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Everything posted by emilyemily

  1. thanks so much, yeh im gradually dealing with alot of my anxiety and confusion and stress. think its my mind on overdrive! im gonna try and go to bed now and relax with some calming music. its nice to think that people understand me! i hope this is just a bad patch and i will get through it and calm my mind down. i realised i drunk some tea before bed which wasnt a good thing to drink!! i havent done a topic in a while cos ive felt alot clearer minded since removing the stress of my previous house and moving home. its just this whizzing of images that i felt i needed to conquer to remove most of my anxiety. ill message this topic after a few days and tell u how ive coped. im just glad that these flashes arent abnormal but just related to my own stress and anxieties. its nice to know there are still nice caring understanding people around xx
  2. thats okay. dunno think its cos ive been stressed and not relaxed and i start panicing wen its time to sleep cos i think it will happen again,,, and it does. are mind over matter i think, i usually manage to sleep and then in the morning i wonder how!! think it is anxiety ive read alot that obtrusive thoughts is a thing that comes along with anxiety!silly brains!
  3. well ive recently moved back from uni and i suffered really bad anxiety and did get confused alot of the time by thinking alot bout basically everything. thye dnt cause me pain but just annoying and random. be like a second and i think it only happens cos i start thinking about them kinda imagination over drive!! just annoying wen i wanna sleep. i had alot of fear about lossing control and going mad and i think these thoughts are just a spin noff from this anxiety. dunno, but i cant sleep!!! x
  4. sounds random but lately ive been having flashing images as soon as i close my eyes for sleep or whenever i try n relax. dunno if ive just attached on to these flashes?!?! its just annoys me and they are usaually random or things ive seen in the last few days. maybe its just anxiety- thinking about thinking. but wanna know why im doing it or if any one else gets them?? think i may have just tuned into them because i have been thinking alot about everything!! or does anyone know how i can focus away from them? argh!!1 annoying!!
  5. yeh feel like im getting out of my dream state, had a massive walk today and saw the world form a high view point made me see things alot more clearly and at peace. less tunnel vision. just stopping the doubt is great ive decided that the mystery of life is what makes it so great!!! hehehe gonna try new things too like photography and kiteboarding. get me out n about! ahh life is getting clearer. think i went on a bit of soul searching life quest???? well think its maybe made me stronger. xx
  6. thanks for your help. i feel im growing stronger. since realising i just have anxiety and that i will never answer it, so why keep asking?!?!so ive lightened up abit. guess im just deep and intellegent to ask these things. i think maybe now without mystery to life, wouldnt it be really boring if we knew everything!?!?! the more i lighten up the clearer my mind is. guess im just searching for summit that millions of people have done for thousands of years. lifes just incredible wen u really thing about us surviving on a mass in "space" alone, and nature how it has evolved so much and how it all works together. overwhelming i guess!! thinking of buying this book called the meaning of life, its a lighten up version about what people think, ah well,time i started living i guess and accept the mysterys of life and how lucky iam to have a priveledged one!!! whatever this is all about why not make the most of it i guess. ??
  7. yeh i know, i have gernealised anxiety i ahev looked into it, i know i can be strong and move on!. very inquistive mind i know. i think i should stop searching and lighten up too, cos its really annoying me. ive accepted it for 20 years and moved on once so i can see that i can do it. just makes me feel odd thinking in this way, cos seems like everyone else accepts and moves on. im a very high achiever and perfectionist and beacuse i cant answer i think theres summit wrong with me. just had way to much time to think about everythintg possible!! argh! i spose im just a deep person and thats a good quality?? im dealing with my anxiety just need to deal with the fact that i cant answer everything!!!! argh!!
