudes. And you can't change your odds the way you can change your odds with weight.


That's simply not true.

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I feel like I have too many qualities that are AGAINST me when finding women. Apparently, my personality sucks. Never thought that my personality sucks...but I guess women don't like it.


There is someone out there who will love you for who you are. Stop looking for her, because when you stop, love will find you.

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I feel like I have too many qualities that are AGAINST me when finding women. Apparently, my personality sucks. Never thought that my personality sucks...but I guess women don't like it.


Once again it's your mindset and attitude that is self-sabotaging and you can choose, with effort ,to change those and appeal more to people in general and women in particular.

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