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What's your New Year's Resolution?

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mine are:


*to not involve so many guys in my life. my day by day life is a hassle in itself w/o having to involve any further hassles (aka...MEN!)


*to continue to live for my wants & needs 1st & foremost w/o hurting anyone in the process.


*to get completely over the dreaded EX!


*exorcise more consistantly


*save up my money for Vegas in March!



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1. Work on me first and foremost, in that, school, work, family and friends. It seems that when a new girl enters my life, my priorities get tossed out the window sooner or later, and eventually things fall apart.


2. Eliminate partying from my life. Yes it's fun, but I spend too much money that way and get into too much trouble. I'm not saying be dull here, but just stay away from going out to bars or parties as much, and find different interests and hobbies.


3. Eliminate sarcasm. Too mant girls I have dated have complained about this hurting them. I do this as humor, and although every guy in the room is laughing, my girlfriend is usually hurt. It has caused enough pain and miscommunication with relationships.


These 3 flow logically for me. Keeping my priorities straight, staying away from partying as much and eliminating partying flow from one to the next. This is not about completely changing myself, but bettering myself and growing up. Drastic step I think, but if I take it one day at a time, a pattern will develop in my life that I will getr accustomed to.

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My ultimate goal for the year, to get out of my depression, will be helped by carrying out the following New Year's resolutions:


- Do well in my higher education.

- Get some sort of casual or part-time job.

- Develop my social skills and try to mix in more with people.

- Exercise more and eat well, while putting on a little more weight.

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I didn't really make any. But I do hope that in 2005, I learn how to have more discipline, and put off procastinating things as much as I do. I also want to do more outdoorsy things with my dogs, and get some more writing published.


And of course, find that one true love!

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  • 11 months later...

I am a bit greedy.

My new year resolution is:

Work pass the job probation period.

Improve my skin complexion

Go back to practice yoga

Reduce wieght

Study part time--CFA

Put myself first.

Take more chances/risk

Do some investment.


My last year resolution is get myself a boy friend.

This year resolution is to reduce initiative to contact my ex/friend. From once every week to once every month. May be later, once every festive seasons. I hope I could do it.

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I resolve to get back into shape- the holidays were to blame for the added pounds. All that candy, potatoes, ham... carbs. I must have gained 10 pounds over the holidays It won't be that hard to lose them again, since I won't be eating anymore of that kind of food for a long time now. (And I ought to start working out again)


I also resolve to get a part-time job next summer. I procrastinated last summer to get one, but of course I had soon forgotten all about the job hunt. Well, not really a hunt, just fill out some paperwork. There is this Blockbuster video one block away from my house. I need the money, too.

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Wow... I haven't even thought about this yet! Um...


1. Stay in shape (or maybe get in a little better shape... heh

2. Get straight A's in school

3. Not let my long-distance relationship get me down

4. Dwell on the present, not the distant future

5. Tell my sweetie I love him everyday

6. Always be nice to my parents

7. Stop procrastinating and get my driver's license!! ](*,)


Happy 2006 everyone!

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