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Having a hard time walking away...please help

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Read my other post if you want to know the entire story. I shouldn’t even be asking this…I should be done with it and wipe my hands clean already. Anyways, so as if things could get any worse they have. I had this gut feeling that he was up to no good…so I decided well I am done with this and I signed back up for online dating. I am doing the quick match where you swipe left or right. Well low and behold I see his profile. I should have left it alone and moved on. Nope. We didn’t even break up officially yet. I was dumping his butt then he starts turning it on me asking what was I doing on there, and some BS about how he didn’t think I was serious because I never said how I feel. Really??? This is why we took the other dating site down. I told him to his face that I am not a serial dater and only want to be with one person and he told me he was on the same page. How much more clearer did I have to be with him? So then he starts telling me that he never went on a date with anyone and had no intention of it and all he did was say hello. I told him well, would it have been okay for me to talk to men on a dating site while seeing you? Answer me that. Then he starts calling me jealous and showed this awful side of him I never saw before. Besides him not making an effort to see me last 2 weeks, not calling or communicating well what else do I need to walk away and forget I ever met him. I don’t understand why other women can be strong and walk away but I feel so empty. Lord help me.


I need to just go MIA and leave him alone. It will only get worse. He obviously doesn't care.

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Empty about what? Like what did you ever get out of this guy other than being treated like dirt? What he is pulling now is the classic mindf... trying to turn things around on you like it's all your fault. How do I find it so easy to walk away from guys like that? My ego can't handle a guy who thinks that I am sooo incredibly and utterly stupid that I would actually buy this bs. It's just too insulting to me. Oh and the whole I look but I'm not going out on dates with them....it's so bad and pathetic it's actually funny. I'd be dying laughing while slamming the door in his face.


When you look at someone like that, you have got to realize that pretty much anyone at all that you meet after him is actually going to be an improvement. The bar is low.

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Thank you! I actually have or had a high self esteem up until 2.5 weeks ago when his mind games chipped away at it. I'm attractive, smart, funny, etc so why I'm even questioning all this is unreal. I should have deleted his number, told him to have a nice life and ended it.

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So all this drama over a guy that you have been seeing for 7 weeks? How come you just cant admit that you dont belong together? I see that you try to figure out what he is doing. Im going to say dont try, just accept that this man is a flake. He got your number, he flirted with you but his actions say that he doesnt want to be with you.

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Thank you! I actually have or had a high self esteem up until 2.5 weeks ago when his mind games chipped away at it. I'm attractive, smart, funny, etc so why I'm even questioning all this is unreal. I should have deleted his number, told him to have a nice life and ended it.


High self esteem doesn't get chipped away in 7 weeks from a boy who doesn't pay attention. Self esteem, be definition... Is holding yourself in high esteem regardless of what someone else says or does.

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