  8. hey all, i havent wrote on this fourm for a while as ive been trying to deal with things myself.... ive just come to a point where by now i would have moved on. i just cant seem to accept life!! i know it sounds odd but i think about the earth and space and how it all began and it all kinda freaks me out about how little we know. then i look around me and no one else seems to be worrying. i get really anxious that i cant answer things and it makes me feel really weird and isolated and kinda in a dream world. i know i have the symptoms of anxiety and i no i think way to much and worry about getting things or fearing things like goin mad and loosing control. i just dnt know how i can move on and accept everything like i used to if i cant answer things and become overwhelmed by "life". it makes me really upset and im not at all relgious and believe more i science so i canrt find my answers or accept them in a religious way.... why cant i move on and except im fine and not crazy and look at life through my old eyes. its destroying me and now ive been so down that its annoying my family and bf and now im even trying to defer uni till next year because i feel so down and anxious and life just isnt fun anymore.no one has patience with me they cant see how i cant move on wen i have such a lucky and priveldeged life, they also get annyoed that i cant t`ke there advice and stop searching for answers.. just feel lost, thought to deeply bout things for way to long, and its hard to get back out of it now. just feel scared sometimes, even looking at the stars has freaked me out because i just think about things that could be out there.. can anyone help. i just look around and start questioning everything and constanly internaly chatting about things then cos i cant answer stuff i get freaked and think loads is wrong with me and that im messed up. argh!!!
  9. hey all, i know i totally regret not goin now, and worried ive missed loads and evryones got all chummy again. ive had alot of anxiety the few previous months that i was here and alot on my mind. ive just brought some quiet life tablets a tradtional herbal rememdy cos i dnt wanna risk it all again and not get to lectures and feel even more left out. dunno if should take them though... are they addictive, they dnt say they dnt or do. i asked the pharmesist and she recomended it i just dnt wanna rely on them. i havent settled to well at uni, i found it hard being away from the main campus as a fresher and not making many friends.. they seem to come in evvery morning with fun exciting stories. ive been told to make more of an effort but i cant make the effort sometimes wen i dnt feel like i know if i should be there or at home earning. argh!!!
  10. woke up at 7.30 had 4 hours, thankyou for your tips, but still feel in no state for uni..... feel stupid missin my first lecture. but i dunno wot i want anymore! guess this is why i couldnt sleep.
  11. hey all thanks for your help. i think i need my bfs scent with me too, i instanly relax wen i sleep next to him. i can usually count and drop off but i think that maybe i was so anxious that i woke myself out of it. i do have very high expectations of myself and my life and wen i fear something is wrong or im loosing control then i panic. ive just had a camomile and honey tea to help me. i tried reading but the book was a little to depressing so im going to try and listen to some music and do some breathing and visualisng. ill get back to you either later or tomorow! with how it went. thanks xox im also a vegetarian so maybe iam lacking B12 i didnt know that this maybe something that affects me. ive made a plan too, to go to the gym tomorow and some yoga stretches before bed.
  12. thats why im on the net... trying to distract my mind for a while! im feeling very stressed yes, maybe stressed because im putting pressure on myself to stop my anxiety now that im back. i nearly drove home earlier, maybe a cowardly way out i know, but i felt desperate..... my bf told me not to in my state. i dunno maybe im trying to hard ???????????????????
  13. hey all, i just cant sleep and its 2.30 here in the uk i have to be up by 7.30 for my first day back at uni, the thing is i keep feeling dizzy and faint as i go off to sleep, i tend to think negativly alot and somehow confuse myself and try to make a problem that i dnt have, and wen all these thoughts come at once i guess i just get all dizzy and feel like i cant cope- basically anxiety. ive been strong all holidays and have got alot better and have taught myself to break cycles, i guess it maybe my first night away from my home and boyfriend. and i didnt leave my uni house on a good note- so some bad feelings still attached. does anyone know how i feel or have any techniques to clear and relax and help me sleep! cos otherwise i feel like i cant cope and may not go to uni tomorow and possibly think about giving up!! help me get a grip !!:splat:
  14. hes 20, he was trying to get a job but then went on payments and i think hes quiet happy to get that little money a week. he seems to be just hanging on to his music to help him get through life, but doesnt seem to have a back plan. im all for him havign dreams and goals but he needs a job as well. he just doesnt seem o be trying hard enough and already at 20 has alot of debt from credit cards. i respect what my mum says cos i know she has my interests at heart and wants me to have a comftable life and treated well, but my bf has supported me and loved me so much i just cant see myself letting go and breaking his heart too. i think maybe giving him one more shot at getting a job will be my last chance to see if he is motivated or not. eeeeks.....
