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Snapchat Mistake


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So I'm 30yr old male, and I've had an online gaming friend, a younger girl (age 20-23) who lives in CA and I live near Boston for a few years. We mainly would just chat during gaming sessions but always seemed to get along. Recently I've been confiding in her about my breakup and just talking as a friend. The other day she asked me to add her in the Snapchat app, so I did, and she sent me a short video of her from the chin down saying hello. She was wearing a very revealing shirt. Anyways, I am not very familiar with this app, snf I took a screenshot of her for some reason. Well she was notified that I took the screenshot and asked if I did. I said yes but only "to capture your beauty and frame it later lol"- trying to make a light-hearted joke. She responded- "creep, blocked". And then blocked me on the app and the online game.


Anything I can do to help my situation?

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If you have no other avenue to contact her you probably don't have any recourse. But personally if I was in her shoes I would cease contact as well. I would find that a tad creepy.


If she videoed her hello without a face she wanted to retain a level of privacy and you violated it by taking the shot.


If you do have an unblocked way of contacting her I would think long and hard before you contact her. She may consider it stalking.

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Btmnk21, online gaming is a man's worst platform for "dating" or having any real traction for anything. Online gaming is a "boys" thing.. even the professional gamers on Twitch are 15-23 years old.


The only real thing you can do to help your situation is shrug it off and continue enjoying video games for what they are. Though anything in this world is possible, the chances of you finding "true love" or having a "legitimate" connection with someone, are far worse than signing up to an online dating site. It was shallow of her to have sent that (one of my pet peeves about women!); as well as it was shallow of you to have taken a screenshot. Oh well, lesson learned, on to the next.

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Nope, move on. And learn the lesson about sounding pervy when making "light hearted" jokes.


Also lesson learned about being pervy. Please be honest with yourself because I am not buying the excuse "for some reason I took a photo of her". You took a photo because you liked what you saw then backpedaled with lame humor when you got busted.


Why is she sending you a video of her only from the chin down? Do you even know her real age? This whole thing sounds creepy. Give it a miss and move on. Stay to real life not gamers.

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Uh yeah, why on earth did she send you a short video of herself from the neck down wearing a revealing top???? And then gets upset with you over taking a screenshot of it? If I did that hello it's obvious what I'm drawing your attention to. Overreaction on her part, but at least now you know she's not interested in anything beyond posing. Block and delete her yourself and move on.


I wouldn't classify what you did as creepy so much as typical, you saw something you liked, you took a pic for later, you thought that was cool given what she'd sent you. It's creepy if she just sent you a full-on video and then you took the snapshot of just her chest area, but that's not what happened here. She can't do what she did really and cry perv over it. I would've been like "Um, something you want me to notice?" when I got that video in the first place. And I'm a girl who is very much of the mindset that just because a girl is wearing provocative it doesn't mean she's asking for it, but that video is a bit much. There's just common sense too, which she appears to not have.


I'd say she's mondo-clueless at best, a tad manipulative and drama queen at worst. Find other friends.

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There is a possibility that she is young and silly. Not knowing that displaying herself may draw attention but not thinking through the full ramifications of her actions. Considering the gamer demographics that Eng brought up earlier she could well be a teenager.


It is probably best to let this be. The whole thing wreaks of creepy.

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