  15. hey all, i really have a dilema about my boyfriend.... ive been dating him for 9 months and im in love with him, the thing is he comes from what my mum considers a "poor background". dont get me or my mum wrong - we arent snobs, its just my mum is worried about my future. he currently has no job,still at home with mum, and somehow seems stuck in a rut. im guessing my mum just wants the best for me and my future and suggests i break it up and be kinda selfish as she thinks its not getting anywhere. howver i love him and hes goin through a tough time at home and doesnt like the look of his future either. so i dnt want to leave him with no gf either. howver he does seem to drag me down somtimes and i get fed up with it. im still young and maybe naive about love... but what shall i do?? stay with him or look after my future??
  16. i no how u feel. i can often get so caught up in trying to find answers about the world life and everything else and often can feel detached an isolated. however ive learnt to have a positive attitude towards my thoughts and ignore negative feelings. i think getting a hobby or getting active will help and give you a more positive interesting focus in life. thats what im tryin to do and i feel better everyday.
  17. thankyou for your replies. im going to take up some hobbies. i realised i havent got a focal point of interest in my life and that seemed to be what i was lacking. so im goin to do summit about it possibly gym/fitness and mediation to clear and focus my mind. feeling more positive already and should pass soon!! starting to feel more attached to life! finally. guess life can be challenging and if it wasnt , life wouldnt be as interesting!??!
  18. hey all, dunno if u read my lasat thread- life in general well i still feel like im hitting a brick wall sometimes because i keep trying to confuse myself with thoughts and posisbly thinking to inwardly about everything and cant seem to think of much else. its hard to explain how im thinking at the moment-maybe too deeply, but ive been confused aboutm life in general and its meanings and cant seem to just get on and live.Ive started now analyzing myself and looking inside and questioning who i really am and thinking about soles, personalities and not seeing myself as a whole prson. sounds weird- but does anyoen know what i mean. ive mayeb started thinking like this cos i have been so confused and made me look at life in a different way and i seem to have a fear of goin mad and insain and thinking like this seems to be confusing me- just lots of negeative thinking! can anyone help or know what im goin through or is there anything wrong with me????? i just need to break out if this cycle of negative thinking because i wanna enjoy my life again. ](*,)
  19. thankyou for all your advise, i think this forum has opened my eyes alot about accepting things and realising im not the only one. i still sometimes get confused and panic about things but im taking one step at a time like you said because i know i cant clear all my thoughts at once.one way of looking at it all is that im not walking around unconsciously about my exsistence least i have the intellegence to question it!!
  20. im 20 years old. ive thought about it all before and i managed to move on about 3 years ago. i had a few unfortunate events and i got shook up about and brought all these questions back up. i just end up confusing myself sometimes so much so that i begin to panik. i accept it all then it all comes creeping back. guess ive never really question wot i always accept every day to day. at the moment ive tended to look at earth and space and our exsistence and its strcuk me at how amazing life is. i think i sometimes look at my questioning maybe much more in a negative way especially seen as im finding it hard to move on adn get more frustrated that i cant. i know people have turned to religion and i guess i have just had alot more time on my hands to reflect. but the thing that annoys me the most is that ive pondered so much and question everything that it feels like i wont see life in the same way again. dunno if that makes sense. it just annoys me that i cant seem to move on and accept that ill never be able to answer it it just makes me get all fuzzy headed and feel weird. ive started to get better everyday by thinkin more positive which seems to block some thoughts.
  21. hey all, ive recently been through a stage of thinking and analising everything to do with life. mainly cos i asked myself what we are doing here and what life is exactly and possibly confusing myself and so a whole snowball of thoughts has evolved like thinking about my sole,body,mind,fiction,reality. i find it hard to move on from thoughts and accept life as it is. sometimes i can feel weird or stupid and start thinking about stuff that scares me like am i goin mad or will i start seeing seeing/hearing things it may be because i got so confused as i couldnt answer the hugest question we all have- what is the meaning of life. i just need help in moving on and accepting life as it is and stop questioning everything and start seeing straight. can anyone help- or understand me?? it sumtimes feels like im the only one pondering and worrying and analyzing things when i see everyone getting on with life.
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